Chapter 17: China

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I can watch this gif all day

Also I was too lazy to edit this so sorry if there were any mistakes and crap.

Tao's POV

Jin placed an arm on my shoulder, "Tao are you sure you don't want Namjoon or me to come along?"
I nodded, "It's something I have to take care of, besides Kris needs you both. And it's not like I'm going's only for a week."

Jin pursed his lips but didn't say anything. I picked up my backpack and swung it on my shoulder. I walked towards my gate, briefly looking back to wave at Jin and Taehyung who protested to come along. I boarded the plane with no problem and settled in my business class seat. Jin put up a fight for paying for my seat, I talked him out of first class but he wouldn't go past business.

I sighed and plugged my earbuds in. I buckled up my seatbelt and closed my eyes. I jumped when I felt someone tap my arm. I opened my eyes to see a familiar face.

"YIXING?!!" I shouted while hugging him.
He laughed at sat down next to me.

"Two little birdies told me you were going to China. You really thought I would let you go alone?"

I smiled, "Thanks but what about work? And the hospital?"

Yixing waved my question off, "My dad needed some business taken care of in China so I volunteered."

I hugged him again, "Thanks Yixing-gege."

Honestly I was scared to death flying alone. But I didn't want to burden Jin either. He's done so much for me.

"So Tao...why exactly are you going to China?"

"Someone called and told me my grandfather is on his deathbed and wants to talk to me, which is really weird. He basically banished me and my mom after my dad died. It's one of the reasons we finally packed up and moved to Korea."

Yixing nodded and rubbed my arm comfortingly, "Anything from Kris."

I stiffened at the mention of his name. I tried for a small smile, "He's happy...let him be happy. It's more important then me being happy."

Yixing frowned, "Tao, I get you want to help others but you have to start thinking about yourself. Do what makes you happy. Or else you'll be miserable for the rest of your life."

"Who says I'm not already miserable." I mumbled.

Yixing's eyes widened, implying that he heard my little comment.

"Tao...." He started to say but got cut off by a flight attendant.

I closed my eyes, shifted away from Yixing and put my earbuds in.

I hoped Yixing would understand and he might have because he didn't say anything else for the rest of the flight.

We landed few hours later and I quickly checked my phone.
The stranger guy sent an address.

"Yixing...we have to get here."

I showed him the text and he raised his eyebrows, "Is your grandfather rich? Because that's one of the most richest neighborhoods in China."

I shrugged and walked outside the airport trying to catch a cab.
We arrived at a huge mansion, even bigger than Kris's.

Yixing whistled lowly, "Well, we know your grandfather is loaded."

I took a deep breath before walking through the gates.
A man in a suit and sunglasses bowed to me before taking my suitcase.

"Master Huang will see you." He said in a monotone.

"Thank you."

He looked surprised for a second, like people didn't thank him usually.

"Sir, right this way." Another man showed up, dressed exactly like the other.

He led Yixing and me through a series of hallways before stopping at huge red doors with a golden dragon design etched into it.

The man swung the doors open and I gasped slightly. Yixing stumbled as he looked around dumbfounded.

"Whoa...." We said at the same time.

I saw an old man sitting up on a velvet bed. Even if he looked close to death he still radiated power. I walked up to him and bowed.

"'s me. Tao."

He opened his eyes and turned to me.

I nodded.

He motioned for me to come closer and I knelt down next to the bed. His wrinkly hand caressed my cheek as tears appeared in his eyes.

He smiled and let out a small laugh.

"My Tao....I'm so sorry. Your mother didn't want this kind of life for you. I would have showered you in gifts and everything that you could ever want. Just please forgive me for sending you away."

I was surprised at his little speech and I smiled, "It's okay. I was never mad."

He smiled, showing his teeth, "Great, then is it okay that you are the heir to this company?"


Yixing's POV

It suddenly hit me. Tao's grandfather was the legendary Huang Wai Ting! He basically monopolized all the trades between China and Korea. He owned something in every field.He had a hospital, a huge mall, restaurants, cell phones ...everything.You name it, he probably has it.I watched in shock as he leaned over and pulled a small black card out of his bedside cabinet. He pulled out the black card. The one that was limitless in Korea. I knew what was happening, he wanted Tao to be the heir to his company.Tao can't take that pressure. That poor boy doesn't know the first thing about running a company, much less a worldwide leading one.
Oh what are we going to do?

Tao finished talking with his grandfather and motioned me over. I walked over nervously and bowed.

"He-Hello sir." I stuttered.

Grandpa Huang looked me over, "So...what do you do?"

"I-I help out at a café when I'm not at my family's hospital. I actually came to China to do some business sir."

He nodded approvingly.
I cleared my throat before going on cautiously, "Um...Tao doesn't know anything about business. How is he supposed to run the company?"

Tao nodded.

Grandpa Huang sighed, "I thought by the time it came close to my death, he would at least be in college. I have been planning to fuse this company with a few others."

I raised an eyebrow, all nervousness gone. Business Yixing now took over.
"Which ones sir?"

"Obviously your medical company. I recognized you as soon as I saw you. I am close with your father. There's the Byun Family, Kim, Do, Park and most importantly Wu."

My jaw dropped, "But sir wouldn't that....."

He nodded, "Control Asia...yes. And you 12 idiots will be running it."

I scratched my neck, "Sir...."

He patted my hand, "That's after all you graduate, for now your parents will be running it. But I wanted Tao to know, when I die he will be the heir to my company. Especially since he is the last living Huang."

Tao stiffened, "So you know about mom?"

Grandpa Huang nodded, "I have sources on you. I was worried, sending my daughter away."

Tao gulped, "That also means you know about....."

"About the Wu boy? Yes. Shame that you two broke up. You would have been the most powerful young couple. And you kind of look cute together."

I laughed and nodded, "He's got a point."

Tao just turned red.

"Anyway boys, thank you so much for coming all the way to
China. It means so much, especially for a dying old man like me."

Tao whimpered and hugged his grandfather, "Your not going to
leave me. Everyone else did."

Grandpa Huang coughed violently before patting Tao, "Go rest. I'll see you two for breakfast."

Tao nodded reluctantly. We followed two guys who showed us our room. I collapsed on the bed and Tao fell on the other side.

"I have to go to a meeting tomorrow and I should be free." I told him.
He just mumbled a response and I laughed. I got up and unzipped his jacket. He went limp letting me take it off of him. I placed it on a nearby chair and tucked him in.

Lately I've been treating Tao like I would treat my own son in the future. There's something about him which gives me the temptation to treat him like a child. He's so innocent and child like. He went through so much and yet stayed strong and I was proud of him for that.

I lost my mom when I was 16 and I wasn't proud of how I dealt with that.

I went out.
I drank.
I took advantage of being rich.
But after I met Suho in a coffee shop I felt a something different. Seeing that shy boy sitting in the back reading a book just triggered something.
So I stopped everything and started working there, even though I had more than enough money.

I just sighed and brushed hair off of Tao's face and left to go change.

Minutes later I climbed into bed and texted Suho.
I smiled at his cute goodnight texts and I put my phone away.

I closed my eyes and let the drowsiness take me over.

Next morning:

I was shook awake. I sat straight up gasping.
I said looking around panicking.

Tao sniffled and wiped a tear, "Grandpa....he ....he passed away last night."

Just saying I'm still in high school so I don't know much (anything) about business and shit.

So sorry if I sound like a complete idiot.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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