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Chloe PoV
I wake up to a groaning Beca.
"Babe?" I whisper tiredly. She just groans in response. I get up and groggily rub my eyes. "Babe, are you okay?" I ask, keeping my voice to a whisper. It was still dark outside.
"Head..aches.." She says between groans.
"Okay, I'll get you something for it." I whisper before leaning down and kissing her forehead. She mumbles something before rolling over and rubbing her temple. I pull on some batman boxers before quietly sneaking downstairs. I sneak into the kitchen without making so much as a squeak. I rummage through the top cupboard until I come across some aspirin and then go searching in fridge for a cold bottle of water. I hear the front door close and I freeze before I hear stumbling down the hall. A large figure appears in the doorway.
"Fat Amy?" I ask in surprise. She freezes before leaning casually on the door frame.
"Yeah, what's up Chlo?" She says, trying to sound casual.
"Why were you out so late?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh..I went to get smoothies.." She says, trying to lie convincingly. I continue to stare at her.
"Ugh! Fine!" She caves. "I was out with Bumper."
"Bumper? Really Amy? We have a curfew and what did I say about you and Bumper? You've got to tone it down a notch." I say in my best scolding mum voice. We instated a curfew a while back since the girls were staying out way too late and getting way too drunk. Also, I added it because Bumper and Fat Amy were at it almost all the time. "There's going to be consequences." I say, waving my drink bottle at her. She groans.
"I couldn't bare it anymore! Those two in a room together is sickening! I swear they were going to do the nasty right there and then, whether I was in the room or not." I stare at her in confusion.
"Who were gonna do the nasty?" I ask.
"Aubrey and Stacie." She says it like its taboo. My mouth drops open and I almost drop the bottle I was previously waving around. I start giggling, I can't help it. My giggles turn into laughs. "Shh, shhh you'll wake them up." Amy says. I cover my mouth as the giggles die down.
"Wait, how'd Aubrey get in?" I ask.
"The window." That sets off another set of giggles. Imagining Aubrey climbing up the side of the house was just too good.
"Sorry, sorry." I grin widely. "I'm glad they're finally together." I say happily.
"Finally?" Fat Amy questions.
"Aubrey's had the hots for Stacie for a while." I say with a smirk. Fat Amy rolls her eyes.
"I guess I was too scared to notice her gayness. I did spot you and Beca from a mile away." She snorts. I roll my eyes playfully.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go back to bed." I say, turning to leave.
"Consequences dropped?" Fat Amy asks hopefully.
"For what you're being put through? Consequences dropped." I say with a smile before returning to Beca. She gratefully gulps it down.
"Thanks." She whispers. I smile at her warmly. I lean down and whisper in her ear,
"Aubrey and Stacie might've been having sex earlier." I say with a giggle. Her face contorts in disgust.
"Eww! I don't want to know that Chloe!" Beca groans in disgust. I chuckle.
"Scooch over. I wanna hop in." I say, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"'Kay." She mumbles before rolling over. I slide in and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my front. "No talking, my head hurts." She mumbles. I snuggle my head into her back.
"Okay, love you babe." Comes my muffled reply.
"Love you too." She says sleepily before falling asleep. What a good day to be alive..

Sorry it's short and kind of boring. I've get more interesting ones cooking but they are taking time so I decided to give you this one. I promise the next one will be much better. Enjoy and I'll see you in the next one!

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