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Chapter Twenty-Six

   I wake up in a very dark room. I see I can't move any parts of my body.
"What the hell?! Oh shit, not again." I complain.
   "Hello (y/n). Miss me?" He says. I felt my rage come back.
   "What do you want?" I scream.
   "Here's a hint to keep you alive, don't let Jack or you go out this week." I could feel him smiling as he said that.
   "Why are you suddenly helping me?" I question him.
   "Because I don't want anything happening to you, sweetheart." He says with a smirk. I yell in disgust.
   "How come I know you're not just tricking me?" I keep questioning.
   "Ugh.....enough with the questions. Just take my advice!" He says sounding aggravated.
   "Wait! I have more que-..." I hear a snap and then I awake.
   "(Y/N, are you okay?" Jack says while running to me.
   "Um.....yeah, I guess." Jack looks at me weird then he continues getting dress. My head starts to hurt a little after that nightmare.....or was it a nightmare? I got up and decide to go home. I say goodbye to Jack by giving him a kiss on the lips. I leave with joy in my heart. Then, I remember what Anti said.
Here's a hint to keep you alive, don't let Jack or you go out this week.
I didn't know why Anti is sorta nice to me. I also remember him saying that he controls the bad things that happen to me. I shrug the thoughts out of my head and keep driving. Then, I hear a horn and turn my head. I froze in fear for what was heading my way. Then, it went black.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I am hoping the chapters won't be as short as this. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed. Bye!

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