Chapter 10: Hospital

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Oh my baby panda....this gif breaks my heart :(( 

  Tao's POV

I sighed happily as I entered my apartment. I smelled something burning and I ran to the kitchen. The towel next to the stove was on fire. And my mom was on the floor. I screamed and picked up to towel and tossed it into the sink and turned on the faucet. I knelt next to my mom as I tried to wake her.

I picked her up wiping off my tears before grabbing my keys. I took her down to my car and started the car. I broke the speed limit as I raced towards the hospital. My mom couldn't leave me. She promised. She would always be with me. I gripped the steering wheel tighter and my knuckles started turning white.
I took a sharp turn into the parking lot.
I just hope I can get her help in time.

Kris's POV

I sighed and walked into my office. I opened my mouth to say hi to my mom who was sitting at my desk but she was on the phone.

"Tao, calm down. I'll be there in a few. What hospital? "

I froze and ran to my mom to try to take the phone from her but she hung up.
"What's wrong with Tao? Is he okay?"
She shook her head, "He's at Yixing's hospital. His mom collapsed. I knew this would happen but I thought we had longer."
I grabbed my keys and followed my mom, "What are you talking about?"

"Tao's mom had a heart failure when she was younger. She somehow survived but if it happened again.....there's no chance."

I stumbled, "Wait so...his mom is going to ...."
My mom nodded gravely, "He needs love. More then ever Kris. He needs you."

I nodded and headed to the hospital.

On the way I called Yixing.

"Yixing hospital now. Tao's mom is on the verge of dying. Can you get her the fastest treatment? And all the expenses are on me."

"No I got it." I heard another voice.
"We'll meet you at the hospital." He said before Yixing hung up.

I sighed as I made another turn. "Hang in there Tao."

As soon as I reached the hospital I parked in Yixing's spot. Whoops.
I raced inside and ran to the front desk.
"Where's Huang Jiao?"

"What's your relation?"

"Just give me the God damn number woman."

The woman blinked, clearly taken back at my tone, "Mr. Zhang just moved her to A48."

I sprinted through the hospital. The only thing I had in my mind was Tao, and how he was handling all of this. He maybe 17 but he's just a child. He's too innocent for this world.
I want nothing more then to hold him, protect him.
I turned the corner to see Tao slumped over on a chair.

"Tao!" I screamed and slid to him.
I sat down and pulled him in a hug and held him close.
He held onto my chest as he started crying.
"Shhhh it's going to be okay."
I said comfortingly while rubbing his back.
"What if....what if it's not going to be okay?"

"Tao don't talk like that. Your mom is so strong. She won't leave you."

I saw Yixing walk towards us with Suho holding his hand.

"Tao? My little Tao come to Yixing-ge."

I smiled at how motherly Yixing talks to Tao.
Tao sniffled and picked his head up. He stared at my shirt before rubbing it. "I'm sorry. I...I cried on your shirt."

I smiled, "It's okay."
But it wasn't. I couldn't bare see Tao crying. I couldn't handle his tears on my shirt. The tears that should never appear.

Tao stood up shakily and walking into Yixing's arms.
Suho stood there for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around Tao and Yixing.

I smiled at the sweet sight but something caught my eye.
A doctor slowly came out of A48, with a grim look on his face.

My heart dropped.

Sorry this is a realllly short chapter. I'll make it up next chapter. Love you all.

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Always find a way (Taoris)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن