Chapter {13} ~ PART ONE

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A/N: Ohhh I very much enjoyed writing this chapter. As you can see I decided to split it in two parts. Why? Becaaaause I can! ^-^ This part contains mainly Alex and Dylan aaand... Matty being held captive. :D NO! He's NOT a sex slave! God. Though, this would be.. *starts dreaming* No, no focus. *ahem* Just read on! ^-^

In Pieces by Linkin Park.. I'm in love with this song!!


(Alex's POV)

''What the f*ck Dylan?!'' I yelled, starring at him in disbelief.. ''You aren't one of the most normal human being on Earth but this is weird.. even for you.'' I concluded, rubbing my arm a little. He made sure he'd manage to drag me in here, I can assure you..

''With him Alex, really?'' he completely ignored my statement I made just a few second ago, also making a few steps closer to me. My heart started slamming hard in my chest and my first instinct was to back off but of course I didn't. I stood my ground.. ''You want to replace me with that kid.. Matthew? Seriously? He won't do..'' he trailed off, faking disappointment, starring in my eyes.

''Son of a..'' I started saying but for some reason, my voice was caught in my throat. ''Why does everything have to be about-''

''Does he make you feel the way I do?'' he questioned me, his eyes piercing my soul, as he was standing so.. close to me. Definitely too close.. ''Does he touch you the way I do? he leaned and whispered seductively in my ear and then, he started placing small kisses on my neck. I trembled and bit my lip, trying to refrain myself from moaning. I.. can't .. stop him.

''Does he.. kiss you the way I do?'' The second I heard the question my eyes widened a little, but he didn't give me time for another reaction.. He crashed my lips with his, kissing me roughly, dominating me.. in a demanding way. He crushed even the slightest intention to resist him instantly.

He bit my lower lip and I gasped. He used that in his advance and shoved his tongue in my mouth. He was leading me and I accepted that. I responded instantly, kissing him back with the same force. I am on cloud nine..

That feeling.. That feeling I looked for all this passing week like a madman, the shivers on my spine.. Oh God. Oh my f*cking God, it's happening again. I can't resist him, I'm too weak. Was I just.. fooling myself this passing week? Was I screwing with Matty? He's the one.. He's the one screwing with me! It doesn't matter I like him.. Would he always hurt me? Doesn't he care about me at all? Please.. just, please.. stop hurting me..

He broke the kiss after two second and looked at me in the eyes. He looked.. pained. ''Hey, what's wrong?'' he asked me softly, his eyes searching for the response from mines.

I didn't realise I was crying while he was kissing me. He asked me.. what the f*ck is wrong?!

''You!'' I yelled and punched him in the chest, which had absolutely no effect on him. God dammit! ''It's always you! You twist me and turn me, then you let me go! If you don't want anything with me why do you always give me more?!'' I screamed again, more tears rolling down on my cheeks. ''I almost did it you know?'' I said, pain cleared in my tone. ''I almost got over you and you had to.. I am NOT your f*cking toy! Stop playing with me!''

My voice cracked, my sobs and sniffs taking over. I didn't look at him anymore because I was too embarrassed. Instead, I looked at my feet.. Damn. I'm really crying. I tried to stop but failed miserably because I felt more tears escaping my eyes.

If only I'd disappear right now.. I thought but stopped immediately when, I felt a pair of lips tenderly touching my forehead.

''I like you.'' he stated softly, as if he was waiting for me to catch up. I blinked, another sniff escaping my mouth. ''I am jealous of every single thing that comes near you.. I wanted to kill Matthew every day for being near to you and touching you..'' he spoke while he tenderly wiped a tear rolling down on my left cheek. I looked at him in the eyes and saw many emotions.. but doubt or hesitation weren't there.

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