Chapter Twenty Nine

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At long last it was the day before the Christmas holidays. Friday the nineteenth of December was the day where school ended at twelve thirty and Phil, Chris, PJ and I had planned it so that we would all meet up and Phil's and sleep there.

Things weren't stable with my Mum and Dad yet, I had literally no clue where Dad even was at this point in time, and Mum had made it extremely clear that he was never going to step foot back in our house again.

Understandably, Mum didn't want to see Dad again and as there's was no one else fit to do this job, I would have to transport everything by hand to the end of the street where he'd have to come and collect them.

I wanted the task done as soon as possible. My back had started to ache from sleeping on the sofa because Mum refused to sleep in her old room until "all of his belongings where far away from this house".

She's been distant lately, not speaking to me unless she has to, and when she does its either a 'hi', 'yeah' or 'no', but she's grieving and needs space at the minute, so I've spent a lot of time with Phil.

Phil's been really helpful. He's helping me move out Dad's belonging and has really cared for us, even though sometimes I don't show it as well as I possibly could, I mean it when I say I really do love him.

It's currently ten thirty. On the last day, we have no work to do and all we do is sit in form rooms either listening to music and talking to friends, or watching a film. Chris, pj, Phil and I all settled on talking. All of a sudden, Chris pulled out a game called 'Cards Against Humanity' and began dealing white cards.

He put the black cards in the middle and explained the concept of the game, and we began playing.

"What would Grandma find disturbing, yet oddly charming?" Chris asked, reading out a black cards which we then had to choose an answer for with the white cards that he'd just dealt us.

I'd learnt that the aim of the game was to make the most offensive yet hilarious response to the black card. We laid our cards fade down on the table, we looked at each other to see if we were reading, which we were and read them out.

"Dan?" Chris asked, waiting to hear my answer.

"Tentacle porn."


"My collection of high-tech sex toys."


"Shitting out perfect Cumberland sausages." Phil said casually, reading out of his card.

We all burst into hysterics, I didn't expect Phil to come out with that.

"Phil!" We all strangely exclaimed at the same time, laughing as we did so.

"What? This is called 'Cards Against Humanity' for a reason."


The last bell of the year chimed, interrupting our game as the synchronised cheer of students erupted and ran out of the classrooms, saying 'Merry Christmas' to their friends.

We didn't have anyone else to say anything to because we were all heading to Phil's, so we just packed the cards up and walked there.

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