[21] formal

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i wanted to take kaeleigh out tonight. things had been really crazy lately. now that luke's been out of the hospital for two weeks, and he's recovering really quickly, i thought maybe i could try to get things somewhat normal.

and so i showed up at kaeleigh's house at five in the evening, and when she opened the door, blurted, "six thirty. i have dinner reservations."

she looked taken aback. "what?"

"it's last minute, i know. but i was out all morning after i made the reservation and forgot." i rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "and it's fancy. so no jeans."

kae groaned, stepping aside to allow me in. i didn't move forward, but instead took a step back. "i'll pick you up at six."

kaeleigh opened her mouth to speak, but i was already off her porch and crossing the street.


i settled for a pair of black pants - not skinny jeans - and a white t-shirt with a black coat buttoned over it. even though i was only going across the street, i wanted to do this date right - so i started my car and pulled into kaeleigh's driveway.

i got out and jogged up to her door, knocking lightly on the wood. her father answered, and stepped aside to welcome me in.

"she's almost ready," he nodded at me, and then left to the living room.

a moment later, i heard footsteps from the stairs, and looked up. my eyes locked onto kae's, and i didn't look away. i briefly took note of how her hair was pinned back, and how she was wearing a simple blue dress. but i was more focused on how she looked at me shyly and how the world seemed to stop turning.

"you're so beautiful," i breathed out, and she looked at her feet. i placed a finger under her chin, lifting her face up to look her in the eyes, and then kissed her nose.

"you look handsome as well," she said quietly. i smiled at her before taking her hand and pulling her outside.

on the ride to the restaurant, i stole glances at kaeleigh while she stared out the window. one particular time she happened to look at me, and our eyes met. i looked away, focusing back on the road, as she giggled.

"why are you staring at me?"

"i'm not," i denied. "i'm driving. i'm looking at the road."

kaeleigh hummed. "sure."

i looked at her briefly and smiled, then winked. she rolled her eyes, seemingly annoyed, but the grin tugging at her lips said otherwise.

when we arrived at the restaurant, i jogged around to the other side of the car, opening kaeleigh's door and offering my hand to her. she smiled before taking it, and i linked our fingers together as we walked to the door.

once seated at our table, we looked over the menu and quickly decided what we wanted. we ordered our drinks and food, and then made conversation while we waited.

"what else do you have planned?" kaeleigh asked curiously.

"that's for me to know and for you to find out." i replied happily as she groaned.

"you're mean."

"you love me."

"i do."

i grinned even wider.


"can't we at least go home and change first?"


"i don't wanna walk around in my dress," kaeleigh whined, pouting as i took her hand.

"too bad," i swung our hand between us. "if it makes you feel any better, you look gorgeous."

"thanks." she replied quietly.

we got in the car and i drove to the park, which was empty when we got there. it wasn't surprising, considering it was close to ten o'clock at night.

i lead kaeleigh towards an empty grassy area, and proceeded to lay down on my back. she looked at me like i was crazy, and i raised my eyebrows at her.

she rolled her eyes with a sigh, and slowly laid down beside me. i scooted closer to her, and she rested her head against my shoulder.

"i don't see how people can name constellations," she spoke. "like, you can point out any stars and call them the big dipper."

"it has to do with their location and how bright they are," i responded. "but i guess you're right. i can't name them either."

"can we do this forever?" she asked. "can we just stay here, you and me, and look at the stars together?"

"i wish," i agreed. "but you know the sun has to come out sometime."




and hi this is the last chapter.

bye loVE YOU


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