Chapter 21: Snowed In

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Tao's POV

I opened my eyes and blinked to get the sleepiness out of my eyes.

I yawned before turning around to be face to face with a sleeping Kris.

I stifled a laugh when I saw his mouth was slightly open and he was softly snoring. I wiggled my arm out from under the massive amount of blankets that covered me and Kris and poked his cheek.

He closed his mouth and groaned a bit.
I poked his cheek again and squished his cheeks together to make his lips jut out.

"Tao...." Kris mumbled through squished lips.
I giggled and pecked his lips quickly to make him slowly open his eyes.

"Taozi what are you doing?" Kris said while smiling.
I shrugged.

Kris wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me on top of him. Now I was laying on his chest while our legs tangled together.

"Kris ew, your morning breath." I said squirming.

Kris laughed and rubbed our noses together, "Yours isn't any better Princess."

I scrunched my face, "You did not just call me that."

Kris smirked, "Call you what princess?"

I just groaned and pushed myself off of him.

"Come on, we'll be late for school."

Kris sat up and stretched. I cringed when I heard a few of his bones crack. He laughed at my expression and got out of bed.

Kris pressed a button on the wall and the curtains automatically opened.

I gasped when I saw the snow cover more than half way of the glass.

Kris's smiled widened, "I think we are snowed in sweetheart."

I rushed downstairs and checked my school email and sure enough, school was shut down because they couldn't clear the roads.

Do Koreans have snow days??

Well I know for sure I need like at least a week of snow days.

Am I even getting the school year correct? You know what....screw logic.

Kris let out a loud cheer and picked me up.

I laughed as he spun me.
"Kris! Put me down!"

He put me down and I shivered.
"It's so cold." I said while running back to my room.

I slid on a pair of panda fuzzy socks and one of Kris's sweatshirts.

I walked back downstairs to see him watching a foreign tv show.

I sat in his lap, "Kris-gege what's that?"

"Oh it's this American show, where a bunch of people get stranded on an island."

I nodded and snuggled closer as we watched the show.

I laughed and pointed excitingly when two people started speaking Korean.

Kris just chuckled and shook his head.
I watched, my interest for this show growing immensely.

After a couple of hours and multiple nail biting episodes, Kris finally turns off the t.v.

I turned and pouted, "Why did you do that?"

Kris yawned, "I'm hungry."
I rolled my eyes and climbed off of Kris, "I'll make us lunch."

"Thank youuuuuu." Kris cooed while I started getting materials out to make lunch.

I was adding more onions to the frying pan when I felt someone put their hands on my waist.

"Hi there." I said.

Kris reached around me and nudged the onions around with the wooden spoon.

What am I doing, I hate onions.

I pushed him slightly backwards, "Stop it Kris."

I turned and saw him pouting. I just patted his cheek and maneuvered around him.

"Make yourself useful." I said while chopping up some meat.

Kris grumbled under his breath but picked up some bowls I used and started washing them.

I finished with my cooking and walked towards Kris who was stuck cleaning all the dirty dishes.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head against his back.

"Hi there." He said, mocking me from before.

"Shut up." I mumbled into his shirt.

I could feel his back muscles move as he reached for more dishes.



"Hurry up. I'm hungry."

Kris just sighed and turned off the sink.

"I'll finish it later." He said while carrying plates to the dining table.

I jumped in excitement before moving the pan of freshly cooked food to the table.

Kris pulled me into his lap and held me.

"Why are you so touchy?"

"I appreciate you."

"That doesn't answer my ques....umf."
Kris shut me up by stuffing a piece of beef in my mouth.

He started eating, occasionally feeding me.

I had a heavy breakfast during our tv time so I wasn't that hungry. Kris on the other hand was inhaling the rice and curry like there was no tomorrow.

I wiped off a bit of sauce from his face and picked up the empty plate.
I slid in into the sink and pulled on Kris's arm.

"Come on....I didn't finish my homework."

Two hours later:

Kris had finished his homework a while ago and was reading on the bed while I was hunched over a useless sheet of math problems.

I sighed as I finished another one of the endless number of problems that had to be completed.
Kris had been humming but the room grew silent.

I ignored the silence and continued with my work.
I shuddered when I felt a light touch on my waist and lips against my neck.

"Kris-gege.....I have work to do." I whined as Kris continued pressing kisses on my neck.

I pushed him away but he only held me tighter afterwards.

His arm was wrapped around my body while his nose was nuzzled into my hair.

I laughed when I felt him take a deep breath.

"Do I smell good?"
"You smell delicious." Kris mumbled.

I sighed.

This is going to be a long afternoon.

Is this a filler?
Sorry for the lame chapter.

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