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Levi's pov:

We walked down the mall and past a few stores to one of the exits, it was silent most of the time other then me asking how the brat was or if he was up to anything this weekend. He hesitated to answer anything, he was shaking and I could see the nervousness on his face but it was adorable when he tried to hide it with a smile. We made it to my car and I unlocked it. We hopped in and buckled up. I turned on the heat as I looked over at Eren to see snowflakes laying on his hair as he shivered, still keeping a smile on his face. "It should warm up in 2 or 3 minutes" I said pressing the radio on. Of course the girliest song was playing from my one french CD. " sorry. I'll can change it if you want." I said a bit embarrassed. The kid seemed like the type to listen to heavy metal and stuff like that, while I didnt mind at all. "No it's fine. I actually like Indila. I didn't know you liked her music. Dernière Danse is one of my favorites by her." The boy said with a smile. I was shocked this kid listened to the same music as I did. "Really? I assumed you liked metal and stuff like that" Eren nodded " Yeah I do. I'm very open with the music I listen to. I listen to german and Japanese music too. I dont know much of the languages but it sounds nice." He leaned his arm on the side of the door and pressed his cheek against his hand " Do you listen to any other music?" I shrugged " I don't listen to music much, I play the piano but that's about it." I stared straight a head not glancing over at the boy once untill I realized I didn't even know where the hell I was supossed to be going " Where do you want to go to eat?" Eren looked over to me, making eyecontact almost immediately "uh... I don't really care. You're the one paying. It doesnt matter to me." I rolled my eyes " Brat, I asked where you wanted to go. I'm not ussually generous to people so when I offer something nice you take it." I said looking back to the road as the light changed green. " S-sorry. Red Lobster sounds good." I nodded and turned to go to the restaurant 'why so expensive?? Whatever I did tell him to pick where he wanted to go' I thought to myself. We got to Red Lobster about 5 minutes later.

I stepped out of the car and walked to the enterence as Eren followed behind me. We got in and I was immediately welcomed "Hello and welcome to Red Lobster. Is a table for two okay? " I nodded. "Okay. Luckily we have one table opened so you can follow me back to the table."

I nodded and grabbed the brat from the lobster tank so he would be left behind. Instead of being a normal human being and grabbing his arm, I accidentally grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers without noticing. As we approached the table I looked over at Eren to see his face was bright red, I quickly realized we had been holding hands and shook away his warmth. "Sorry" I mumbled just enough for him to hear. He nodded and smiled slightly.

"Heres your table, your waitress should be over shortly." I thanked her and sat down as Eren did the same. " Thank you for taking me here, I appreciate it. I probably would have ate Mac and Cheese for dinner again." He said with a small laugh. "No problem. Sorry about the holding you hand thing, I just ment to grab your arm not you hand." I told the boy as I took off my jacket. "Its fine, your hand was cold. It felt like it needed to be warmed up anyway." A girl walked up to the table with two menus and greeted us "Hello, my name's Val. Ill be your waitress this evening can i start you off with some drinks?" I nodded "yeah can i have tea please. Green is fine." She nodded while writing the order on he note pad then look up to Eren " water is fine" she nodded " okay ill be right back with that" the girl walked away happily. He keptsmiling as he took off his jacket, still leaving on his nit black skarf. He put his hands in it and stuck his fingers in the holes out of boredom.

About 5-10 minutes of looking through the menus she came back with our drinks. We ordered or food then once again the girl left. "So what were you doing at the mall? It you dont mind me asking." The boy interrupted the silence. " I was looking for christmas presents...although I only have one to get sence I don't have friends or family around here. I ussually get my friend Hangi a present every year. Shes really the only one I have." Eren nodded " Like Ms. Hangi? My science teacher" I nodded " yeah... that's her." " Hangi's my Aunt. Every year we go out christmas shopping, she always mentioned a Levi but I didn't know she was talking about you. She always gets you a tea cup. " the kid laughed "Really... huh..." I remember the girl telling me about her about her nephew but I never thought it would be Eren. She cared about the kid alot, which also made me think of something else. " How are your parents? Hangi hadn't mentioned them in a while." I didn't want to make Eren upset but I had heard so much about them it made me wonder. "They are okay. I guess... my dad has been in and out of the hospital and my mom is paralyzed from the waist down. She uses a wheel chair to get around and there's ussually a home nurse there for assistance. " I looked down at my drink and swirled it around with my spoon, unable to respond. " I-I'm sorry...." I said setting the spoon down. Eren looked up and grabbed my hand "Its okay... they still are here. That's all that matters." He said giving me a smile. I gave him a slight smile back and saw thatthe food was coming over to the table. Eren's little smile turned into a big one "Food!" I chuckled and shook my head. I thanked the girl for our food and got right to eating.

-- After dinner--

Eren's pov:

Levi slowed down while approaching my house as I pointed at which one to go to. " That one" Levi nodded and pulled into the driveway. When he stopped the car I opened the door "Thank you again for dinner. It was fun." I laughed ready to get out and say goodbye. "Let me walk you to the door. "  levi insisted as he hopped out of the car. I shrugged and let him do as he pleased.

I hopped out of the car and walked to the front door as Levi had his hand on my back leading me gently. As I stepped in front of the door I turned around and faced the man. His eyes sparkled in the moon light and his hair laid perfectly on the sides of his face. I put my hand out under his chin and tilted it upward and brang him in closer. I closed my eyes and leaned in towards his lips..... as soon as the door opened.

I jumped back to see Armin at the door way, standing their suprised. "Uh Hey Eren... Mr.Ackerman..." Levi nodded as his face turned red. " I better go." Levi said quickly stepping back." Yeah, goodnight Levi" I said giving him an ackward smile. He nodded and got in his car and drove off. I stepped in the house and gave Armin an ' i'm really sorry' kinda look. Armin shook his head "It's fine. Just be careful Eren. He's still your teacher" I looked down at the ground and realized ' shit... I really like me teacher '

To be continued...

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