Book 2| Chapter 4| Talking with the suspects

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Previously on King Collosuss

Zen: Sup. Anyways do you have a plan?

Collosuss: Yes it is. Koozma and Glacier investigate the minery. You and Aztec investigate in the forest. While me and Khanom are gonna investigate in the fields. Is that clear?

Glacier: Oh yeah.

Zen: By the way everyone my soldiers are investigating in the village. Not the kingdom.

Miner: Thank goodness you're here,weird long tooth tiger attacked my miners.


Collosuss and his friends put the tigers in a cage and they start to talk.

Saber tooth tiger: Alright mister, free us.

Koozma: No way!

Collosuss: Okay tigers I will ask you questions.

Saber tooth tiger: What's the first question?

Collosuss: Where did you all come from?

Saber tooth tiger: Fine, we were sent by Lord Orgniz to make our first mission. So yeah that's what happened.

Koozma: Next question, what kind of tigers are you?

Saber tooth tiger: We're saber tooth tigers.

Collosuss: That's enough questions for now.

Meanwhile on Dark Nature.

Orgniz: I sensed them already, they will never return. Oh well, next plan I will send 3 mammoths to Blizzard Empire.

To be continued.

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