Chapter Five

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It was a good couple of days before Asante woke up, and even more before it was safe to approach her. She was kept in her room for a very long time, and only Kylo Ren was allowed to enter and exit. She had been having random outbursts of uncontrolled force energy. Ren figured it was a side effect of her memory starting to return, so he would visit each day and ask if she remembered anything else.

It started with people. Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Obi-wan, Anakin, the Jedi council, and many others. Though she was starting to remember them, it was not in a personal way. She gained knowledge of who they were but not that she had ever known them in her life.

She had finally accepted that maybe Ren had been right about her. That MAYBE there was something more to this situation than she could understand. But she welcomed his visits everyday and generally enjoyed talking to him. He could let his ego get the best of him, but the more he visited, the less it happened, and she hardly even noticed when it did anyway.

Besides just asking if she remembered anything new each day, he was slowly helping her gain control of her new powers. Or rather, old powers she had lost her control of? It was all very confusing to her still, but she knew that the sooner she could gain control, the sooner she would be allowed to step outside her room again.

Ren also took it upon himself to go incredibly in depth about each person she started to remember. Darth Maul was a Zabrak, how Count Dooku had died. It seemed he was just as interested in the force users of old as she was. But he tended to only focus on the Sith. When she had mentioned Anakin and Obi-wan, he almost completely brushed them aside, tying directly to Darth Vader and going on forever as he often did. One day he had brought a surprise to show her. It was a mangled and destroyed looking helmet, though Asante could just see the image of the looming darkness in its crumpled features. She had touched it gently, trying to will herself to remember more about him, but ended up sighing in defeat.

"You'll get it." Ren told her softly. "You're already doing so much better than you were when you came here, and you haven't had an outburst in many weeks! You'll be out of here in no time, and then I can finally introduce you to Supreme leader Snoke!"

He had talked about Snoke quite a bit, and from what Asante could tell, it seemed they had a master apprentice relationship, just like the Jedi and Sith had. Though Ren didn't have a Darth title. Someday she would ask about it, but not today. Ren pulled back his arm, stowing the mask back into his clothing and going to put his own mask on again. He rarely wore it when they were alone now, which she appreciated. It seemed that after her awakening, she had developed (or remembered?) an ability to read people's emotions through their eyes. Ren had said that in time she would use the force to do the same thing, but in the meantime, this was an impressive replacement.

He stood to leave.

"Same time tomorrow?" He joked. Asante mocked amazement.

"Was that a joke? Coming from the fear inspiring Kylo Ren?"

He rolled his eyes, but there was still a twinge of amusement in them. He left after inclining his head ever so slightly to her.

The door closed and Asante smiled. She still wasn't sure quite exactly what had happened and how she'd gotten here, but she'd never felt important like this, and she was starting to like it.

Wow hello new readers! I hope you're enjoying this story! I know wattpad has a voting and commenting feature, and I wanted to know if you'd like this story to go in a more romantic path or friendship? I have a well thought out plot line for each so I thought I'd ask you! Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter! ❤️

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