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3 Days Later

"Damn, so he kissed that girl?" I asked again with an obvious hint of disappointment in my voice

I started to play with my fingers staring at my bed spread.

Kenny and I was suppose to have our first kiss together.

When Ashley told me the first time, I couldn't believe it. At all. Ashley came over my house a while ago, checking up on me informing me on went down over there after I left and when the party was over. And I mean EVERYTHING.

"Yes Brielle!" She said flicking my earlobe "I'm pretty sure Kenny posted the music video already." She said getting up from off of the bed taking up the iPad that was on my dresser

She sat back down and got comfortable. I watched as the screen lit up to a picture of her and I as she unlocked it going straight to the YouTube app.

I became alarmed as I realized what she was doing "Aye, I don't even wanna see that shit!" I exclaimed slapping the iPad out of her hand "How could some girl he met at a party take my place? And took his lips virginity!" I exclaimed

"You sound white as hell." She said bluntly shaking her head picking up the iPad


"But he did violate. Not to make you mad or anything, they did look cute in the video." She showed me a screenshot of them kissing.

I squinted my eyes at her "Hoe, are you intentionally tryna pissed me off even more or...?" I asked trailing on confused


"I'm sorry." I said locking the iPad, putting it back on the bed where she smacked it and gave her my full undivided attention. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't like her."

I positioned myself right in front of her and watched her carefully. She lowered her head and let her medium length of hair cover her face. She started sniffing. I understand why she was crying though, she actually loves Kenny and she can't do anything about it. It's all out of frustration. She liked him for the longest and the whole music video fiasco doesn't make it any better.

It's not entirely Kenny's fault and I tell Brielle constantly she did it to herself, but now is not the time to repeat myself.

"Don't cry boo." I said soothingly pulling her heavy ass head on my lap

I started rubbing her back in circular motions "You wanna vent?"

"I cant believe I'm crying over a boy!" She exclaimed

"A fuck boy." I corrected

And its true! Kenny and I never got along, cus his damn attitude, and now, because of this stunt that he pulled replacing Brielle, this nigga is giving me more, and more reasons why I don't like his ass.

"I don't blame you, you love him. Just like how I love Chris." I said mumbling the last part to myself

"What?!" She yelled jumping off of my lap, wiping her tears

"Feeling better I see." I said looking up at her

"Bitch! I knew you liked him but you said you loooved him!" She said putting emphasis on love and wiggling her eyebrows "This is so exciting!" She cheered wiping more of her tears

"Bitch, shut uuuup!" I said waving her off smiling to myself

My Phone then pinged and flashed. I fished it out of my satchel shoulder bag and looked at the screen. I immediately started to blush.

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