Hunter giggled while Camdyn frowned at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, to which he rolled his eyes. After a chaotic twenty minute ride consisting of shouting lyrics to Disney songs and Hunter throwing crayons at Camdyn's head while I tried to tell Hunter to stop through my laughter. Camdyn's face had looked pretty pissed, but I saw amusement in his eyes.

We parked and I got Hunter out of the car. He clung to me so I just held him instead of having him walk by himself. When he started trembling, I froze and saw him staring at something, or someone, over my shoulder in fear. I turned around, clutching him closer to me and spotted one guy standing not ten yards form us. He was a werewolf and hatred churned in his eyes.

"Where'd you get the boy?"

"That's not of your concern. Now please leave us alone. You've already frightened him."

"He belongs to me. He's my Omega."

There was a snarl behind me and suddenly Camdyn was before us, glaring at the other werewolf. "That's inhumane! How dare you? He's barely four!"

Hunter raised his head to say that he was four today, but I shook my head and hide his face back into the crook of my neck. The other werewolf was having a staredown with Camdyn and after about ten minutes, he finally dropped his gaze, and stormed off. I rubbed my mate's shoulder and lightly kissed his chin to calm him down.

"How about we head to the Ferris Wheel now?"

He nodded absently and wrapped his arm around my waist, following me to the ticket booth and payed for more than enough tickets for the night. All day he had been gloomy and was glaring at the people around us, making it very uncomfortable and embarrassing. When Hunter was on a kiddy train ride, I finally turned to Camdyn, hands propped on my hips.

"Alright, listen, and listen good, Alpha." He growled at my tone but shut up when I raised an eyebrow. "This is Hunter's birthday. It's a day for celebration, and you're bringing us all down. So either shape up and have fun, or go wait in the car. I will not let you ruin this day for Hunter with your moodyness. Got it?"

I was met with silence on his end. His eyes were blank and I breifly panicked. What if I went too far and he leaves us here? Or he doesn't talk to me for the rest of his life? Or what it-

His lips crashing down onto mine broke my mental panic and I wrapped my arms around his neck, molding my body against his. He clamped his hands down on my hips and kept me pinned against him. The carnival disappeared from around us and I felt like I was floating. Damn, this is a kiss, a real kiss. We were broken from our embrace by Hunter's voice.

"Mommy! Daddy! Ew, cooties!"

We laughed and I scooped my little Hunter up, tickling his stomach and causing him to squeal even louder. I looked up to see many disgusted faces staring at Camdyn, Hunter and I. My cheeks flushed with anger. I glared at the other people, letting my eyes go black a little.

Ooh, this could be fun!

No, Lana. Not here. Later, I promise.

Boo, you're a bore. Also, by the rate that kiss was going, you won't be able to feed me tonight.

My cheeks now flushed in embarrassment and I dropped my head. Camdyn placed a hand on the small of my back, sending tingles throughout me when he slid his hand under the jumper to lay his hand on my skin. I bit my lip to stop from moaning and I shifted Hunter in my arms.

You just know I'm right.

Shush, Lana.

I say go home now, tuck the kid into bed, and have some fun.

I said shush Lana!

She chuckled but, thankfully, stopped talking to me. I sighed and looked down at Hunter to ask what was next, but he was dead asleep, his cheek resting on my left shoulder and his forehead touching my neck. I nudged Camdyn and he led us over to his car. I got Hunter settled in the back and then sat in the passenger seat again.

We drove home in comfortable silence and got Hunter tucked away into my bed because he didn't like sleeping elsewhere yet. Camdyn grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall to his room. I sat on the bed while he took off the jeans, boots and hoodie, then pulled on some sweats. I toed off my Doc Martens and watched as he sat at the end of the bed, shoulders tense and head in his hands. I crawled over to kneel behind him and started gently massaging at his tense muscles. He moaned and let his head fall back on my shoulder.

"What's got you so worked up?"

"That guy said that Hunter was his Omega."


He gave me an incredilous look then sighed. "Right, you didn't grow up in a pack. Basically an Omega is a slave to the other pack members. If they wanted to beat the Omega, they could and it wasn't viewed as cruelty."

I gasped and imagined my baby stuck in a place like that. "That's horrible!"

"I know. Most packs have gotten rid of Omegas, or the cruel treatment that was allowed before. It angers me that Hunter came from one that didn't end the Omega treatment and I can't stand the pain he must've gone through. And at such a young age!"

My fingers worked fursiously, but somehow still gently at his shoulders and I sighed. "He's safe now. That's what matters."

I leaned my chin on his left shoulder and ran my hands down his arms and then back up again, soothing him. He turned around and was suddenly towering over me, pressing me back against the mattress before attacking my lips with his.Then he trailed his lips down my neck and lingered on where he'd put his mark, the meeting of my shoulder and neck. I tilted my head to give him better access.

"Mark me, Camdyn."

"Legna, are you sure?"

"Positive. I've been waiting for it since that night I had to leave the room while you fought off Eric. I'm not ready to complete the mating bond just yet, but I'm ready to bear your mark, Alpha."

His wolf growled appreciatively before he kissed my skin one last time. I relaxed in his arms as his teeth punctured through my skin and I jerked from the momentary pain. Then it turned into pleasure and I realized that 'little Camdyn' was waking up and chuckled as it prodded my thigh. A rumble sounded from his chest and he pulled his teeth out, licking the wound so that it'd heal cleanly. He growled in approval as he stared at his handiwork. I yawned hugely, then felt myself being readjusted on the bed so that I was under the covers and Camdyn climbed in behind me, draping an arm protectively over my waist as I drifted off to sleep.

I could've sworn I heard him whisper right before I went under, "I love you, my angel."


So I just want to ask y'all to please vote

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Thanks! :)


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