Chapter Thirty-Four: Trying Something

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[AN: Beware, there be some mature content ahead. If you want to skip it, just skim over it until you see it end. There are no time skip marks to help you this time. Also, a small gore warning. Nothing severe or too detailed, but there is blood, so if that triggers something, be careful. That's all - enjoy!]

~Chapter Thirty-Four: Trying Something~

The constant swishing of my tail against the pale ground keeps the dust from being able to settle properly after each swish and I soon find myself in my own personal cloud of dirt. However, I couldn't care less about the cloud that is threatening to make me sneeze. The only thing I actually care about right now is the fact that I was woken up at the ass-crack of dawn to take part in 'Pride Bonding'.

For the werewolves, group bonding is going for long runs in the dense forest with their tongues hanging out...well, I will admit that most wolves do not like to go bug collecting with their mouths, but Dylan did it once as a sort of joke and I am not letting him ever live it down. Anyway, the wolves bond by spending time together in their animal form.

Lions are very similar in that aspect, from what I have found. They gather together in a predetermined spot every week or every other week to 'bond' as a pride, though it does not appear to be mandatory, since I doubt the thirty or so people here are the entirety of the pride. Ryland made it sound a lot bigger.

The only difference between the pack and pride bonding so far is that the lions don't run. No, of course not, that would be too fun. Instead, they lie about, occasionally starting little mock fights, and lick each other. It is like a public bath, but without the bath and the 'water' is saliva.

For the past hour, I have spent my time hissing at anyone who even thinks about coming near me to use their tongue against my perfectly clean pelt. Well, it was clean, until I started making a miniature dirt storm in anger. So far, my don't-approach-me glare and obvious hostility has worked wonders, since the number of fur-lickers coming my way has dwindled, but I can feel Ryland's disapproving gaze on me every time I scare someone off. Caspian seems to think it is hilarious, though, since he starts sneezing with laughter each time I manage to make someone literally run away, which has made some people avoid him as well to keep from being sneezed on.

At first, Ryland was constantly at my side, but because he spent so much time away – and he explained this to me before we shifted – he was eventually pulled away to spend some quality time with a small group of women. If he was not gay – and if his mother was not one of those women – I probably would be jealous...okay, maybe I am a little jealous of the attention he is giving them, but that does not mean I am going to ruin his 'bonding experience', as he called it, by pulling him away. I don't give a rat's ass about this stupid event, but Ryland told me to be on my best behavior and I doubt biting them would be considered 'good'. I doubt hissing at people is good either, but I am not a damn saint.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a male lion approaching from my left and turn to hiss at him. However, instead of either running off or moving in closer, he drops down into a crouch with his front paws only, using the universal sign for 'play'. I pause to consider, but only because he is still young, barely has his mane, and looks to be only a little bigger than myself, making him the perfect sparring buddy. If I were to spar with Ryland, I would be flattened immediately, so it has been a while since I have had the chance to start a mock fight.

When I stand up, about a dozen heads turn in our direction, proving that they have, in fact, been watching me this entire time. Nosy lions. They are clearly surprised to see me doing anything other than sulking like a house cat stuck in a bathtub. Without bothering to see if Ryland is watching – which he undoubtedly is – I mirror the stranger's pose. From what I have seen, the rules of the game are no claws or aggressive biting. To win, you either pin your opponent down for a few seconds or there is a mutual agreement of game over.

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