Chapter Three

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Asante had stayed up reading through most of the night. She wasn't sure what ''memories" we're supposed to spark from it, but none had to her knowledge. She had eventually fallen asleep, book on her chest. Her dreams were strange and unfamiliar, with voices ringing through her ears. She turned in her sleep, her dreams turning slowly to nightmares. She jerked awake, breathing heavily. Her door opened, and Kylo Ren stood in the doorway.

"What is it? Are you alright?" He asked frantically. She nodded, glancing up at him.

"Just a nightmare. Did I make some sort of noise? I'm sorry for disturbing anyone..."

"You were completely silent. But you used the force and sent out a wave of panic and fear. I sensed it and came to see if you were ok." He said, sitting on the bed as the door whooshed shut.

Asante, who had taken a drink of the glass of water near her bed, nearly choked on it.

"The force? I....I used the force?"

"Yes you did. See? I told you that you were more special than you believed." He said, folding his arms in triumph. Asante rolled her eyes.

"It's the only time in my life I ever have. That doesn't make me special." She insisted.

Ren shook his head.

"I'm afraid that is entirely false. Aside from Darth Vader himself, you have more force ability than most in the history of the Galaxy."

Asante laughed slightly, not fooling for the lies she believed he was telling her.

"Fine. I'm not surprised you don't believe me, but perhaps I can show you. Follow me." Ren said, standing.

"You mean, I can just get up and leave?" Asante asked, following suit.

"As long as I am with you, you may leave. As I've said, you are very precious to us. I'm taking no chance of losing you."

He led her out of the door, and it was the first look she'd had at the ship she was now on. A pair of storm troopers stood guarding her door. They nodded slightly to her as she looked at them, and she returned the nod.

Ren walked quickly, knowing she would catch up with him. She did indeed realize he was well in front of her and, not wanting to get lost on such a large ship, went to catch up. They walked past many different rooms, most occupied by more troops. One held a group of them sparring, watched closely by the biggest trooper Asante had ever seen. It towered over the others, and wore a beautiful chrome set of armor. She seemed to lock eyes with the trooper as they walked past, and gulped, feeling very intimidated.

Finally they approached an empty room. The aurabesh over the door said that it was a practice room.

"Practice? Practice what?" She asked as the door closed behind them. Ren didn't answer. He didn't even turn to look at her. She approached cautiously, wondering if he was ok, when a bright red light activated. She felt the warmth of the saber close to her, and jumped back, her heart beating.

"We need you to remember sooner than later." He said, turning. He looked very menacing, holding his red lightsaber. His other hand gestures to a nearby shelf, pulling another lightsaber out. It flew towards her and she caught it, still unsure of what was going on.

"I suggest you activate it." He said, prowling towards her. She was cast in a red light, the saber in her hand humming to life, and tried to prepare for what would come next.

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