Book 1| Chapter 10| Air raid on Shanghai Lands

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Previously on King Collosuss

Collosuss: Alright. Go to the barracks and talk to the leader of soldiers tell to him to train many powerful knights and archer knights.

John: Why I suppose to do that. There are plenty of solidiers in the storm island.

Collosuss: Yeah but my enemy has an army of it which is huge. So send the solidiers to raid, also bring advanced catapults.

John: Alright I can do this favor.

Capt. Raid: Oh, he's one deadly enemy. Alright I will send my troops and my commanders in the storm island.

John: Thank you.

Capt. Raid: You're welcome.


The kingdom of Storm Island.

Spino: Alright, Pternardons fly away.

Pternardons: Sir yes, sir.

The pternardons flew away to the Shanghai Lands. It took them 3 days to go there until they're arrived.

Solidier: What the heck?

The pternardons went attack to the village. Many people screamed about this until it was reported to the castle.

Solidier: Sir there are monsters or suspicious creatures fly around, attacking in the village.

Hingden: Call the solidiers.

Solidier: But sir, they can't attack them. There are to many of them.

Hingden: Don't worry, I will call the Immortals.

Solidier: Sir where can we evacuate?

Hingden: Where not staying in this island. Instead we'll sail to Atlantis Empire.

Solidier: Yes master.

Hingden went to his bedroom and called to the Immortals. On the storm island. Zen picked up the phone answered.

Zen: Hello.

Hingden: Son? Where are you?

Zen: I'm at the Storm Island with my friends.

Hingden: What are you, on vacation!

Zen: No father, I'm on an important mission.

Hingden: What important mission.

Zen: Where planning how we stop this dinosaur siege.

Hingden: Okay but our village is on attack.

Zen: Alright Collosuss can do this job.

Hingden: I'll hope but see ya.

Meanwhile on Collosuss' hut.

Aztec: Hey Collosy, I got bad news me and Khanom had.

Collosuss: What's the bad news?

Khanom: Spino told those pternardons to make an air raid.

Collosuss: What location?

Aztec: We're not sure but they are flying west.

Collosuss: That goes to Shanghai Lands. Alright everyone let's go back to our ship and sail to Shanghai Lands.

Scarlet: Can I come?

Collosuss: Sure.

Collosuss and his friends went back to their ship. After 3 days of sailing, they saw ships going out there sailing away.

Koozma: What the?

To be continued.

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