Book 2| Chapter 8| An underwater temple

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Previously on King Collosuss

John: Wait, What in tarnation is that!?

Dragon Rider: The dragons tried to destroy the Dark Nature, but then they were shoted by this weird beam.

Sky: So, why you're here King John?

John: Listen, send 6 Celestial priests and Supremes to fly out there to destroy a little the Dark Nature.

Sky: Sure, but the Dark Nature is pretty overpowered.

Collosuss: Don't worry, we can help them.

John: You mean you and your friends only?

Collosuss: Exactly.

John: Alright, but be careful about this.

Collosuss: I will.

Scarlet: Over here Collosy!

Collosuss: Ah, thank goodness you're here. Let's get out of here while this Dire wolf is sleeping.


On the Immortal's camp.

Collosuss: Hey Scarlet, I just wanna say thanks for helping my back out there.

Scarlet: You're welcome.

Collosuss: So shouldn't you now leave?

Scarlet: Oh right, I gonna go now.

Collosuss: Well then I guess this is goodbye then.

Scarlet: Yeah.

Scarlet leaved the camp, while Collosuss and his friends went fishing in their nearby river until Koozma felt some stone bricks and cleared all the vines.

Koozma: Hey guys, I think it's a...

Zen: Temple.

Collosuss: Come on guys, let's check it out.

They went in inside and in the first room is with a lot of pressure plates.

Khanom: Back off everyone, there are camouflaging plates.

Glacier: What's gonna happen if I touched the plates.

Khanom: Then you're dead.

So they avoided the plates. When they reached the 2nd room, they saw a parkour and underneath is lava.

Khanom: Watch out Glacier!!

Glacier saw underneath until he saw lava. He went away, so they jumped but then Koozma stepped on the wrong pillar. Luckily Khanom floated back Koozma and they kept jumping. When they are in the 3rd room, they heard crocodiles inside. So they kick the door Koozma and Glacier punched all the crocodiles, they had arrived the price until a ghost just appeared.

Guilleros: Don't be afraid.

Collosuss: Who the heck are you?

Guilleros: My name is Guilleros.

Collosuss: You must be the old king in my empire before.

Guilleros: Yes it is.

Glacier: Who is this guy?

Collosuss: I'll talk about it later, but where's our reward?

Guilleros: Before I'll give you the price, I remind you all that use this price wisely.

Collosuss: We understand.

Guilleros: Here's your price.

When they opened the chest, inside of it is Creator dust.

Collosuss: No way, these are so cool.

Koozma: What's cool about them?

Guilleros: You can form dusts to something like it can form into a solid sword or everything you've want.

Koozma: Now that's awesome.

Guilleros: Anyways, I can stay up like this in the morning but I can fade away when it's midnight.

Collosuss: Anyways, thanks for the great price.

They went to a door and back on the river with Guilleros.

Meanwhile on the Dark Nature.

Megaloleros: Don't worry Orgniz, I can solve your problem.

Orgniz: Fine, then I will send you and your friends to earth.

To be continued.

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