Part 4 - I saw that coming

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Cas dreamt about Dean.

At first it was just a random dream that included Dean, but then it turned into memories. Then he probably got his consciousness back, but he was still asleep; so he dreamt about Dean because he thought about Dean.

He thought back to the first time they met.

He was walking back to his dorm because he had forgotten his laptop charger – typical freshman things. He was calm and it was a beautiful, sunny day until a jackass decided to break his shoulder.

Dean was running late to his economics class, so he actually was running and he had bumped into Cas's shoulder. It had really hurt. He hadn't even said sorry, so Cas had shouted "Excuse you!" behind him.

For the next year, Cas had referred to him as "that guy who bumped into me that one time and never even apologized". Even his friends knew him as the "rude guy". But it also made Cas notice him a lot more. Whenever he went somewhere in the campus or a party, his eyes would automatically look for Dean, and his heart would break a little when he couldn't find him.

Then, about a year later, he had decided to take Gabe's advice and bring his bass guitar with him to the concert hall when no one was around. He plugged his guitar to the amp and started playing. It sounded amazing in a completely empty hall.

He had been playing for a few minutes when Dean had randomly started clapping and scared the hell out of Cas. He had almost dropped his guitar, and was ready to yell at whoever it was who was secretly watching him until he realized it was him.

The one guy he'd been secretly watching for the last one and a half years.

Dean had gone up to the stage next to him and complimented his skills, and Cas had tried not to blush too hard. Then they had started chatting and talking and realized they had so much in common that it would've been just stupid to not talk again.

So they had exchanged phone numbers, and Cas wasn't going to text him unless he did first because Cas thought he didn't mean anything to him – just a new friend – but then Dean had started to appear everywhere he went.

Cas would be sitting at the cafeteria, eating alone, and Dean would come and sit next to him. Cas would be going to class and Dean would risk being late to his lecture to walk with him. Cas would be in the library, reading, and Dean would find him and sit next to him to just read whatever he was reading.

It was like Dean had a crush on Cas too.

Then after the constant "bugging" that Cas had absolutely no problem with, they became inseparable. Cas wouldn't go to any party Dean wasn't going. Dean would wait for Cas's lecture to end before he had lunch so they could have it together (preferably in this new diner they had discovered together). Cas would force his friends to invite Dean when they made plans including him. They never seemed to be alone because they had each other.

Cas got pulled back into reality when someone knocked on the door to his hotel room. "Cas?" Dean shouted behind the door. Cas groaned and shifted in the bed, not wanting to get up.

"Buddy?" Dean asked. "I'm alive," Cas decided to shout. "Can you open the door so I can come in?" Dean asked again. "No," Cas said.

Dean used the back-up card he had of Cas's room and opened the door. "Good morning sunshine," he said and closed the door behind him, and Cas groaned again. "Come on, this is our last day," Dean said and walked towards the bed.

Cas was facing the window so when Dean sat on the bed, he couldn't see him properly. "You have a severe case of bed hair," Dean said, looking at Cas's head. Cas groaned.

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