o1 - The Opposite of Perfect

Start from the beginning

 There were no new students, since my school didn't accept transferees at junior year. 

My three closest friends waved at me.

"Hey!" I waved back.

I sat on the chair they saved for me. 

"So, how was your summer?" my friend Magenta Adrienne whom we fondly call Madge, excitedly asked me. She was pale skinned and had dirty blond hair.

"Hm...it was so fun! We went to the beach and I also got..." I said as I removed the clip I put earlier on my hair to show my new side bangs.

"Ohmy, that looks fab!" said Paige, whose real name's Pagette Kallie. She had black hair and tan skin. Unlike me and my two other friends, she was a bit curvier. She was really pretty.

 "Thanks. How about you, Cam? What do you think?" She hasn't said a word since I came here, which was odd. Cam was usually the nosiest and most outgoing out of us four. Why was she so quiet today?

"It's really pretty." she said, smiling. Camilla Narelle had long wavy brown locks, and fair skin. Like Madge and I, she was also skinny, which isn't good since it makes us three look unhealthy when we're not.

"Why do you seem depressed?" I asked. All four of us tell each other everything.

"I do?" she asked.

"Don't play with me, Cam. You look sad, and we both know it.

"I feel sad since I really don't know how Shayne feels about me. This summer we chatted and texted a lot, but I still feel unsure. You guys know I've liked him for quite a while now." she explained.

Our conversation was interrupted when our music teacher, Sir Ed, entered the room. Wow, he was our class adviser. He was the coolest teacher here in Sweet Briar Prep. He was good-looking, with that messed up hair and dreamy eyes, he was smart, he could play guitar, the drums, and the piano, too. He even had a band, how cool was that? He was quite short, though. Hihi.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning, Sir Ed." the whole class said in reply.

"So today, let's get to know one another. Let's play Truth or Dare!"

The whole class cheered out loud. Wow, this was different. This was fun.

"Okay class, settle down. Let us all form one big circle in order to start." he directed us.

The whole class, including me, quietly followed Sir Ed's intructions. And shortly after, we got to start.

A large bottle of coke was put in the center of the circle, and Sir Ed spun it. Please don't land in front of me, just don't, I thought to myself. It stopped in front of our classmate Shayne. As Cam herself said earlier, Cam has liked him for like, forever.

"TRUTH OR DARE?" the whole class asked.

"Truth." He said, not looking nervous.

"Okay, who wants to ask him a question?" Sir Ed asked.

"Me!" said Paige. 

"Please don't do this." whispered Cam to Paige, knowing exactly what she was planning to do.

"But Cam, you haven't got to enjoy your summer just because of this guy. You literally have no idea if he likes you back, and you're already hurting. So, why not just know now?"

"Fine," said Cam. "I trust you. If this ends badly...I know I'm going to have you gals with me anyway. So, okay."

"Are you ready with your question?" asked Sir Ed. 

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