Chapter 12: Leather Pants

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  Tao's POV

I sat on the bed shivering. I was waiting for Kris to be done with his shower over at the small cabin close to the tents.
That was for bathroom and kitchen purposes. There's no way I would ever go to the bathroom outdoors.

The opening swung open and a shirtless Kris walked in. He was only wearing black jeans and he was drying off his hair with a towel.
My mouth dropped open as I saw a water droplet roll down the side of his head and down his neck onto his chest.

He caught my look and smirked. "Your turn to shower."

I stood up and refrained myself from checking out his toned waist.
"Why are you getting so dressed up?"

"Apparently we are going to a beach party and its club atmosphere. Baek's exact words were 'dress sluttly'."
I laughed and grabbed my clothes and towel.

I headed over the the cabin and walked in finding Luhan and Baekhyun waiting in the kitchen.
They both turned to me when I walked in and smiled widely.

"What did you guys do now?"
Luhan pouted, "We didn't do anything....Tao wow your hair is fantastic today."

Baekhyun nodded, "And that shirt really shows off your biceps."

I frowned, "What do you two want."

"Let us dress you for the party."

I looked at both of them, they had large smiles on their faces.
"You guys aren't taking no for an answer are you.....fine."

Luhan cheered and raced out the door.
"We'll be at your tent."

I shook my head and sighed as I entered the bathroom.

I showered quickly and just put on my jeans, not even bothering with my shirt because I knew Luhan and Baekhyun would make me change.

I trudged back to my tent briefly noticing Kris staring at me then tripping because he didn't see Kai's outstretched foot. I smiled to myself as I watched him get teased by Kai.

I walked into my tent and it wasn't see through anymore.
My clothes were everywhere and Luhan was desperately looking for a shirt.

Baekhyun was already holding my leather pants.

I groaned, "Anything but the leather pants..."

Baekhyun shook his head, "Nope! This is a must. It'll make your ass look killer."

I groaned but unbuttoned my pants.
I slid the tight material onto my legs. They hugged my legs and thighs and was tight around my butt.
It fit my slim waist perfectly but I pulled at it uncomfortably .

"I don't know guys."

Luhan looked me over and smiled, "Your ass looks as good as Sehun's."

I rolled my eyes, "You're so gay Lu-ge."

Baekhyun squealed before pulling out his backpack, "Guess what I have!! ATTACHABLE CHAINS!!!"

I tried to protest but Baekhyun already attached the small chains to either side of my waist making them cross.
"Turn." Luhan commanded.

I sighed but turned in a circle.

"Wiggle your hips."

"Do you realize I'm still SHIRTLESS?!" I yelled.

Luhan glared at me. I wiggled my hips slightly so the chains hit my thighs a bit.

Baekhyun's face lit up, "Great!"

Luhan tossed me a shirt. It was a white button up but had black rectangular patches.
(It's Kai's shirt from the live performance of Playboy.)

I slipped it on and Luhan tucked it in, ignoring my protests.

"Now pull this out a bit." Baek told Luhan.

They pulled my shirt out just a little bit so it wasn't tightly tucked into my pants.

"Perfect! Now wear these shoes and let me do your hair."

I was forced down as Luhan slid some pair of shoes on and Baekhyun started playing with my hair.

"Baek switch" Luhan said.
In one swift motion Luhan and Baekhyun switched spots.
Baek pulled out eyeliner from his back pocket and uncapped it.

"Do you always have eyeliner in your back pocket?"
Baek hushed me as he applied eyeliner on me.

Luhan was tousling my hair and gelling it slightly up.
Five minutes later they both stepped back to examine their work.

Luhan whistled lowly and Baek's eyes lit up.

Luhan pushed Baek, "Line up the guys outside. I want to do a big reveal."
I watched helplessly as Baek raced outside.

Luhan dragged me to a different spot and cleaned up the room.

We heard two knocks and Luhan smiled, pressing a button on the remote.

Kris's POV

I waited in annoyance as Baekhyun dragged me front and center.

