Chapter {15}

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A/N: This is by far the longest story I've wrote. (I only have one more work I devoted time and resources into.. yeah -_-). Anyway, this story comes to an end.. *sniff* I think there will be one more chapter besides this one and the epic epilogue. Of course that can change but that's the plan. My babies!! *cries*


(Alex's POV)

I collapsed on my bed after Matty stormed out of the room, pain written all over his face. I felt didn't have the will or strength to go after him and apologise again, all over again until he forgives me. I remained.. stunned.

I'm an idiot for not seeing the big picture and not thinking things through, concerning my relationship with Dylan..


F*cking hell. He's avoiding me. Now I know for sure he's avoiding me. I didn't find him at classes, I didn't find him at lunch. Now I am in our dorm waiting for him.. He'll come in our dorm right? Where the hell can he go? He has to sleep somewhere..

As I was lost in my thoughts, I could hear the door opening slowly, revealing a.. hesitant Matty. I missed seeing him..

He wasn't aware of my presence at first because it was dark in the room, only the moonlight lighting it.. the best a moon can do. When I figured out he wouldn't see me unless I do something, I cleared my throat and he surprised me by letting out a yelp.

He tried to reach the door afterwards, tripping a few times and eventually, his body hit the ground because his eyes weren't adjusted to the dark. Mine were because I stood here all by myself in the dark, my brain creating lots and lots of scenarios. I could see him well..

I blinked at him even though he couldn't see me, as a laugh escaped my lips.

''Wait..'' he said in realisation while I got up and made my way to the switch light, turning the light on.

The light was on now, he could see me and I could see what a silly expression he made. Did he think I was a rapist or something?

''I'm not some rapist you know?'' I said teasingly while I offered him a hand to get up.

He only stared at my hand, something sparkling in his eyes, emotions colliding in him. He looked like he was wondering if he should take my hand or not. I knew it.. I won't get it easy will I?

Once again, I cleared my throat, this snapping him out of his daze. He decided to take my hand and I interpreted this as a good sigh. Big mistake. I helped him get on his feet.

''Are you okay Matty?'' I asked him sincerely, also noticing that he was avoiding my eyes.. ''You took quite a fall there..''

He played a little with his hands nervously, before answering my question. All this time without realising it, I held my breath . I had a feeling he was going to.. let it all out.

''Are we okay Alex?'' he questioned me, his voice trembling a little, finally looking at me in the eyes. I could see already.. pain in them. Dylan.. I will kill you.

''Um.. yeah. Why wouldn't be?'' I retorted in a casual voice. Keep it cool Alex, keep it cool. All this time I was rubbing the back of my head and this gave me away apparently, because he widened his eyes a little in realisation.

'Don't you lie to me!'' he screamed, his voice nearly cracking. His eyes seem a little.. yeah. Oh God. He'll cry. He's close to..

''All this time.. you were only using me to forget King?'' he asked me and his voice really cracked this time. Also, a tear rolled down on his cheek. Oh God. Oh my f*cking God. He's breaking my heart.

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