Chapter 9: Oxytocin

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  Kris's POV

You know what's the best way to spend a gorgeous Saturday? In a stupid office trying to fix like a billion problems.

I sighed for the 100th time and looked up. Tao was curled up on the couch reading a book. He took his shoes off and I smiled at his cute mismatched animal socks.

The only reason I haven't gone and trashed my office is because of Tao. One, I don't want to scare him; Two, he literally just cleaned it; and Three, he just calms me down. Even if I just look at him.

I shuffled through my papers trying to find a solution. I finally gave up and banged my head on the table. I was starting to get a headache from all this work stress.

I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and I looked up. Tao was standing sheepishly next to me.


My eyes widened as he pulled the huge office chair back a bit and sat in my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me close. I froze before wrapping my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. I felt his fingers trace patterns on my back. We stayed there for a while before he pulled away.

I smiled at him, "What was that for?"
Tao blushed and pointed to his book, "Look. There's a hormone called Oxytocin. It's released when you hug someone. It helps with the stress and you looked pretty stressful."
I smiled, "Thank you Tao."

He started getting off my lap but I held him in place. Tao looked at me and I looked pleading back at him. He nodded, understandingly and leaned against my chest and opened up his book again. I took the papers again and started reading through them and writing things down. Every once in a while I would look at Tao who was curled up in my lap. I smiled to myself as I continued working.

What has become of me?

An hour later I was looking through some files when the door burst open. Tao, clearly startled, let out a small shriek before going back to his book. Must be an interesting book. I groaned when I realized who the 11 people were. All my friends and my mom.

She cooed at Tao and my position. Kai being the bastard he was took a picture.

My mom came up to us and pinched his cheeks. "Look at this little cutie."

Tao blushed and hid his face in my chest.

Luhan squealed, "Are you two dating?"

I stiffened, "No. Now get out. I have work to do."

My mom shook her head, "No you've been working all day. It's already 6. Take the night off. I'll fix this issue."
I looked up at her, "Are you sure?"

She nodded, "Namjoon and Jin are on their way up to help."
As if it was their cue, the two older workers burst through the door.

Jin smiled widely when he saw Tao and ran towards him, "My sooooonnnn!!!!!"

He said smothering Tao in a hug. I looked at Namjoon in confusion and he shrugged.

"He really wants to adopt Tao."

"But Tao has a mom?"

"Try telling him that."

Tao weaseled out of Jin's arms and settled in my lap again.

"He really likes you." Jin stated.
Tao rolled his eyes, "No I don't. Kris-ge is stressed. Human contact helps with relieving stress. Look!" He said pointing to his book.

I chuckled. Tao looked like a little boy trying to prove his point.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and called out to Tao, "Tao come to Soo-hyung. We'll go to the Gucci store."

Tao zoomed off my lap and wore his shoes and took off out the door. Kyungsoo smirked at me and waved. He left the room with Kai and everyone else in tow. I sighed and got up. I left all the work to my mom and my most trusted employees.

Tao's POV

"No this one. No! This one. Actually, that one."
I said pointing out different bags.

I was trying to find a present for Subin for taking care of my mom. So I decided to get her a bag that I want and if she doesn't like it, I'll keep it! It's a foolproof plan.

Xiumin groaned and pulled at my arm. "Come on Tao. We have to find the rest of the guys."

I finally decided on a bag and gave it to him. Xiumin bought it and handed a cover with the bag in it.

"Thanks Uminnie hyung."
He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "You're so cute."
I blushed at the compliment and pushed him lightly, "Stop it."

"Come on. I think they are Kyungsoo's bakery."

We walked through the mall to a huge bakery.

The girl who meets all the costumers recognized Xiumin and showed us to a back room. We walked to the back and saw the ten other guys resting on couches and beanbags.

Luhan was snuggled against Sehun on the couch. Xiumin joined Chen on the floor. Kyungsoo was on Kai's lap and was paging through a recipe book. Chanyeol was lying down on a couch with his head in Baek's lap. The smaller boy was running his hand through the Chanyeol's hair, occasionally playing with his big ears.

I smiled when I saw Lay curled up against Suho on a beanbag. I saw Kris settled on a beanbag with a blanket covering him. He noticed me looking at him and motioned me to join him.

He lifted the blanket and I sat down. He shifted, clearly uncomfortable. He finally pulls my legs up and crosses them over his lap so my body was turned and I was facing him. My chest flushed against his side as he threw an arm around my shoulder. I pulled the blanket over us and felt the warmth wash over me.

Kai looked up from Kyungsoo and smiled widely when he saw the position Kris and I were in.

He reached into his pocket when Kris spoke up.
"Don't you fucking dare."

Kai flinched and put the phone back in his pocket slightly pouting.

Baekhyun held up his phone and winked, "It's okay Kai. I got it."

