Chapter {6}

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A/N: Woop!! I know it's been like forever since I've updated anything and I know that maybe no one reads this anymore soo.. if you're reading this let me tell you that you are awesooome! I've had writers block for this story and I needed some time to come up with a good plot, plus school and other stuff kept me from writing but meh, here I am. ^-^

I will post pictures of characters 'cause I've realised I didn't offer you a full description to some of them (I reread what I wrote :D) so, you have a picture of Josh to the side. Josh's good looking too.. :-)

Dedicated to this awesome person who told me to update soon but it passed three weeks or so. -_- Sorry 'bout that! >.<

Okay enough with that, enjoy reading!


(Alex's POV)

''You're a fool you know that?'' someone whispered at me in a soft voice.

What? What's happening?

Where I am?

As I was slowly regaining consciousness and starting to be aware of my surroundings I figured out I was laying down on a bed or something but I couldn't open my eyes no matter how hard I tried. I could feel my mouth very, very dry.

My eyelids fluttered but didn't open. In my stupidity, I couldn't recognise the voice even if it sounded so very familiar.. strong, manly . After a few more failed attempts to open my eyes I gave up, but instead I focused on the steps that I could hear, closer and closer to me.

Once they stopped I could hear a sigh.. but more like an annoyed sigh, like the person was annoyed with me. Wait, what? Why would someone be annoyed with me?

''What am I going to do with you..?'' the voice could be heard again in the room.

Wait.. Oh my God. Someone's in the room and I can do a single damn thing to defend myself and I just heared 'what am I going to do with you' .. f*ck. I have to do something, fast.

I was about to panic, scream and kick on my sides but I felt how someone kissed my cheek tenderly. I flinched and I could feel my breath being caught in my throat. Those lips.. Call me an idiot but I think I.. I've felt similar before. Oh My. God. Alex, get a hold of yourself. Open your eyes. Open your eyes, now! Open them! OPEN THEM!

The first, and the only thing I was able to see actually as the bright light that made me groan in discomfort. I got up on the bed so I was laying on my butt and brought both of my hands to my eyes for a few seconds.

I blinked a few times and once my vision wasn't blurry anymore I looked at my surroundings. I was in the nurse's office. A relatively small room, a few potted plants here and there, another bed which was empty, the nurse's desk with a computer and a few notebooks on it..

Oh crap. I remember passing out at the lockers and Matty's scared face. Poor Matty, he looked genuinely scared for me. I was rushing here anyway but I didn't want to meet my friends, especially Matty because I said I was fine but I obviously wasn't. Oh the sweet irony.. I passed out in front of him. He'll kill me later!

Wait.. Aren't I forgetting something?! The voice, the k-kiss! Somehow alarmed, I looked again in the room and.. didn't find anything obviously. Did I just dream the whole thing? I was about to agree with myself on this one but I slowly brought my fingers to my left cheek. I can still.. feel it. Someone.. someone was there I know it was! Someone entered the nurse's office while I was unconscious and ..kissed me. Who in the world would do suck a-

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