"I reveal to you, new and improved Tao."

The screen started to go down and I rolled my eyes. Baekhyun and Luhan were such drama queens.

My eyes widened and I froze as the screen started to reveal Tao.

His tousled gelled up hair.
The light trace of eyeliner.
The shirt that fit his figure perfectly.
The chains
The leather pants.

I felt overwhelmed as I took in Tao's actual figure. I took in the way the leather pants hugged his thighs and fit his ass perfectly.

I shifted uncomfortably as I felt myself getting hard.

Naked grandmas
Naked grandmas
Naked grandmas

I chanted to myself.

Unfortunately Sehun noticed and he started laughing, "KRIS HAS A BONER."

I turned red as everyone turned to me.
I cover my pelvic area and yelled, "STOP LOOKING THERE."

Tao's POV
(Sorry I just wanted you to know what went through Kris's head.)

We walked towards the beach party which was about a quarter mile away.

I was walking with Yixing until Suho pulled him away.

I smiled as they ran off.

"I didn't know you were the type to own leather pants." A voice came from next to me and I jumped, startled but the sudden voice.

Kris laughed.
"I'm not. It was a dare. Were you behind Yixing and me this whole time?"

Kris shrugged, "Maybe."
I widened my eyes, "You creep! You were checking out my butt!"

Kris leaned in close and I stiffened when I felt his hand low on my waist.
"Tao, any straight man would check out your ass." He whispered in my ear.

I blushed and pushed him away, "Shut up. And I thought you weren't pandasexual."

Kris just laughed.

Ten minutes later we reached the party. The music was really loud and there were lots of people.
Some girls were in their bikinis, while other actually wore clothes.
Most of the guys had their shirts off, if they had something to show off.
I scoffed as we passed a bunch of guys ripping their shirts off to impress two girls who had jeans shorts and bikini tops.

Yixing pulled me towards a couple tables, "Let's drink something, but not to much."
I rolled my eyes, "Yes mom."

We ordered 2 Bloody Mary's and started drinking.
I took a small sip of mine but Yixing chugged it.

"WOOOOH" he yelled standing up.
There's no way he's already drunk. I watched him as he ran off to Suho and started kissing him.
I was startled when I felt a hand on my thigh.

I jumped and turned to find a woman looking at me with interest.

She was wearing a bikini top and a short skirt. I refrained myself from rolling my eyes.
I cringed when I noticed that I could physically see her foundation and concealer. I'm
pretty sure those aren't supposed to be that visible.

I shuddered when I felt her claws...sorry, long manicured nails stroke my thigh.

"What's your name hot stuff."

"Um..." I didn't want to answer and I didn't have to because I got pulled away from the woman.
"He's mine. So take your sorry ass and go put some clothes on so you don't look as pathetic as you really are."

My eyes widened when I heard what Kris said to the woman.

He pulled me angrily towards the dance floor. He planted his hands on my waist and pulled me close.
"No one....and I mean no one is allowed to touch you like that.....except for me." He whispered the last bit in my ear.

I shuddered and moved closer to him.
The music got even louder so I gave Kris a look and he smirked.

We both started dancing.

His hands never left my waist and I was moving against him. My hands made their way to his chest and I slowly unbuttoned the first two buttons .
His eyes went dark as he felt my fingers brush against his skin.
"Tao....don't tempt me."

I unbuttoned one more button and stroked his pecs all the way down to his waist to the beat of the song.
I looked at him innocently, "How am I tempting you?"

Kris let out a low growl as he led his hand up to the back of my neck and pulled me in.

I froze when I felt his lips on mine but he gently bit my lower lip to urge me to kiss back.
And I did.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer.
He picked me up from the back of my thighs to bring us impossibly closer.
I cupped his face as I put my all into our kiss.

I heard a deep voice yell.
I let out a shriek and pushed Kris away which resulted in me falling to the sand.

I looked up to see Chanyeol laughing his ass off.

I groaned and stood up. I smacked his arm before brushing off all the sand from my pants.
Kris watched me until he spoke up, "You missed a spot."