A two women walked in holding trays of drinks and treats. I giggled when I saw Suho kiss Yixing's forehead to wake him up. Yixing opened his eyes slowly and snapped wide awake when he saw the chocolate cookies.

One of the woman handed me and Kris mugs of tea and a platter of cookies. I took a tentative sip and decided I liked it. I drank the rest slowly as I rested my head on Kris's shoulder as I listened to everyone talk. I finished my tea and placed the mug on the floor. I shivered when I felt Kris slowly draw patterns on my bare arm with his finger.

I noticed how every time he looked at me my stomach did twists.
Every time he talked I was memorized by his voice.
Every time he laughed, I smiled, loving the melodic noise.

My eyes widened as I started to panic.
What do all these feelings mean?
What am I supposed to do?
How am I supposed to feel?

I stiffened and quickly stood up.
I raced out of the room and went into the bathroom, locking myself in a stall.

I sat on the cover seat of the toilet and pulled my legs to my chest. My breathing got heavier as I tried to figure out these new, very strong feelings. I was terrified to know what they meant.

"Tao....?" I heard a soft voice call out.

I didn't answer.
"Tao? It's me. Soo hyung and Yixing. Please come out."

I slowly put one leg down after another and stood up shakily. I opened the stall and stood there looking down, ashamed. I was pulled into a hug. Yixing wrapped his arms around me and tried to comfort me.
"It's okay my Tao. Yixing-ge is here."

Kyungsoo rubbed my back in a comforting matter, like my mom did when I was little.
"What's wrong?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out, telling them how I feel and how I was scared because of these feelings.

Yixing's face lit up after I was done.
"Oh Tao! I can't believe it!"

He pulled me into a hug again. "My baby is in looooove." He squealed while rocking my back and forth.

I blushed, "Is that what all these feelings are? Love?"

Kyungsoo nodded. I sighed, "What if he'll never like me back?"

Kyungsoo took my shoulders and stared at me straight in the eyes.

"Now Tao. Someone very smart once told me, there is always hope even though it doesn't seem like it. Now...who told me that?"

I pointed to myself. He nodded.
"And who told me if it really was meant to happen, it will?"

I pointed to myself again.
Kyungsoo nodded once more.
"Now what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to walk out there and cuddle Kris like there's no tomorrow."

Yixing laughed, "Now that's my Tao."

We walked out of the bathroom and back to the room to find a pacing Kris and the others sitting up anxiously. They looked at me and Kyungsoo and Yixing gave them a thumbs up. They all smiled in relief and went back to their previous positions.

Kris came up to me and pulled me down to our beanbag.
"Tao, are you okay?"

I nodded, "I feelings and thoughts got out of control and I almost had a breakdown. I'm okay. I swear."

Kris breathed out in relief and pulled me closer.

I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me even tighter then before. He pulled the covers up until they almost covered me. Only the top of my head was about the blanket.
"Sleep Tao. You exhausted yourself over the past week."

I nodded and nuzzled my head into Kris's chest before closing my eyes.

Before I drifted off I heard a soft whisper.
"Sleep peacefully my baby."

Bonus Sulay bit ^.^

Lay's POV

I smiled as I watched Kris whisper to Tao, helping him sleep. Not liking him back my ass.
If anything, Kris fell in love from the moment he laid eyes on Tao.

Suho rubbed my arm, "Yixing, can we go talk? Outside?"

I nodded and got up. I followed him through the back entrance which lead us to the alley outside.

I turned to him, "So what did you want to talk about?"

Suho suddenly started walking towards me. I stepped back words until my back hit the wall.

He pinned me to the wall with his arms and leaned in until his lips were centimeters from mine.

"Yixing..." He whispered as his eyes flickered down my lips.

I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in, smashing his lips against mine.

He immediately moved his hands to my waist pulling me closer. I smiled as I felt his lips move against mine. I smirked to myself as I spun us around and pinned him to the wall. I left his lips and placed gentle kisses down to the side of his jaw and slowly down his neck. I kept kissing it until I heard a small involuntary moan come out of Suho's mouth.

Ah, I found it. I thought to myself as I licked that area before biting down slightly.
He stiffened against me and spun us around just like I did.

He pulled away, resting his forehead on mine panting.

He met my eyes and let out a small laugh and I broke out into a smile.
"I've had my eyes on you since we met. Your so perfect and I couldn't help but fall for you. So, Yixing. Can we make this official? Will you be mine?"

I smiled and kissed him again. This time slowly with more passion.
I pulled away and wrapped my arms around him.
"All yours Suho."

That was the fluffiest chapter I've ever written.
Did you like the little Sulay at the end?
I couldn't help it.

Let's face it, Exo is so gay for each other.

Anyway, I hope your enjoying the story so far.
I thank every one of you beautiful readers.

Don't forget to vote and comment.  

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