Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, a bit, it's been a long day."

"You're so cute, do you realise that? You're actually so adorable."

"I'm not, you are. This might sound weird but I really just want to squish your cheeks."

"Okay, tomorrow when you see me, you can 'squish' my cheeks all you want."

"Thanks." After Phil said that, he yawned, followed by the sounds of moving bedsheets.


"Phil, are you asleep?" There was no reply.

I got up to the other side of the room, switched off the light, unplugged my headphones, to fall asleep to the sound of my boyfriend sleeping.


I woke up at about eleven thirty the next day. Mum was already down stairs, still in her pyjamas, reading.

"Morning." I said as gave her a kiss on the forehead as she stood up to greet me.

Mum was a lot shorter than me, reaching up to just my shoulders. I was also taller than Adam, he only reached up to my nose.

Adam was hardly ever home. Though, Mum had previously mentioned that he'd be coming home late today or tomorrow.

"Dan, once you're ready, if I give you some money, please can you pop down to the shop and buy some alcohol?" She asked, walking across the kitchen and picking up her purse, finding some change.

"Yeah, I could probably meet Phil and walk him here too, if that's okay with you?"

"Dan, when is not okay with me, Phil's like a son to me anyway and he treats you the way that you deserve to be treated. He's welcome whenever, and I'm pretty sure he knows that too."

"Thank you, Mum. I'll text him now."

After that, I began to get ready and texted Phil whether he wanted me to pick him up. He agreed and I began to get ready.

After getting changed and straightening my hair, I got my shoes on, said goodbye to Mum explaining when I come back, Phil will also be with me.


"So, what kind of alcohol shall we get?" I asked Phil as we browser the alcohol section.

"Well, what do you and your Mum like? I'll just drink whatever so I'm not too fussed."

"Okay, Mum likes red wine and I'll drink pretty much anything so you can pick," I told Phil who was looking up and down the isle.

I chose an appropriate wine for one and Phil found some Bulmers Red that we could drink. As there were two of us we got two boxes.

Excitement gutted throughout me. I don't know why I was so excited over alcohol, I'd never been so happy to see it before though, I probably just missed the sudden subside of pain.

We bought the alcohol, even though we got interrogated on our age, and headed back home.

Mum gave Phil the usual greeting of hugs and kisses before taking the drinks out of our hand and telling us to go upstairs. We complied, and headed upstairs.

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