The Mall

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Eren's pov:

Christmas was just around the corner so Armin and Mikasa wanted to start shopping for presents two weeks before Christmas, and knowing me, I had no money and no idea what to get anyone. I usually got my parents something before anyone else because they weren't in very good condition sense their accident. They got into a car accident. My father has been in and out of the hospital and my mom is paralyzed from the waist down, so they are contantly on my mind and I try my best to make sure they are doing okay. Anyway back to christmas shopping. I didn't really want to go with Armin or Mikasa only because I needed to shop for them and I ussually went with my Aunt Hangi, who was also my science teacher. She's taken me every year sense I was little, but I guess this year would be a little different. When we got in the mall, I saw childeren running around screaming " Mom! I want this" or "But Dad It's not that much!" excetera... "Eren, im going into American Eagle. You and Armin can go wander, just don't get lost and call me if you need me" ' there she goes again, acting like my parent or something' "Okay Mikasa! I get it, stop acting like my mom." She rolled her eyes and walked away " So what store do you want to go to?." Armin asked turning to face me "I don't know. I only have $30 that Mikasa gave me... Let's go in Hot Topic." I could see Armin clearly didn't want to go it there, the store scared him, but it was my favorite. The store was mostly for emo, scene, goth, alternative and weeaboos, I guess I could consider myself alternative and a weeaboo. I dress in darker clothing and listen to punk music plus I have a slight obsession on anime. "Fine" Armin turned around and walked to the store. We entered the store to hear Pierce The Veil playing and a familiar boy walking towards me " Sup fam!" I heard my friend Chris greet from behind the counter. I was a regular their so everone knew me there. "Hey bruh!" I smiled walking over to the counter and leaned against it. "Christmas shopping?" "Yeah, Armin dragged me to the mall so I was like why not come in here" I laughed. Chris nodded with a small smile on his face. He wasn't much of a friendly person, he seems a bit intimidating if you just looked at him but he's chill once you get to know him. "You're Armin, oh.... Eren talks about you all the time" chris said flipping his short dirty blonde hair and fixed his glasses. "Yeah." Armin laughed as his cheeks got a bit red. " Where's Kris?" I asked looking around the store "She's in the back, she should be out any___" " Did I hear my favorite customer?" A short girl with bright blue eyes and long brown hair came walking out of the back room with her arms out to hug me. "Hey Kris." I laughed as she hugged me. "Who's your friend?" " Oh, this is Armin. " I said pointing to the shorter blonde " Oh yeah, nice to meet you. Im Kris." The girl greeted happily. " Wait both of your names are chris?" Chris nodded " sorta, her's starts with a K and mine is Ch.... It's confusing. " Armin nodded indicating he understood "Well you guys go look around, if u need us just yell." The happy brunette said." Okay thanks guys." Chris nodded and wrapped an arm around the girl and kissed her on the cheek. "They are nice." Armin said looking back at the two. " yeah, they're pretty great." I agreed, starting to look through the racks of clothing.


After about an hour of looking in the store I finally picked out a Black Butler pull over. It takes me forever in that store. " Bye guys!" I heard chris yell as we walked out of the store "Bye!" Me and Armin said in unison as I waved. " That store isn't as scary as I thought it was." I laughed at Armin's comment " I told you."

We walked over to Journey's to pick out some new shoes, even though we were supossed to be buying things for others. I looked over to call Armin but was suprised to see a man standing behind him looking at the construction-like boots. "L-levi?" I wasn' sure if it was him or not, considering the fact the man, I belived to be Levi, had the same style of clothing I wore and he wasn't in a suit or work out clothes. ' it can't be Levi, he would never dress like that... much less shop at the same store I would. He looks 18 dressed like that. Levi's like 25. Although his hair is the same as Levi's and the height looks about the same' I thought to myself. As I went to walk over, the man looked up at me. I looked over fast so my face wouldn't be seen. The man set the shoe down and went to the same wall I had been looking at. 'Should I talk to him? No no no... that's a terrible idea. But what if he isn't Levi... then I could get his number because he looks damn fine' i sighed at my own thought ' fuck it...' I put the shoe I had in my hand down and walked a bit closer to the man. I went out to grab one of the shoes and his hand bumped into mine "Uh... sorry" I said before making eye contact with him "It's fine.... Eren?" 'yeah it's Levi' "L-levi! It's you... uh sorry about that... uh, I didnt realize it was you... you look different. " Levi sent down the shoe and turned to face me " Well im not in a suit and my hair isn't brushed like it ussually is." He said bluntly. " I don't mean to sound weird but... you look n-nice sir." I hesitated to say. I was worried for a smark ass reasponce but I suprisingly heard " Thanks, you do too." I looked back over to him " Really?" Levi turned to look over at the outside of the store "Yeah, you always look nice." He blushed looking back at me uneasily " Th-thanks." Levi scratched the back of his neck " So kid... do you maybe wanna see a movie or go out for dinner?" My heart stopped when he finished his sentence " uh... y-yeah sure. Do you mind if I ask why you want to?" The mans cheeks turned to a bright red once again " uh... Grades. Yeah, your doing good in your classes so as a reward I wanted to do something nice for you. That's all." I blushed knowing that wasn't really why " okay... whatever you say. I'll go tell Armin. Then we can go." Levi nodded and let me go. I walked over to the other part of the store where Armin was. "Hey Armin, Mr.Ackerman is here and he wants to ... uh... do something nice for me because my grades are good so yeah. I'll be home around 7:00 I guess, so could you tell Mikasa I won't be coming home with you two?" Armin looked suprised "Mr. Ackerman? Wants to do something nice for you?" I nodded astonished "Yeah... that's what he told me" Armin nodded " Just be careful Eren, he's gay and probably fineds you attractive. Don't let him do anything if you don't want him too. Sorry I don't mean to sound like Mikasa but I don't have a good feeling about this Eren." I nodded " Don't worry. I got it under control." I waved to Armin as I walked away. "Thanks Armin!" "No problem Eren." He waved back. I walked back over to Levi " So do you want to watch a movie or go out for dinner? Its up too you, i'm not the one paying." Levi gave me a small smile " Dinner sounds nice."

To be continued...

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