I tried to look for it, "Where?"

I did not expect what he did next.
Kris pretended to brush off sand from my butt and slapped it gently when I pushed him away.

I grumbled as I tried to find Yixing.

Baekhyun came running up to me panting, "Oh my god. Tao you would NOT believe what Kai and Sehun are doing."

My eyes widened as I started to run, following Baekhyun. I stumbled when I saw what they were doing. They were on the shore, in the water. The water was shallow, probably three inches, four inches deep. But they were dancing in sync to some music.

Sehun had his shirt unbuttoned while Kai had his first few buttons ripped off, probably drunk Kyungsoo's doing.

I laughed when I saw Luhan's expression as he watched his boyfriend dance in the water. When Sehun stopped, Luhan bolted towards him and tackled hugged him. Sehun caught him and Luhan wrapped his legs around Sehun's waist and kissed him desperately. We let them kiss until I saw Luhan grinding himself on Sehun. I laughed when Suho took off and pulled the two lovers apart.


Three hours later

It's harder then you think it is to shower 8 very drunk people. Kris, Suho, Yixing and I were the only sober ones. Yixing was a little tipsy but he only had one drink so he was fine. I changed out of my tight clothes and just pulled on sweatpants because it was really hot.

I plopped down on the bed next to Kris who was laying face down. He mumbled something and stretched out his arm, probably to pull me closer. Kris must of thought I had a shirt on because he froze when his arm touched my bare skin. He looked up quickly and his eyes darkened when he saw me laying down shirtless. He rolled on top of me and brought himself up in a push-up position.

"Tao I thought I said don't tempt me."

I gulped when he lowered himself until his lips brushed mine.

Baekhyun's POV

The ten of us sat, gathered around a fireplace just talking.
I sobered up and so did everyone else.

Well, Kyungsoo still was a bit tipsy.
"Jonginnie...hic....I love you so much....hic.... Will you marry me?"
We all laughed as Kai turned red. Kai leaned down and kissed Kyungsoo, "Of course baby."
Kyungsoo giggled.
"Good...then we'll have ten children and let's all name them Tao."
We erupted in laughter before Yixing wiggled his eyebrows, "Speaking of Tao...where is he?"

Luhan also smirked, "Speaking of Tao...where's Kris."

Chanyeol sat up from the cuddling position we were in.
"20 bucks that they are fucking."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened, "Kris is fucking my ten children?"

Kai tried to stop a laugh because Kyungsoo looked distressed. "No sweetheart. They don't exist yet."

Kyungsoo sighed, "Oh okay good." Then he got up and raced towards Kris and Tao's tent.
The rest of us shared a look and took off after him.

We swung the tent opening up and gasped at the sight. Kris and Tao were making out on their bed.
Kris was on top of Tao and a moan escaped from his mouth. My eyes widened when I saw Tao's hand trail down Kris's back and settling on his butt.

"Okay we got to stop this....YO I WASN'T SERIOUS WHEN I SAID GET A ROOM." Chanyeol shouted out.

Kris leaped off of Tao and Tao gasped when he saw us and tried to hide under the covers.

"Oh no you don't" I said ripping the the covers off of Tao.

He was hiding his red face with his hands.

He gasped, "Wow I feel like swimming. Let's go swim."

He jumped out of the bed and took off. Kyungsoo followed him shouting something. I shrugged and followed them.

10 minutes later everyone was shirtless and playing in the ocean. Except for Chanyeol and me.
I snuggled into his lap as he held me in his arms.

I smiled when he pecked the top of my head.
"I love you."
I was surprised because this was the first time he ever said that to me.
I looked up at him startled.

"I love you Baekhyun. I love your crazy smile, your eyeliner obsession, the way you talk faster when your hungry, the way you like to hug me when you feel lonely. I love all of you. I would say I love your imperfections but you have none. You are perfect to me."

My eyes teared up as I hugged him even tighter.

"I love you Chanyeol. I love you so much."  

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