Book 3| Chapter 5| Fallen of the good

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Previously on King Collosuss

Collosuss: So this is the rider? A talking skull?

Khanom: Actually, it is a skeleton.

Collosuss: Oh, okay skull talk.

Skull: Here's a message for all of you.

Collosuss: Wow, we better prepare ourselves. Khanom we must tell this to the others before it's too late.

Khanom: Agree.

All of the nations prepared their armies for the coming attack of Diarald's army, unfortunately he send out 3 plague doctors each nation and they have these mind controlling potions which if a person drink it, he or she will obey Diarald's commands. The plague doctors spread the disease by pouring their potion in a barrel of water where the troops drink. And so that plan worked.

On the next week. Diarald has finally arrived at Flaming Peaks, well Khanom's guess was right after all because all the troops from different nations moved there.

Diarald: Well game over boys because your troops has a disease.

Collosuss: Oh yeah then why they don't look sick?

Diarald: Oh you'll see. Guards kill these fools and their armies too!

Collosuss: Oh yeah umm... We got dragons!


And so all of the dragons died by that one lucky slash.

Koozma: Run for your lives.

Koozma and his friends ran across to their camp. On the meanwhile Diarald's army slay mostly celestial, spiritual soldiers and armed citizens. Collosuss and his friends took everything on their cabinets and also Scarlet was eating some food in their food bunker.

Collosuss: Everyone ready?

Glacier: Yup, we're all ready.

And so, all of them went to the harbor took Lith's ship because it's faster than Collosuss' ship leaving with a bad defeat. While Diarald is enjoying his victory that he ruled the nations. He also casted a spiritual message to everyone.

Diarald: All citizens from other nations from this day forward I Diarald pronounce to be ruler of the world and all of you shall kneel down to your master.

To be continued.

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