Street Riff Off

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Emily PoV
"Ow, ow, ow! Babe!" Beca, my crazy idea mum, says as Chloe, my usually bubbly mum, drags her by the ear away from the street riff off. "Stop! Babe, short legs, remember!" Chloe continues to drag Beca as I follow with my head down. She stops when we get around the corner.
"A street riff off? Really?" Chloe says as she looks between the two of us. I hang my head in shame as Beca rubs her ear and scowls. "I go to get some food and return to find out you two were are at a street riff off! Really? What did I tell you two about fighting?" Chloe demands.
"Babe, my ear hurts!" Beca whines. Chloe glares.
"Good! There's more where that comes from." Chloe turns her glare to me.
"I expect this of your mother, Emily, but you too?" She says. I shrug my shoulders helplessly.
"Babe, my ear!" Beca whines, taking the attention away from me. "It hurts." She moans. Chloe sighs.
"Here, let me look at it." Chloe's sighs and flips Beca's ear. Beca sneakily reaches into Chloe's bag and pulls out two chocolate bars, then slips then into her pocket after giving me a wink. I try not to laugh. "It's fine, it'll just be red for a while." Chloe says and turns around. I try to make my face blank. Chloe raises an eyebrow at me.
"But it still hurts." Beca pouts.
"Do you want me to kiss it better?" Chloe asks playfully. Beca nods, still pouting. Chloe leans behind her and kisses her ear. Beca smiles happily. Only Chloe can make her face glow like that.
"Better?" Chloe asks teasingly. Beca nods.
"Better." She says and plants a kiss on her lips. I groan.
"Moms! Gross!" I exclaim and look away. They both laugh. I groan again.
"Can we go home and get something to eat?" I ask. Beca comes and stands beside me, nodding. She looks pleadingly at Chloe. Chloe's face turns serious.
"Not until after you tell me whose idea this was." We both freeze.
"Hmm.." I say, debating whether or not to spill.
"Don't you dare say a word. I'm your mom too." Beca says in my ear. It's not hard to get her to forgive me but it'll be while before she takes me to something like this again so I keep my mouth shut. Chloe stares at us expectantly.
"Emily?" She ask me impatiently, knowing I don't like to lie. I stay silent. Chloe sighs. "Fine. No dinner." Beca nudges me and taps her pocket. The chocolates. She pouts.
"You just ruined my ear! Couldn't I have dinner?" Beca asks. I stare at her but I'm not too shocked. If we showed we didn't care too much Chloe would've been suspicious but I can't believe she would bail!
"It's not ruined." Chloe sighs. "You're so dramatic Beca." Chloe says and rolls her eyes.
"But you love me." Beca says and pecks her on the lips. "Come on, let's go home." She says and walk towards the car.
"Uh, not until you tell me whose idea it was, we aren't." Chloe says. Beca pulls the keys out of her pocket.
"I guess you're staying here then." She says with a smirk. Chloe checks her bag.
"You stole that!" Chloe says. Beca shakes her head.
"No, it's my wife's, so it's technically not stealing." She says and sticks out her tongue. Beca hops in the car and opens the passenger door. I slide in. Beca hands me the chocolate and looks back to Chloe. "Coming? Or are you staying here?" Beca asks with a smirk. Chloe sighs and hops in.
"Mom, just so you know, we were winning before you dragged Beca away." I say to Chloe. She gives defeated sigh.
"Did you?" I nod and take a bite out of my chocolate. "Hey! Where did you get that!" Chloe's says. I freeze mid bite and turn to look at Beca. She's been naughtier then usual.
"Um..I bought it?" I say, more as a question then an answer.
"Beca!" Chloe yells and slaps her on the shoulder.
"Hey! Don't distract the driver!" Beca says.
"Your not even moving." Chloe points out. Beca huffs.
