[7] dinners

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kaeleigh acted strange for a few days following the tattoo. i wasn't sure what she was feeling, or what she was doing, but she just seemed off. i, on the other hand, couldn't help but grin every time i noticed the tattoo in the mirror. i had actually gotten her initials tattooed on my chest, and i wasn't sure if kaeleigh was acting weird because of it or not.

i was with the boys today at luke's house, and we were talking about the band. we were working on a song, but we couldn't figure out the next line.

"how about," ashton started, "'i'm going because i want to find you. is anyone there that can rescue somebody like me?"

"no," michael shook his head, "i feel like we're getting closer, but that just doesn't feel right."

"okay, so," i began, looking at the notebook in front of me. "so far we have, 'i'm just waiting for somebody like you, come find me i'm a lost boy.' before that, it could be 'i'm coming because i need to find you, is anybody there who can recuse somebody like me?'"

luke grinned, reaching forward to high five me. "that's it, cal. that's perfect."

we continued to add onto the song, finally getting the chorus done, which had previously been the hardest part. eventually michael, ashton and i went home, packing up our instruments. i bid goodbye to luke, before i was in my car, taking off.

i pulled into my driveway, walking towards the door with my guitar in hand, humming part of the new song. i was unlocking the door when a voice spoke, scaring the hèll out of me.

"whatcha humming?"

"shít, kae," i murmured, dropping my keys. i picked them up as she chuckled. "you scared me."

"i'm surprised you didn't see me," kaeleigh said, following me into the house. i shut the door behind her. "i was sitting right on the bench."

i shrugged, climbing the stairs to my room with kaeleigh in tow. i placed my guitar case by my dresser, and sat next to her on the bed. she stared at the guitar before looking at me. "when are you guys gonna finish that song so i can hear it?"

"it's taken us a while to get just the chorus done," i explained, "so it'll probably be a while until we get the whole thing done."

kaeleigh nodded, and i leaned over to wrap and arm around her shoulders. she shivered, and tensed. i slowly removed my arm, staring at her strangely. "what's wrong?"

she didn't answer, and seemed to be thinking about something. she shook her head as if clearing her thoughts, and turned back to me. "nothing."

i kept my gaze on her, and she huffed, grabbing my hand and pulling my arm over her shoulders. i chuckled as she curled into my side, and sighed.

"what was that for?"

"just happy, i guess." she replied simply.

"oh!" i said suddenly, causing kaeleigh to flinch. "my mum wanted me to see if you and your parents would come over for dinner tonight."

"i'll ask them," kaeleigh nodded, pulling out her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen. "i'm not coming unless it's joy's spaghetti."

i laughed, "it won't be anything else. she knows it's your favorite."

kaeleigh smiled, "we used to have these dinners all the time. why don't we have them anymore?"

"because we're adults now," i responded. "technically, you and i could move out."

"oh," she breathed. "yeah, we could."

"now that i mention it," i thought back to a conversation i had with the boys earlier today. "michael's moving in with ashton."

terrified. ✿ calum hood auWhere stories live. Discover now