After a few more minutes though, Liv called Elise, Amy, Matisse and I away from the dance floor and into a separate room close by. She said she had a few important things to say. 

When she lead us into the room she closed the door behind her, poking her head out subtly before fully closing it. She seemed to be checking for others who may have followed... I wasn't sure. 

"Arghhh Liv. What's this about? I wanna dance" Matisse complained, as we all took a seat on two couches that were facing each other. 

"Matisse, it won't take long. What we have to say is quite important" Elise pronounced as she sat next to Liv on the couch opposite us. 

"And you are probably going to want to know what we are about to say" Liv added, with a nervous smile. 

"Ok then, hurry up and tell us" Amy said impatiently. 

"Hush guys" I chuckled. "Just calm down... Ok, now, what is it?" I continued calmly, looking at Liv and Elise. 

"Well..." Elise started, looking at Liv. "The first thing we have to say is about Ruby...". 

The three of us nodded at the two of them. Letting them know to go on.

"Well... She's dead" Elise continued, head down. 

Instantly, my heart broke. How could she be dead? One of my best friends... Dead? 

"No. You have to be wrong" Amy almost shouted, as well as almost being in tears. 

Liv and Elise just shook their heads. 

"Well how do you know she is definitely dead?" Matisse questioned, still having a little hope. 

"Ok well... First you should all know that Ruby was divergent. And a few years ago she wasn't too good at hiding it" Elise started up, a sad look on her face. "So.. Johanna found out and was forced to either have her killed or thrown in with the factionless. Johanna chose to send her to live with the factionless". 

"Exactly! So how do you know if she is dead? She could be alive" I stated. Telling myself not to believe she was truly dead. 

"Well, I guess that is true but we tried asking around as to whether people had seen her but no one had, so we assumed..." Liv said, not being able to finish her sentence. 

No one spoke, we all just sat their, heads hanging low. 

"But guys, don't worry. There is a possibility and if she is alive, we will find her" Liv spoke determinedly. 

"And that's not it" Elise said. 

"Yes. We are going to tell you our biggest secret. And you cannot tell anyone. Ok?!" Liv said with urgency. 

Matisse, Amy and I all agreed to keep our mouths shut. 

"Ok... Well... 

Elise and I assassinated Johanna" Liv confessed. 

Matisse, Amy and I gasped. We couldn't believe this. Two peaceful Amity girls had killed someone, their leader!

"What the hell!? Why did you guys do that!?" I shouted. 

"Lize, keep it down" Liv hushed me.

"We had to do it to easily get into leadership. There was no other way" Elise fronted. 

"No other way?!" Matisse questioned exasperatedly. 

"Trust me, there was no other way" Liv confirmed.

I took a deep breath trying to take this in. 

"There is a 'rebellion' coming" Liv whispered. 

We all frowned at her. 

"C'mon. Haven't you guys heard? Lize?" Elise questioned, thinking that just because my boyfriend was leader I would know everything. 

"Well Eric hasn't told me anything but I've been sensing some weird behaviour between Eric and Jeanine and the other Dauntless leaders" I replied as I thought. 

The girls continued to talk about this rebellion and I began to think about my divergence. I thought it would be a good time to tell them. I'm sure they would have my back and keep it a secret. After all, we were best friends. 

"Guys" I abruptly said. "I need to tell you something as well".

The girls look at me kindly. 

"What is it?" Amy asked. 

"Well, seeing as we are sharing secrets, I need to share mine. I just need to get it off of my chest. So please... No judging" I pronounced. 

"Yeah of course" Elise said with a nurturing tone. 

"Ok well... I'm divergent" I admitted with a hushed voice. 

The girls didn't say anything. Liv was about to ask something but was cut off by Amy. 

"Don't worry Lize. I know how you feel, I am in the same boat as you. I'm divergent too" she said. 

Everyone went silent again. 

"Well as long as we're admitting things I might as well too. I'm divergent as well" Matisse followed. 

"Really?" I said hopefully. Not feeling so alone anymore. 

Matisse and Amy nodded. 

"What about you guys?" I then questioned Liv and Elise. 

They didn't say anything, they both nodded nervously though. 

"Don't worry. We won't be telling anyone about this conversation" Amy confirmed. 

"So we're all divergent?" I questioned in disbelief. "Wow". 

"Guys please don't tell a single soul. I'm not ready to be thrown out of leadership just yet" Liv pleaded. 

We all let her know that absolutely no one was going to be shedding light on our conversation. Absolutely no one

We all didn't speak for a while. We just sat in silence. 

"Eliza?" Liv spoke up. 

"Yeah" I replied. 

"What about Eric?" she asked in worry. "I mean, we all know what he does to divergents... What if he finds out about you? Or any of us".

"I know" I sighed. "Right now, I can't even tell if he will kill me or not". 

"You have to be safe Eliza" Liv warned. "Do not tell anyone else. Because, trust me. Leaders know everything...

And if they don't... They come to know eventually". 

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