Substitute French Teacher

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Eren pov:

The next day I didn't have gym which is a good thing. I didn't want to see Levi, not in the least bit. His words wouldn't leave my mind, his smirk when he said it didnt leave either.  I walked to french thinking about it too. I sat down not seeing Mrs.Moris and I immediately got happy. " god I hate her" I laughed to my self leaning back in my seat. " I dont blame you. Shes an ass." The girl next to me said. " shes so fucking difficult" I laughed " Whats your name?" "Arthur, you're Eren right?" I nodded. Her appearance was lovely,  a big sweater, skinny jeans and a choker around their neck. "Where did you get the choker from? It looks pretty on you." I asked. " oh. I got it from Hot topic... and I dont mean to be rude but I use the pronouns they/them and I makes me a bit uncomfortable when people describe me as pretty. But I do appreciate the complement" arthur said looking down " Oh i'm sorry. I wouldn't have said that if I knew__" "Its fine, don't worry about it" they said interrupting. I looked over to my right when I heard a voice " okay class be quiet. Just because your teacher isn't here doesnt mean you can fuck around" it was levi...  'shit' our eyes met as he smirked "Look who it is... jaeger" he said walking up to my desk "Give me a hard time and ill have to give you detention... Understood?" he said leaning on my desk ' what is that supossed to mean? You basically flirted with me yesterday now your telling me I get detention if I do something wrong? I dont get this guy'  " yeah... " I said looking to in a different direction, I didnt want to see his face anymore then I had to " good " he stood up straight and walked back to the front "asshole" arthur laughed at my remark.

Levi pov: 

" Your teacher didn't really give me anything for you to do other then a word search, its for home work so get it done. " I told them as I past out the worksheets " and talk quietly... I have a headache and your voices aren't what I want to hear right now" I said taking a seat at the desk. I took one of the sheets and read over the words "House objects... easy" I got up from the desk and walked back to the front of the room " lets review on some of the words you learned... what is the word for living room?"

Eren pov:

Levi asked questions about what our teacher was teaching so far, I was really confused because he's just a gym teacher. I raised my hand as the man started to speak fluent french "oui, Jaeger?" I put my hand down before asking the question " How do you know how to speak French so fluently?" I asked hesitantly.  " I lived in France growing up and after I got my teaching certificate I came here to be a French teacher. When I got here there wasn't a job opening so I took the best thing that I could find." I chuckled at his answer " that explains why you're such a shitty gym teacher" I mumbled under my breath "Brat, are you questioning my teaching ability?" "Yeah, kinda. Everyone can tell you don't know what the fuck you're doing." the class laugh at my remark as I leaned back in my seat.
"Detention Jaeger.... I dont want to hear anymore shit coming out of you mouth." He said crossing his arms. " Look, Mr.Ackerman,  I'm just speaking the truth." I said as the bell rang. The students begin to pack up your things and walk out of the room I was the last one to leave when I Levi stopped me. "Oi, Jaeger. Get you ass over here." "Good luck" Arthur said giving me a wink before dashinh out of the room. I sighed and walked over to the man "what." " I don't appreciate you talking to me in front of students like that so don't do it again... I hate you sometimes." he rolled his eyes and walked back over to the desk. " Oh really? That's not what I would think after hearing you  whisper into my ear seductively the other day. If anything you seem to really like me." I smirked and walked out into the room.

Levi's pov:

"Shitty brat..." I picked my stuff up and walked out of the room and down the hall ' I can't stand in sometimes. But he's really adorable at the same time, I hate it. '

To be continued...

**  sorry I was having difficulties publishing this cuz I started writing it somewhere else and I didnt realize the story never saved untill now**

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