Chapter Eight

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Nothing but the eerie silence which suffocated the two of us. It's like he could see right through me, see right through this shield of nothing but lies and false identity. I couldn't tell him, I hate him.

"You don't have to answer," I jumped at his sudden response to nothing, "I don't intent to pry and I presume you have no idea, you're probably like everyone else, a complete asshole."

"Whatever," I tried my hardest to try and brush it off, "can we just get on with this so I can leave?"



Two hours later, the project was half way done and we were sat at opposite ends of the bed, not talking. That is a reoccurring thing with Phil, uncomfortable silences.

"Dan," Phil said after yet another silence, "why are you still here? I mean, you wanted to leave as soon as possible, so why are you still here, you can go home?"

To be honest, I'm not quite sure why I am still sat here, I could've gone home half an hour ago. It never really came across to me to get my things and leave.

"I don't know, I bette-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the door creaked open and some slight rustling of bags was to be heard down stairs.

"Crap," Phil suddenly whispered said, worry laced in his voice.

"Hey hunny," a voice echoed up the stairs, followed by a gently sound of foot steps.

The door knocked three times before it opened slightly. Through the crack was a women in her late thirties with brown hair tied back and a grey button up coat engulfing her petite frame.

Phil sighed, "hello Mum,"

His Mum came into the room and hugged her son, before turning to me with a big smile on her face.

"And who is this, Phil?"

"Oh, he's just a friend from school," I smiled at Phil in thanks, he could've said a lot worse about me, "we had a project so I just thought that it would've been easier if he came round."

"Oh okay, what's your name?" She spoke sweetly, too sweetly.


"Hello Dan," I nodded in response, "You could ask your parents if you can stay for dinner if you like, I don't mind cooking a little extra."

Phil and I both look at each other, neither of us wanted this to happen. I would've been long gone if she hadn't of came in. Phil nodded and looked down to the floor, as in consent.

"Erm, okay, thank you, Mrs Lester." I internally hoped that my mum said I had to rush home. Debating whether I should even text her or lie to her saying that I couldn't stay.

Phil's Mum then left the room whilst Phil and I glanced uneasily at each other. Of course I didn't want to stay, it would ruin my reputation and I'm supposed to hate Phil.

It's not like my Mum would really mind if I came home late, she doesn't work and always looses track of time, I might as well just stay. On the plus side, maybe I could find something out about Phil to taunt him with once this shitty project is done.

"I'll ask," I then got my phone out and texted my Mum, getting a response five minutes later saying I could stay. This was going to be interesting.

Phil shouted down stairs groggily to his Mum saying how I could stay for dinner whilst she got on with whatever she was cooking.

"I know," I needed to get my head in the game and find something interesting out about Phil, "why don't we play truths or something seeming I don't know you that well."

"Fine, whatever," he spoke in monotone.

"Okay, no need to be so enthusiastic." This time I spoke with a different tone. "What's your favourite colour?"

"Probably yellow or green, what about you?"

"I like brown, purple and gold but I tend to wear black."

The questions continued for about twenty more minutes, chatting about a range of things with no real meaning. As much as I would hate to admit it, I kind of enjoyed Phil's company, I could be more of my nerdy self without a narcissist complaining I wasn't perfect. I knew that Phil wasn't going to judge me, I'm better in the schools hierarchy anyway so that would just back fire.

Phil's phone then went off.

"Who was that?" Curiosity getting the better of me like always.

"Oh it was just Peej and Chris asking if I wanted to hang out, but I obviously can't as you're here."

"You do realise I could just get up and leave, I'm not compelled to stay here."

"Yeah, well, I'll stay yes for after dinner, my Mum will question why I'm abandoning you for my actual friends, we can just say we're going out together after dinner and then we can part, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever Lester,"

"Pfft," he snorted, "I literally just don't understand you at all,"


"I mean, one minute you're really nice, and then you go to Alfie's nicknames."

"Yeah, well anyway, lets just continue with truths."

Before we could continue, Phil's Mum called us down for dinner. We went down stairs before being presented by some pizza.

"Sorry it's not much boys, I thought I had more spaghetti,"

"It's okay Mrs Lester, thank you very much."

"Oh please, call me Cat, I can't stand being called that, I'm not a teacher. And you're very welcome."

Both of us sat down and enjoyed our pizza in silence, discussing 'friendly' topics to Cat, Phil's Mum, wouldn't get suspicious about our 'friendship'.

We finished dinner about ten minutes later and once again thanked Cat for dinner before going back upstairs and getting my stuff ready to leave.

Once I had got my stuff, we went downstairs and said our goodbyes to his Mum. Thankfully, she didn't question it and after getting out of her eyesight, we departed our separate ways after a brief mumble of 'thank you and goodbye'.

I'm glad we departed when we did because in the local park, Alfie and Jim were smoking in the kids play area with Zoe picking up the grass on the floor.

Of course, my 'luck' was complete shit and I had to walk through the park to finally get home.

"Dan?" I think Zoe questioned, "Dan!"

Crap. I had been caught.

"Oi, Howell! Come over here!" I actually had to go over there, there was no escaping this one.

I waddled over there begrudgingly, saying a quick 'hello, I need to go home now'.

"Anyway, where have you been Dan, why haven't you been home yet?" Zoe once again questioned something.


"Probably fucking Lester again." Jim coughed.

"No actually, I was at my Aunties about an important family related thing happening soon, thanks Jim."

"Yeah, yeah, don't bullshit me Howell."

I was worried about people finding things out between Phil and I. It looked like Jim may have already sussed something out.

"Anyway, wanna drag?" Alfie passed me the cigarette, I really didn't want to have this but I needed to show Jim that I hadn't been with Phil.

Reluctantly, I breathed in the toxic fumes and coughed, making the other two boys laugh.

"Taste funny Howell?"

"No?" I mentally questioned.

"Well it should've, that had skunk in it,"

Shit. This had been a very long day.

A/N i met dan and phil

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