Book 2| Chapter 15| The awaited war

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Hello everyone, this is Magmozard and I reached the final chapter of the book. There is still an another book just wait along.

Previously on King Collosuss

John: Father, me and my friends fight Orgniz.

Cronus: Well, I hope you can survive out there. But who can rule your empire?

John: Don't worry, my wife can.

Cronus: Remember, once you died you will turn into a ghost like me.

John: I understand. And I will miss you.

Cronus: I will miss you too.

Collosuss: You're dead?

John: Yes.

Spade: We are dead.

Collosuss: I promise, I will save the world.

Hingden: Then go for it.


After training for the war, Collosuss ran to the recruiter for his ordered soldiers.

Collosuss: Are my men are prepared?

Recruiter: Why yes prince Collosuss.

Collosuss: Good, go and tell captain Raid to prepare the soldiers in the battlefield.

Recruiter: As you wish.

After 4 hours which is his friends already arrived, the ship of Dark Nature arrived.

Orgniz: Commanders, send the troops outside.

Gigantopithecus: Yes master.

Orgniz's commanders opened the gate of the ship. The first wave of the empires is a pit trap. This time it has a gate and it is deeper than before. Some Dark Nature troops fell. Collosuss and his friends teleported using their magical necklaces. They were teleported to the hallway.

Collosuss: Everyone I have a plan.

Lith: What's your plan?

Collosuss: Alright. Powerful and Stealth brothers, go west. While me, Khanom, and Lith go to east.

Koozma: We got this.

Koozma, Glacier, Aztec, and Zen went to the west side of the ship. The powerful and the Stealth brothers went accidentaly to the command center which are Orgniz's
commanders are in there. On the meanwhile, Collosuss, Khanom, and Lith went accidentaly to the supply room until they saw Orgniz.

Orgniz: Hello friends.

On the war, the second wave is that all sieging machines, soldiers even other nations helped. Some of the soldiers died. On Collosuss, he tried to slashed Orgniz but it parried. Lith tried to shot with his pistol Orgniz but it missed. Khanom tried to slash Orgniz but he was tangled by his vines that appeared magically. On the war, the final wave of the other empires is that there are kamikazes and dragons that carry bombs. Almost all of the Dark Nature troops died, the rest the soldiers killed the other Dark Nature troops who survived. On Collosuss, Khanom and Lith are tangled in vines. Orgniz used a spell that breaths green fire Collosuss was hurt on his left arm. Collosuss bashed Orgniz with his shield and finally stabbed him on the chest by his sword.

Collosuss: Heroes rise while villains fall Orgniz. Come on guys, let's find our friends.

Khanom: Free us first.

Collosuss: Of course I will.

Collosuss slashed the vines so that he can free his friends. They went west until his friends arrived.

Collosuss: What happened out there?

Glacier: We kicked some commanders butts.

Collosuss: Everyone let's get out of here.

Khanom: Can I crash this ship tommorow?

Collosuss: Sure thing Khanom.

Collosuss and his friends teleported back to the battlefield and they saw is that almost all soldiers died. On the next day, he cured his wound on the hospital, after that Collosuss' mother made an announcement to the empire.

Rea: My people, I attended you all here for an announcement and a celebration. From this day, my son Collosuss will now claim the lands of Birch and Spruce Kingdom.

Collosuss: Can I make an announcement?

Rea: Sure thing.

Collosuss: Everyone, I feel pity about the other kingdoms, but from this day my friends who helped me to stop Orgniz will own their own villages, because I couldn't done this to stop the troops. Let's celebrate!

John: So is this what you want?

Collosuss: Not yet, how am I suppose to feel the immortality?

John: You can only feel immortality by believing your heart and mind that their is immortality. Well that's why I was chosen to be king because I believed my heart and mind that immortality is real.

Collosuss: I tried but it didn't.

John: Try, don't try use it wisely.

Collosuss: I understood.

John: So what's the big deal that you want to be king?

Collosuss: It's not about the riches I have, it's about to take care those people.

John: I understand, why look, a friend of yours.

Collosuss: Huh?

Scarlet: Collosy!

Collosuss: Scarlet!

Scarlet hugged Collosuss and then she kissed Collosuss on the lips. After that she was a little embarrased.

Scarlet: Oh I'm sorry, guess I missed you too much.

Collosuss: That's okay, I missed you much too and I love you no matter what.

Khanom casted a controlling spell so that he can control it. He located it to the middle of the ocean. Finally, he casted a gravity spell so that he can fall it.

Khanom: Oh yeah, mission accomplished.

The end.

King CollosussOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant