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It's been weeks and Skai has been missing in action ever since that day of the incident. Kenny still haven't told me anything about the crazy shit he claims to do, but other than that Kenny is doing good. His face cleared up and he's healed now. Him and Chris has been more focused on his music then ever. It's been a while since Drip'n Steeze has  been spitting songs from left to right but Kenny and Chris is making progress. I'm so proud. 

Recently, he has been more cautious and is having trust issues, so he claims. He's basically keeping his circle of friends small. Well that's what he said. I'm being really distant with Kenny because he has a new boo thang. His definition of keeping his circle small sure is different from mine. How the fuck you claim to keep your circle small when you invited another girl into it? I don't get it, I  dunno it must be me. I must be different.

Ashley made sure to press the girl and she also made sure that she wasn't another gang bait hoe. She's pretty though, but I thought Kenny said he likes me. I don't know how this relationship thing goes, but for one thing I'm positive this isn't how it supposed to go.

What the fuck is this Pendejo doing to me?

Does he like seeing me hurt?

Is Chris and Ashley that oblivious that they don't notice this bullshit?

All these fucking questions, but who the hell is gonna answer them for me?

Speaking of Chris and Ashley, they're finally going out after all of these years. Ashley is pretty fucking lucky that she has someone like Chris. I'm happy for the both of them. They liked each other for years but haven't noticed it.

I call bullshit on that, but it's whatever I guess. Not all people see the same thing, but at least they have each other now. Ashley finally got someone to hold her down and vice versa.

Right now, we're all in the boys backyard chilling in the pool. We all as in Ashley, Alexis, and I. Yup that's her name, Alexis. She's a slim Hispanic girl with short brunette hair. 

Ashley pulled me over here cus she didn't want me all alone home with my boring ass parents. I wasn't really in the pool though, I'm on my period so I'm just chilling laying down on of the pool chairs.

I watched them all have fun in the pool. I got bored watching so I got up and went to go raid the Williams fridge for some Aloe water.

"Kenny, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get some soda." I heard Alexis say 

I turned around and saw her swimming to the ledge about to pull herself out of the pool but she paused when Kenny replied

"Nah babe, Brielle can do it. She's already up, right Brielle?" Kenny said smiling at me

My left eye began to twitch "Yeah, sure." I said continuing to walk to the house

I have no reason to not like this girl but I just don't. I don't wan't her around me what's so ever, I'm jealous as shit and I wanna leave before I go crazy.

I opened the sliding doors and spotted Mrs. Williams in the kitchen checking the oven. She's probably baking or something, she's always in the kitchen. She's cool though, she's like another mother to me. Whenever my mother acting up, or we're having problems I usually go to Mrs. Williams and talk about anything and everything. 

"Hey mama." I said greeting her and giving her a hug

"Hey sweetie. How are you?" She hugged me tighter and let me go after a few moments

 I then went to the fridge to get me a bottle of aloe water and a grape soda for Alexis "I'm good, just adapting to the changes you know?"

Mrs. Williams knew exactly what I was talking about. After the incident, both of the boys made lots of changes in their everyday lives.

"But who is that girl outside?" She asked throwing the oven mitt on the counter and leaning on it, giving me her attention.

"Alexis? I thought Kenny introduced you to her." I said confused, It's not the first time Alexis came over here.

"Oh, I know her. But I thought its supposed to be Brielle and Kenny, not Alexis and Kenny?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I thought it was supposed to be Brielle and Kenny also." I said staring past her at the wall

Mrs. Williams ain't nothing but a shade thrower I swear. I had to laugh at that. She started to laugh also and from there we had a full blown conversation. 

She had to take a phone call so when she left I took a cookie that was cooling on a tray on the counter and scurried out of the kitchen and went outside to give Alexis her drink. I tossed it to her and sat on the lawn chair. She thanked me and then sat the can on the edge of the pool. That shit should've sunk to the bottom.


I'm really starting to fit in with this crowd. I like the vibe that's coming from these guys. Ashley and Brielle is really cool. Especially Ashley, she's cool people. She's laid back and care free, I like that. She's outgoing, funny, pretty, wild, and cool. She's much better than Brielle. Brielle shits on everybody day to be honest. Every time I'm around her she gets really moody. I also notice that she keeps to herself, a lot. But I'm gonna change that. Ashley, Brielle and I are gonna everyone squad goals. I'm friendly as hell, and I enjoy making friends.

At my old school, I never really got along with any of the girls there. Girl's would have it out for me and exclude me out of everything in high school. I had this one close friend through out all of high school but she left the state for college.

Starting this fall, I'm in college now so all of that petty shit is over. I'm just here to have fun and no negative vibes gonna fuck that up for me.

"Aye Ashley, you tryna have girls night at my crib?" I said calling after her as Ashley and Chris was doing freaky shit underwater. 

They both came up for air. 

Ashley then swam over to me "You said something?" She asked wiping her eyes that were slightly red

"I wanna have a little thing at my house, you with it?"

"Yeah, hell yeah!" She exclaimed 

She then turned to Brielle's direction "Turn up! Aye Brielle, you in boo?" Ashley said calling after Brielle who look half asleep.

"Yeah, Turn down for whaaaaat?" She said fake smiling and going back on her phone. "Woohoo." She said swinging her fist in the air with no hint of enthusiasm 

I wonder what's her life about?

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