Chapter Forty-Three

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Malice slowly walked out of the room, holding the holocron. The soft light guided her back to the entrance where Kylo still stood. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her.

"What's that?" He asked, eyeing the holocron with a wary eye. She was cradling it gently, with a very focused glint in her eyes.

"This is a Sith Holocron."

When he still didn't seem to understand what it was, she sighed.

"This is a tool, crafted by force users that stores information and contains the image of the Sith Lord who constructed it. It's a long and delicate process, and I think this one was created by Bane himself." She said, still in awe that she was even holding it.

"So how do we make it work?" He asked, folding his arms.

"I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Let's find where we're taking shelter for the night and I'll show you there." Malice said, looking around them. She wanted to stay inside the building, so they'd be protected both from the elements but also from nosy intruders. If the building was force protected, it would serve as a decent shelter. But she wanted to head upstairs again. The rooms down here were giving her the chills.

She led the way again, heading back up the stairs. The hidden door above them started to move on its own this time, perhaps sensing that she was the same person who'd opened it in the first place. The above room was slightly darker than it had been when they had gone down. Since it got its light from the skylights above, when the sun went down, so did the amount of light in the room.

Once the hidden door had finished moving back behind them, Kylo set to work setting their tent up and Malice sat, setting the Holocron on the floor in front of her. She set her arms in her lap, starting the meditation that she believed would activate the holocron. She snuck a look at the holocron, but it didn't seem to be changing at all.

Kylo finished setting the tent up behind them, rolled out a few sleeping rolls, and glanced over at Malice, who was growing more and more frustrated.

"Not working?" He asked, folding his arms. She didn't answer, but he felt her frustration flair up at his comment.

"Maybe you shouldn't be meditating to open it." He suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it was made by Sith, right? Dark side force users? Maybe you need to use your anger and hate to open it."

Malice thought about what he'd said. He did have a point. Though she herself was fond of the effects of meditation, it wasn't something the Sith usually partook in. Perhaps she did need to be angry to open it. She didn't, however, want to lost control and break anything.  This was obviously a piece of the Sith history, and to lose such a monumental find would be...catastrophic, to say the least. She began to channel her anger, something that was always burning in the back of her mind. It grew as she pulled it forward, and she placed her hands on the holocron, pushing the anger through her hands. The holocron grew warmer under her hands, until it was almost unbearable. But she continued the process before finally getting pushed back by the combined energy. She hit Kylo's legs hard, and he steadied her. Looking up, the holocron had opened, and was emitting a bright blue light up into a column towards the ceiling. They stood in awe, feeling the immense power exuding from the holocron.

From the depths of the light column, the beam started to shift, and formed into the shape of a large man. Kylo tensed, but malice knew exactly who it was even before it had finished forming.


Or rather, Bane's image that had been stored by his force energy into the holocron. He turned, facing them and standing boldly.

"Welcome, Lady Malice and Kylo Ren. A Sith has not visited this place in many years. Welcome home." His voiced boomed loudly, echoing off the walls. It took a moment for them to even find the words to speak, but Malice had a few questions she'd been preparing.

"What is this place." She asked, gesturing around. "Why are the ruins here?"

"This is Moraband, the Sith home world. It was our dwelling place many many years ago. But it was ravaged by wars and battles, so we abandoned it. But it continued to be the burial place of the great Sith Lords up to my apprentice, Darth Zannah."

The Sith home world? So this really was like a home for her. She was the last Sith in the Galaxy, and she had been for awhile. Had they been waiting for her all this time?

"I brought you here to tell you one important thing." Bane started, looking her in the eyes. "As the last Sith alive, you have a duty to continue our legacy. You are the Lady of the Sith, and it's time you took an apprentice."

Oh snap responsibilities. Responsibilities that Malice hadn't even thought about once.

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