Chapter Thirty Three

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Its been a few days since my alcohol enduced breakdown and was the day of the Muse concert.

Phil was ecstatic to say the least on the phone the night before, he was listening to all their albums, getting his clothes out charging his camera.

We left the house early because I was taking him out for late lunch at a fancy restaurant in London.

Phil had excitement radiating from him. It was that intense, you could see the delectation being emitted. Doors opened three and a half hours before the actual music began - there was also a support act we were unaware of their genre and music.

Mum took Phil and I in her car to the train station and we departed after thanking her. She made sure that I had everything; tickets, reservation number for dinner, VIP lanyards, and card for entry. The train was due to arrive shortly and during the short wait, Phil told me, in chronological order, how he wanted the meet up to go.

"Firstly, I want to hug them all in the order in which they stand, then, I want to tell them the impact that their music has had on me and how much it means to me. The I want you to take a photo please and then get someone else from the side to take a photo where you're in it too. I really want a photo with all of us five in it, and then I want to go get it printed and... THE TRAIN!" Phil partially finished and yelled ecstatically pointing and jumping with sheer excitement.

"You're going to need your ticket, babe." I said, going through the depths of my back in desparate need to find the two little orange cards. "Here you go."

We hopped onto First Class and got our tickets double checked, making sure we were actually permitted to be in this carriage. We were, and made the long commute to near the located venue, the O2 arena.

Within the O2, is many restaurants and in there was also the one where we'd be eating at prior to meeting the band. Phil wasn't certain to where we were going so I grabbed his hands and directed him.

There was still a few hours until we had to be at the place where the meet and greet was held, so I knew that the dinner would be consumed without time restrictions and panic.

I lead Phil into the restaurant and we sat down at the pre-booked table. Our beautifully presented table was opposing a view of content Londoners and exquisite floral scenery. Phil took this as an opportunity to admire the scenery.

For a split second, confusion washed over Phil's face.  

"What are you thinking so intently about?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm just trying to match your personality to a flower." Phil said, a smile etching across my face immediately.

I silently laughed, "you nerd,"

"Good afternoon gentlemen, my name is Amanda and I shall be serving you today. Here are your drink menus, I shall be back round in five minutes to take your order." A young female waitress came round in an all black attire.

"Thank you." Phil and I both replied in unison, before she smiled and left.

"What would you like to drink, Phil?"

"I think I'll just have some lemonade please Dan." Phil replied and put down the drinks menu.

"Yeah, I think I'll have the same," I agreed.

The waitress came back over, took our orders and replaced the drinks menu with the food one.

"Oh my god there's so much to choose from," Phil said in awe as his eyes gazed up and down the paper. "And it's all so expensive."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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