Book 1| Chapter 6| Their first battle

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Previously on King Collosuss

Collosuss: I went to the forest to beat up those highwaymen.

Zen: That's good.

Aztec: Hurry, time for adventure.

Collosuss: Time for whaa?

Koozma: Aztec's kingdom is in danger so we need him to go out there.

Collosuss: Oh okay.

Glacier: So this is the madness.

Aztec: Yep, it is.

Collosuss: What are we suppose to do.

Koozma: We'll sneak using these bushes.

Collosuss: Naah that wouldn't work.

Zen: How about we use Khanom's invisibility spell.

Collosuss: You got a good point there.


Collosuss: Alright everyone where here at the kingdom.

???: Any sign of the Immortals?

Raptor: No sir.

Collosuss: Looking for us?

???: Where don't be such a coward.

Collosuss: Khanom, invisbility off.

Khanom: Yes master.

???: What it is really you.

Glacier: Yeah were about to take you down.

Collosuss: By the way who are you.

???: Enough with this talk, the fight is on. GUARDS hunt them!

Zen: Run!!

T-Rex: Too late for all of you.

???: By the way my name is Spino.

Collosuss: Spino?

Spino: Yes, master is waiting for all of you.

Zen kicked Spino in the chest and they used a teleporting bracelet never return.

Collosuss: That was a close one.

Koozma: I know, our first battle stinks.

Collosuss: Don't worry, this is our first battle

Khanom: Yeah calm down there Koozma.

Koozma: CALM DOWN. I wanna crush him!

Zen: We'll crush them soon.

Ilocos: Is the beast dead?

Collosuss: No, but we'll figure it out.

Ilocos: Alright, see ya.

Meanwhile on the kingdom which took over the dinosaurs. Spino went to his tent took a majic ball to talk Orgniz.

Orgniz: Hello.

Spino: This is Captain Spino.

Orgniz: Did you caught the rebels.

Spino: No sir. But I have encountered them.

Orgniz: Very good, keep hunting Captain Spino.

Spino: Okay.

To be continued.

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