Chapter {5}

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(Alex's POV)

The second I opened my eyes due to my annoying alarm clock and went to the bathroom I knew something was wrong. I felt the room was spinning so badly I had to actually lean against the wall, desperately trying to get a hold of myself. I closed my eyes tightly and took deep steady breaths.

Once I felt I was able to, I made my way to the sink and supported myself using my palms, looking into the mirror. I was a little surprinsed to see that my cheeks were slightly red and my eyes also. Widening my eyes a little, I placed one of my palms on my forehead and made a disapproving sound with my tongue when I realised my palms were cold so I couldn't really tell if I had a fever.

Oh crap. I'm sure by the end of the day I'll feel like shit.

Dismising that thought, I decided to take a cold shower, trying to wake up and possibly lessen my dizziness. If Matthew asks about my red cheeks I can tell him it's from the shower anyway so yeah let's do that. I'm sure it's nothing anyway..


I lost track of time due to my attempt to shower with cold water. I got out fully dressed and found Matthew already dressed, waiting for me to get out of the bathroom with an impatient look on his face.

''Alex, did you find a fairy in the toilet or what?'' He asks in a sarcastic tone, raising his eyebrows at me. Ah, sarcasm. Normally I'd reply with something.. you know, awesome but the day just started and I already feel like crap so I'm not in the mood.

''Where did you shower?'' I asked him changing the subject.

He blinked at me, possibly surprinsed because I didn't reply earlier but responded anyway. ''We have shared bathrooms you know?'' He said in a disapproving tone. ''And what in the world took you so long? I mean, you always take your time in the bathroom'' I think I'm feeling dizzy again.. ''But now you were in there for ages. Did something happen?''

Feeling my head pounding hard, I supported myself grabbing the corner of the near thing to me, the desk and clutched my eyebrows but just a little so he won't notice.

''I don't know what are you talking about..'' I said, more like whispered the last words because I was exhaling while I was talking.

Matthew stood motionless for a second and frowned at me afterwards. He got up fron his bed and made his way closer to me and I was able to see his worried look once he got closer. Shit. He didn't buy it.

''Alex are you okay?'' And he said it. ''Did something happed? Are you feeling sick?'' God!

''I'm fine Matthew.'' I said firmly but he looked like he didn't hear me. He reached forward and touched my cheek with one of his hand and I couldn't bring myself to stop him and just watched him widening my eyes a little.

''Your cheeks are burning up Alex. You are definetly not okay you-'' Because I didn't want to hear him talking anymore I slapped his hand away, instantly regretting it due the hurt look he gave me but I didn't let it show on my face. Instead, I stood my ground.

''Stop nagging me Matthew!'' I said, almost yelled in his face. ''I said I'm fine so this means I am fine. Now let's go or we'll be late for classes.'' Once I was finished, I stormed out of the room leaving Matthew behind only because he didn't follow me.


 (Matthew's POV)

''Guys, didn't Alex seemed a little off today?'' Sandra offered and once Janette heard her, she nodded in approval. We were at lunch in the cafeteria, well all of us but Alex.

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