[ Season One; Ep Three: Snow Falls ]

Start from the beginning

Natasha rolled her eyes as everyone else smiled secretly. Tony was smirking, until his SHIELD phone went off. "Hang on," he answered the call. "Hello."
"Tony?" It was Pepper Potts. Tony widened his eyes. It had been four days since he and the rest of the Avengers had been here. And yet, he had not called Pepper once. "Hello?"
"Who is this?" Tony asked.
"Tony stop! It's me! I thought you were dead! Can we please — "
"Oh no we're breaking up! Pepper!" Tony yelled. Steve rolled his eyes.
"What? Tony no — " He ended the call.
Clint started laughing. "Was that Pepper?" Tony sighed. "Ha! And you say 'strong relationship' — "
"Shut up, Barton." Tony snapped.

"Hey," Steve chimed in. "Everyone stop. Tony, if she calls again, answer it." He turned to Clint. "Don't crawl on his back anymore with the Pepper Thing, alright?"
"Thank you, Steve — "
"No matter how much he should call her." Steve gave Tony a look. Tony grunted.
"What now?" Bruce asked.
"Let's find Emma," Steve said.
"Can we find her after we eat something?" Natasha asked.
"I agree." Thor said.
Steve nodded. "We'll do that now."


"I found your father," Henry said, showing the page of Prince Charming to Emma, and all of the Avengers. "Prince Charming." Steve held the book now, looking at the man in the picture.
"Henry," Emma said, shaking her head.
"He's in the hospital in a coma. See this scar? He has one too." Henry took the book from Steve, and showed everyone.

Emma, Henry, and the Avengers were sitting on an old, wooden playground house in the form of a castle. The castle was right next to an ocean, which had pushed logs and garbage onto the shore.
"So, lots of people have scars." Emma told Henry, shrugging her shoulder.
"In the same place." Henry said. "Don't you guys see what this means? The curse is keeping them apart with the coma. Now, they're stuck without each other. We have to tell Miss Blanchard we found her Prince Charming." Natasha smiled up at Henry. She had formed a liking for him, and not just for the flowers and love note. Natasha liked Henry because he was so grown up, and she wished to see things like that in other children.

"Okay kid, telling someone their... Soulmate is in a coma is probably not helpful." Emma said.
"I agree." Steve said.
Emma nodded at Steve, then looked to Henry again. "Not having a happy ending is painful enough."
"But giving someone unrealistic hope is far worse." Bruce said. The Avengers looked to him, and nodded. They knew what Bruce meant when he said that. It was something he had realized before, after he had an alter ego stuck inside him.
"But what if I'm right? We know who they are, now they have to know." Henry said.
"How do you plan to make it happen?" Tony asked.
"By reminding him." Henry replied. "We have to get her to read their story to John Doe." Henry looked at all the Avengers and Emma. "That means we don't know his name."

The Avengers smiled at each other.
"Then maybe he'll remember who he is." Henry finished. Emma leaned forward to Henry, looking she was going to oppose the idea. But she stopped, and looked away from Henry. She was thinking for a few seconds, until she replied, "Okay."
"Okay?" Henry asked her, bewildered.
"Yeah, we'll do it." Emma said.
"May I join?" Thor asked.
Emma smiled. "It's why I said, 'we'." Thor looked at his teammates and clapped in triumph.
"I could volunteer at the hospital." Natasha said. Henry curled in his lips and shook his head.
"You and Emma can convince Miss Blanchard to read to him." He said.
"Actually," Emma said. All eyes landed in her. "We'll do it my way. Let me ask her." Emma looked to Natasha with a nod. Natasha nodded in understanding.

The men and Henry looked at both girls. "Could you explain it to us and not in secret?" Tony asked.


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