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While the rest of the class took notes, Hailey and I decided to spend this time to beat our face with makeup. This was basically our daily routine because obviously we had no interest in Math. Its just the same old, Mr. Mitchell goes over equations with confusing numbers and letters and then he goes on rant about us needing some more education. Mr. Mitchell is the type of person to rant for no reason, he literally does it at the most random time, he probably has personal issues at home, or his wife don't please him enough.

"Ms. Grande, can you answer the second question for us" he looked directly at me. He knew I wasn't listening, that's the only reason why he picked me out of the whole class.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mitchell but Math isn't my thing, its lame" I continued to coat my face with foundation.

"Can you please put away the makeup and actually pay attention" he said. Doesn't he realize that I have to look perfect at all times. My face is more important than this class, I'm sorry.

"Mr. Mitchell do you know how long I have to get this face perfect" I said to him.

"Yeah it takes hours do you think she just wakes up like this" Hailey added.

"I'm perfect but I'm not that perfect" I dramatically flipped my hair. Before Mr. Mitchell could respond back, the door opened. Everyone's attention went towards the door. Then the boy that I bumped into in the hallway earlier walked in. He didn't say a word but just stood there.

"You're late Mute" Mr. Mitchell said. Even the teacher calls him Mute. I'm starting to think that's his real name.

Everyone waited for him to talk but he was nothing but silent. "Are you ever gonna talk in your life" Mr. Mitchell said. "Take a seat and don't be late to my class ever again"

He nodded his head. While he making his way to find a seat, Tony and Alex that was sitting in the middle of the aisle, purposely tripped him. Laughter came from everyone in the classroom. I was containing in my laughter because I actually felt bad for him but at the same time it was funny. Something dropped out of the guy's pocket. It looked like an inhaler. Tony picked it up before he would. He tossed it to Alex, they kept throwing it back and forth around the room like a football. The guy just stood there impatiently waiting for them to stop.

"Hey Mute, what are you doing with an inhaler anyways?" Tony historically laughed.

"This boy can't talk or breathe" Alex added. The whole class laughed including Mr. Mitchell. Hailey held onto my arm as she couldn't control her laughter. The guy just put his hood over his head and took a seat across from me. 

"Okay that's enough guys the fun is over settle down class" Mr. Mitchell wiped the tears from his eyes.

"It honestly wasn't that funny" I said. Everyone looked at me weird afterwards.

"Ew don't defend the freak Ari, remember he's a lame" Hailey reminded. Okay first of all, Ariana Grande never defends no lames, second of all what Tony and Alex did was just rude, there's a difference between a joke and ignorance. I just felt sorry for the weirdo, I can't imagine being that much of a loser. Thank god everyone loves and adores me.

"Nobody is defending that four eye freak I just didn't find his stupid joke funny that's all" I didn't want her to know that I felt a little sympathy for the guy. It would just make me look bad and especially my reputation.

During the rest of the class, Mr. Mitchell proposed a new assignment/project to everyone. As always everyone groaned with disappointment. Mr. Mitchell is the only teacher in this school who loves to torture students with work and projects. Most teachers don't even care if we do our assignments, they just get paid by the hour so they didn't waste their time worrying about us failing. In my belief, the reason why he gives us so much work is to watch us suffer.

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