|||12| alone

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[this is a conversation between a protagonist and a creature that knows all. the creature looks like a enormous tortoise of some sort. their territory is a swamp through which the protagonist has had to walk through.
the protagonist is an indian from about 15 y/o, a boy. he's sent on a journey to the creature to get some answers for the crisis the country (and their 'small queen') is in. he hasn't eaten in days, his horse died, he is exhausted but mainly depressed bc of the loss of his horse. (and the swamp is known for its depressing qualities)
the tortoise is the oldest and wisest creature, and is calm the entire conversation, the protagonist on the other hand gets annoyed with her pretty quickly....]

i do not claim to own this story, this is a part from my favorite book growing up, "the never-ending story" by michael ende. full credits to the writer and publisher etc

i wrote this because i was thinking about the story and i decided i wanted to write the conversation between these two creatures from the tortoises pov.
every dot is something the protagonist says.



tiny human

what is you doing here

in our domain

we dislike humans, particularly tiny ones. We're allergic to humans


is you wanting information, you is saying?

we don't get many questions anymore

the last few centuries have been quite quiet for us

we might sneeze on you since we are allergic to humans

particularly the tiny ones

it's why we don't like tiny humans

no, we're all alone


why are you in such hasty mood

we have all the time in the world




no, we don't think your angry emotions are valid, tiny human

*sneezes on him*


'why?' you ask us

because they're illogical


no, they are not

*sneezes on him again*

we have been alone for so long. we have started talking to ourself. if we had not, we had gone insane like the others.

of-course we know the answer to your question, tiny human

why so hasty, tiny human

we have all the time in the world


you cannot anger us, tiny human

because we are so tired
*really long yawn*

we are old, tiny human. do you know how old we are?

no, we are way older

calm down. we have all of the time

we are older than your tiny human brains can process. we are the oldest of creatures. we were there when the small queen started existing

we cannot tell you

we cannot tell you that either. tiny human

because we promised we would not tell you

we cannot tell you that either

the small queen, of-course

it was meant to happen this way. your whole journey has been planned since the dawn of time. we know all m. everything that has, is and is going to happen

shouldn't you ask yourself why you're still here? we don't have to answer that question when you know the answer the best

why are you in such a rush, tiny human. we have all the time in the world.

the others do not, we are afraid. they're long gone.

we haven't spoken to anyone in so many centuries.

we lost count.

we weren't really trying to count, though

we have been alone for so long

so we started talking to ourselves

unsmilingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora