Chapter Nineteen

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Malice watched through a window as the ship got closer to the huge base. Kylo had called it the star killer base. It resembled the Death Star, but seemed to be built inside of the planet itself. Interesting.

Kylo was pacing again. He hadn't stopped since they'd come into view of the station, and Malice could feel his anxiety.

Everything is going to be fine. She thought to him. He stopped walking and looked up at her.

What if he knows?

He won't unless we make it painfully obvious. Don't think about it. Just focus on the matter at hand, which is getting the droid. Control your thoughts, don't let them control you.

He nodded, seemingly finished with his pacing. He came to stand next to her, looking at the giant battle station.

"Star killer, huh? I like it. What exactly does it do?"

"It has the power to destroy entire systems"

Malice was shocked. Entire systems? The Death Star was one thing, but this was so much more powerful.

They boarded a small transport ship to take them from the star destroyer to the base, and sat in silence with General Hux. Malice caught him looking at her once and glared at him, making him look away quickly. The ship docked and Kylo made sure to push his way in front of Hux, bringing Malice with him.

The base was just as she had imagined it to be. Large and technical. She was curious as to how it worked but figured she'd ask later. Now wasn't exactly the time. Many troopers and officers glanced in their direction with puzzled looks on their faces, and she soon realized it was because they'd never seen her before. They'd no doubt seen Kylo, but she hadn't set foot on this battle station yet. She was glad to look as intimidating as she did, and no one seemed to be able to hold her gaze.

They walked for quite awhile before coming into a room that she knew immediately was going to be where they spoke with Snoke. It was a lot bigger than the small room that they had on the star destroyer. She went to kneel again but Kylo held her arm, shaking his head slightly. Confused, she listened to him, and stood with her hands behind her back.

Snoke's image flickered to life, and sat in the same throne he had before.

"The droid will soon be delivered to the resistance." He breathed menacingly."leading them to the last Jedi. If Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise."

"Supreme leader, I take full responsibility-"

"General!" Snoke interrupted, and Hux flinched. "Our strategy must now change."

"The weapon," Hux started again, "it is ready. I believe the time has come to use it. We shall destroy the government that supports the resistance, the Rebublic. Without their friends to protect them, the resistance will be vulnerable, and we will stop them before they reach Skywalker. "

Snoke thought a moment.

"Go." He finally agreed. "Oversee preparations."

"Yes, supreme leader."

Hux took a final look at the two of them before turning and exiting the room.

"There's been an awakening." Snoke began again, after Hux had left. "Have you felt it?"

"Yes." Kylo replied.

"There's something more..."

Malice tried to show no emotion on her face.

"The droid we seek is aboard the millennium falcon. In the hands of your father."

Kylo seemed to show no response, but Malice was slightly confused. Kylo's father? The Millennium Falcon? Why did that name ring a bell?

"..with Han Solo." Snoke finished, looking down at them. Hearing the name sent what Malice recognized as the pain of forgotten memories, but she kept it together in front of Snoke. Kylo didn't move, but she knew he had felt her stiffen at the name.

"He means nothing to me." Kylo said blankly.

"Then you, Master of the Knights of Ren, will face the ultimate test. "

"By the grace of your training, I will not be seduced."

"We shall see...we shall see." And with thag, Snoke's hologram disappeared, leaving the two of them in silence. With the presence of the supreme leader gone, Malice allowed a wave of the pain to course through her, hoping that be releasing it, it would settle down. Kylo held onto her arm.

"What's wrong?" He asked her. She shook her head.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Just s headache."

Kylo was silent.

"Do you have memories of him? Of Han Solo?" He asked. She shook her head again.

"No, just the name is all. I know his name. The smuggler. He's your father."

Kylo didn't answer. His feelings of contempt were easily felt. Something had happened, and Malice knew thy in time she would learn what.

"That's beside the point." She said, retrieving her smooth and intimidating composure. "We have a droid to capture."

Kylo nodded, following her out of the room. They would begin tracking the Falcon immediately, and at last get their hands on that droid.

I'm actually so excited for what's coming up! I hope you're all liking it so far!

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