Chapter Ten: Exposed Secrets

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~Chapter Ten: Exposed Secrets~

I blink a couple times before inquiring, "Consummated?"

"Is that not the right word?" Caspian asks, momentarily confused as he mutters to himself a list of words starting with the letter 'C'.

Beside me, Ryland grinds his teeth together harshly, "No, it's the right word."

"Then why do you seem so confused? Surely you have at least thought about it," Caspian continues as if the subject is not absurd and highly embarrassing. However, he seems to come to a mental stop when he sees the looks on our faces; Ryland's barely contained rage and my unhidden puzzlement. "Merda...You do know that Ryland is"

There seems to be a moment of complete and utter silence. I am not sure if it is just me or if the truck kept moving without its engine, because I am left staring at Caspian with no idea of what to say. My mind has gone completely blank. When he was referring to me as Ryland's mate...he didn't mistake me for a girl. 

So, I turn to Ryland and stare at him until words form and I say the first thing that comes to mind. "You know neither of us can bear children, right?"

I had intended it to be a joke, but neither of them was laughing. Apparently, it did not click right away earlier because everything just suddenly hits me like a truck full of bricks. They are serious. This isn't a joke.

"Y-you can't be serious," I all but shout, wincing when it practically echoes through the small interior. "The whole point of mating is to fall in love and have children."

Caspian decides to oppose me on that. "You could adopt," he points out. If it were not for the fact that this conversation has left me stunned, I might have been annoyed.

"Chiudi il becco," Ryland snaps while keeping his eyes one the road. Caspian looks like he wants to say something, but wisely keeps his mouth shut.

After a moment of silence, with only the sound of the truck's engine to fill it, I try a different approach. "Ryland, I don't care if you're gay, but this is probably all some big misunderstanding. Right?"

"There is no misunderstanding," Ryland replies, his accent growing thicker as his body grows tenser. I, too, grow tense and the cab is soon full of uncomfortable pressure. It does not help that Ryland's naked torso is pressed up against my uncovered arm, making me acutely aware of how close I am to the lion.

I have never had trouble with homosexuals; I just have trouble with relationships. Being committed, having a mate, all of it just seems too complicated for me to take a real interest in it. However, people have a tendency to not understand my lack of interest, so I like to create distance from those interested in dating.

But it is not like I can create a lot of distance between Ryland and myself when I am trapped inside a truck with him as it speeds down the highway. I am starting to feel a lot more like a caged cat than a 'friend', as Ryland called me. While I was already planning to call Dylan, picking up my phone at the first chance I get has taken top priority on my to-do list now...

Wait a second...that bastard!

"How long has Dylan known?" I demand. Dylan's odd behavior concerning Ryland suddenly makes a lot more sense. Though, what really bothers me is that he let the lion stay even after he knew.

Ryland sighs, "Since last week, when I told him. He agreed to let me stay because he believed you should be the one to turn me away."

"And I will," I snap before quickly correcting myself, "I am. I'm not your mate."

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