Chapter Thirty-Six

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Malice had been asleep for two days. Once they returned to the star destroyer, she was rushed to the infirmary, and after getting a look from the head nurse, she was  given fluids that hopefully held something that would help her. She had contracted a little known sickness, that was found in the octopus creature they'd consumed on a few of the nights of their trip. It was found in very few of the creatures, and it was surprising that Kylo had not gotten sick as well. Nexu had a gland that neutralized the toxins, so Senzu had never been at risk.

Once filled with the medications, Kylo took Malice back to her room. It had been cleaned recently, and he laid her gently on her bed, refusing to leave her side. Senzu curled against her, nuzzling her every so often. And there they had all stayed, waiting for her to wake up.

Malice was softly floating through her own mind. She was in a very relaxed and meditative state, as her body slowly healed itself. Sometimes images appeared before her. Kylo's face appeared most often, and at one point, the path to the clearing on Cholganna, but as of late, she hadn't seen anything more.

Until all at once, she had images of different things surround her. Different people she assumed to be the Sith Lords that had come before herself and any of the others she had known. One man stood clearer than the rest. He was bald, muscular, and had what looked like Sith markings under his eyes. A strong looming female with wild blonde hair and the same eye markings, stood beside him.

"Malice, the time has come for you to visit the tombs of your ancestors." The man said.

"My ancestors? How do you know who my ancestors are?" She asked him, curiously.

"When you join the Sith legacy, your ancestors cease to be those with blood relation. We are your ancestors. The Sith of ancient times. We await your visit in Moranand." The girl said, looking at Malice with the same yellow and red eyes she had herself.

"Who are you both?" Malice called as they turned away. She got no answer, and the two figures seemed to evaporate. The vision of a small triangular box of sorts was the last to fade away.

Malice opened her eyes. She was in the dark, but she sensed it was her room back on the star destroyer. How had she gotten there? Had they finished their stay on Cholganna? She was alone in the room. Where was Senzu? Where was Kylo? She sat up, wincing at the dull pain that shuttered through body. She didn't particularly feel like leaving her room, so she tentatively stretched out with the force, searching the ship for Kylo's force aura. She found him walking down the hall, accompanied by Senzu and approaching the door to her room.

The door hissed open, and Kylo, seeing she was awake, hurried over. He set a tray of food on the table, and hugged her close to him. She felt his heart beating against her face, and slowly hugged him back.

"I was so worried. I thought we might lost you." He said quietly. Malice was still confused, not remembering what had happened.

"You got sick. Really sick. The nurses said it was from that octopus creature. When the week was over we carried you back to the ship. You've been asleep for two days."

Malice was undoubtedly impressed. Kylo had managed to survive and then carry her and make his way unharmed through the forest. He had definitely learned a lot, and had put it to use on the journey back. Senzu jumped onto her bed, purring and laying in her lap.

"He's missed you a lot. He's barely left your side. You know, besides just now when we went to get food." Kylo told her. She glanced at the tray of food and was suddenly very hungry. He'd brought some sort of bread it looked like. Kylo handed her the food, and she began to devour it ravenously. It must have been several days since she'd eaten. It tasted better than anything she'd ever eaten, and she made a mental note to figure out what it was later.

We await your visit at Moraband

The voice echoed in her mind, and she froze. Moraband. The name had been in her dream.

Kylo had a confused look on his face. He'd obviously heard it as well.

"Moraband? What is that?"

"A planet I think. Outer rim. And I'm apparently supposed to go there. I saw two Sith Lords in a dream. They told me I needed to go."

"Well first you're going to recover from your last trip. " Kylo said, not going to budge. He was going to make sure she was at her full strength before they set out on anymore adventures. She nodded, realizing she had no idea what would await them there.

Finished eating, she laid back down, growing tired again. Kylo crawled up beside her, and she laid her head on his chest, falling back to sleep with thoughts of the ancient Sith swirling in her head.

Back from one trip (barely) and almost on to another already. They've got quite the adventure for this next one.

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