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Eren's pov:

On Monday I had gym and it was boring has hell. Levi made us do drills where everone was running all over the place. It was insane. I got hit on the head twice and who ever saw what happened laughed at me, including Levi. At the end of the period levi told us to get changed but before I could get into the locker room he stopped me. "Jaeger!" I turned around and walked towards him a bit nervously "yes?" Levi looked up from his clipboard with his silver grey eyes. "Don't forget you have detention today with me till 5:00... go to the cafeteria after dismissal. " I totally forgot i got a detention in french. I don't even have a ride home, its 20 degrees out (( fahrenheit )) and all I have is a fucking sweatshirt. Great. " Uh yeah... I forgot about it. I'll be there." I said hesitantly. Levi nodded so I ran to the locker room to change. I was about 5 minutes late to Mr. Smith's class and I was not ready to get yelled at by him. "Eren why are you late?" I slowly walked to my desk. "Levi___ I mean Mr.Ackerman wanted to talk to me and I had to go to my locker. Sorry." I sat down and kept my eyes on Mr.Smith, mostly his eyebrows because they were fucking huge. "See me after class." He said while rolling his eyes. " Yes sir." I shuttered out. Armin tapped me on the shoulder " What did levi want?" I turned around to face him while I pulled out my math notebook. " He had to remind me about detention today. " Armin nodded " oh yeah I forgot he gave you one in fre__" armin was interupted by a voice behind me "Mr.Arlert I expect better from a student like you, don't destract Eren. He's already off today. Pay attention." Armin nodded "Sorry Mr.Smith". I turned around as Mr.Smith went back to teaching the class.

-- after math class--

The bell rang and everone got up to go to the next class. I stayed back as Mr.Smith requested "You wanted to see me? " "Eren you have been late to this class to many times. Please change faster, you can't miss the warm ups because you need review." I nodded in agreement " I know but I'm doing good in math. I have like a 85 average. " "It could be better if you handed in your homework and were here for the first 5 minutes of class." He was right. I only handed in like 2 homework assignments so far and its been 3 weeks in the quarter already. " I know... sorry." " Now that that's settled, How was your date with Levi?" I looked at him shocked. How did he even know about dinner? "It wasn't a date! Who told you that? How do you even know he took me out for dinner in the first place?!" The teacher laughed. 'is this really a joke to him?!' " Eren, Levi ditched me at the mall to hang out with you. I was looking for a phone case while he was in Journey's. After you guys left the store he texted me. So yeah... I know it was a date." he smirked at the last part of the sentence. " He told me it was a reward for my good grades. Why would he take me, of all people, on a date? Im nothing special." Erwin laughed once more " Kid, you really don't get it do you?" I gave him a confused look and shrugged. " He likes you... a lot. Do I have to remind you about the shit he pulled at your little club thing? Not to mention you two were about to kiss last night before Arlert opened the door and ruined it." I started to blush. He had a good point. "I don't like him" I lied... I clearly liked him. It was all too obvious, any one with eyes could see it. " Okay, well talk to me again when your not in denial." He gave me a smile while writing me a pass to next class. " im not in denial." I took the slip of paper and started to walk towards the door. " You keep telling yourself that, Eren." I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid I was being, I should have just admited I liked him . " Bye Mr.Smith" I smiled and gave him a wave goodbye then went to my next class.

-- Detention --

I walked into the cafeteria to see levi and Hangi sitting at one of the tables talking. I walked down the stairs and got to one of the tables particularly close to them. " Hey guys." Hangi smiled "Hi Eren! What's my little nephew doing in detention?" She said while getting up to hug me. " Ask Levi." I said hugging her back. We stopped hugging and Hangi turned to Levi. " Did you give him fucking detention?!" Levi put his elbows on the table and his hands on his cheeks " Yeah, the brat disrespected me in from of the whole class." Hangi turned to me in disbelief " Eren!" She fliched me on the nose. " Hey! I cant help he sucks ass at being a gym teacher!" Hangi nodded " yeah I guess your right." Levi rolled his eyes and gave me a dirty look " Sit down Jaeger." I gave him a dirty look and sat down. A few students walked into to the lunch room and sat down at the tables. They all were the kids known for doing drugs and shit like that, everyone could tell I wasn't supposed to be there. Once everone got there Levi stood up and took a piece of paper from off the table. " Okay Brats, Im Mr.Ackerman and this is Ms.Hangi. We'll be watching up for the next 3 boring ass hours. Pull any thing and I won't hesitate to give you in school suspension and if you get up freely or throw shit I will hit you, I did that to a kid once and I will do it again. I will not put up with anyone's shit. Got it?" Everone sat there silent and didn't respond other then me. " Good." Levi scanned the room once more before sitting down. I grabbed my note book and started to write " hi." Then shapped it into a paper air plane. I threw it to Levi and Hangi with a laugh. Hangi laughed and opened it but Levi just gave m a disgusted look "I said no throwing shit, Jaeger." I frowned and nodded. So being the smart ass I am, I wrote down hi on a piece of paper and held it up to Levi. "Im not throwing anything this time. " I whispered with a laugh. Levi took my note book and ripped out the page then through it out. Hangi took my note book and gave it back to me. "Stop Jaeger." I frowned. "Fine." So I started to do my homework. After about 2 and a half hours of not talking I had to go to the bathroom. " Hangi... I need to pee." Hangi looked up from her book and looked towards Levi. "Levi, Eren needs to pee." Levi looked up " I heard him the first time." "So take him to the bathroom." Levi rolled his eyes and got up " Come on brat." I got up and followed begind Levi to the bathroom. I went in the bathroom and Levi came in too. "You didn't have to come in." " You think I didnt know that brat?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. I felt soft lips connect with mine. I slowly closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands moved to my sides to pull me in closer. I backed away from the kiss slowly and opened my eyes.
' H-he kissed me..."

To be continued...

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