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(started: 31/07/2015)

You're told to be yourself, to live life the way you want it, but if everyone did that, the world would be different.

Society tells you to be free and happy, but when you make that slight error, society shouts at you, yells, punches and destroys you with that minor slip up. Be yourself, but not like that. I've tried to be myself, along with many others but that way wasn't accepted, so now, I wouldn't even count myself as a member of society.

My name is Dan Howell, and I am a reject of society.

Society rejected me multiple times in many schools because I was myself, as instructed, but apparently I 'did it wrong'.

Tomorrow is another day however, I start again, a fresh beginning, a new time to lie about who I am just to impress. But this time is my last time, this is the last time I'm putting in the effort because if no one can accept me this way, then I'm simply just not made for this life.

I don't necessarily want to die, or to kill myself. I just don't want this life. I want to be alive in a different way, in a way that feels good. Where I don't have to lie about being me to make other people happy.

I have noticed with all this school transferring, that is tends to be the assholes who fit in the best. The sadistic assholes with their designer clothing and the cliche dickheads, and if that's what it takes to fit in, that's what I'll do.

So tomorrow I will begin this new life, become a dick, drink till I'm violently sick constantly, bang everyone I meet, to me, it just seems like a lot of effort to 'fit in'. Are all these other assholes naturally like this, or do they have the same goals and intentions as myself? Maybe I'll find someone who cares, who will be accepting of me unlike the other dicks I've previously accounted with.

I suppose tomorrow will be the day, the day my new persona takes place, when my Hyde takes over. Tomorrow, I'm a whole new person, hopefully what society wants me to be like. It'll be the day where I become a pretentious narcissistic asshole and hopefully, what society will accept.

A/N Hi and welcome to my first fanfiction ^_^ this book is currently aimed at around thirty chapters.

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