"That may be because I'm too short." Beca says. I pass her the pillow I'm sitting on. "Thanks, Em." She says and turns on the engine. We drive home in silence. We walk in the door.
"We're going to watch a movie." Chloe announces. Beca groans. "There'll be popcorn." Chloe says.
"Buttered?" Beca asks hopefully. Chloe nods and smiles. We walk into the lounge room.
"What movie?" Chloe asks.
"The Incredibles." I answer instantly.
"Again?" Beca whines. Chloe just smiles at her.
"You're only here for the popcorn." Chloe reminds her, she goes into the kitchen. Beca mutters something unintelligible under her breath but smiles.
"Why do you like it so much?" She inquires. I shrug.
"I don't know. I guess it's because they try to be normal and it ends in a mess." I smirk. "Like us."
"Are you calling me weird?" Beca asks, raising an eyebrow.
"What? Me?" I say in an innocent voice. I picked it up from Beca. The microwave beeps just after Chloe walks back in.
"Emily, could you get that for me?" Chloe asks, a mischief glint in her eye. I looked between her and Beca. Beca frowns but nods at me. I go into the kitchen and take out the popcorn. I carefully open the bag, letting out the hot air. I suddenly hear intense giggles from the lounge room that grow louder.
"Whose idea was it?" I hear Chloe yell and I laugh, realising she's tickling Beca. I quickly pour the popcorn and hurry into the lounge room. Beca's rolling around on the floor while Chloe relentlessly tickles her.
"I don't know! I don't know!" Beca gasps out before starting to laugh again.
"Yes you do!" Chloe's says with a laugh. I put the bowl on a table and watch with a laugh. Chloe looks up at me. "You'll be next if I don't anything out of her soon." Chloe says with a devilish smile.
"It was.." Beca says before bursting out laughing under the constant attack of tickles.
"Yes?" Chloe's ask, doubling her attack. Beca just shakes her head and keeps laughing, holding onto her stomach.
"Stop! Stop!" She pleads. I slowly start to back out of the room, knowing Chloe'll give up soon and come after me. Beca, obviously knew it wouldn't last much longer, holds it in. I run out to the back yard as I hear the laughing stop and Beva breathing hard. I look around for a place to hide.
"Emily!" I hear Chloe yell with a laugh. I run and hide behind a bush. Chloe walks into the backyard. "Emily?" I stay silent. "I know you're out here." She says with a grin. She loves hide and seek. "I'll find you." She says and I can't help but giggle. She looks in my direction, instantly shutting me up. She smiles evilly and starts running over to me. I spring up and start to run away from her. "Emily Mitchell-Beale, stop running right now!" She yells with a laugh.
"Never!" I shriek with a laugh. Me and mom are about the same size. Beca's the shortest, which she grumbles about but Chloe is fastest. She tackles me with a laugh. She sits on top of me and starts to tickle me.
"Whose idea was it?" Chloe demands. I start to laugh hysterically. I am ticklish beyond belief. I'm ticklish basically everywhere. I try to to hold it back and suffer the onslaught of tickles but I can't hold it in.
"Beca! Beca! It was Beca!" I say with a laugh. Chloe stops and smiles, victorious.
"And you had no input?" She asks, posing her fingers to tickle me again. I shake my head with a laugh, I am extremely ticklish.
"It was a surprise." I said when she raised her eyebrow. She gets off me and helps me up. We walk into the lounge room to find Beca hiding behind the couch and eating popcorn. She pokes her head out and in quickly back in. I laugh. Chloe's eyes shine.
"Emily told me." Chloe said putting on a grumpy face.
"Emily!" Beca groans.
"You know I can't stand the tickle attack!" I say. Chloe smiles.
"It's true, she didn't even last five seconds." She says. I cross my arms.
"Yes I did! It was ten." We all crack up laughing. Chloe puts on her thoughtful face and taps her chin.
"Now, how to punish Beca?" Beca squeaks and retreats to the corner with her popcorn.
"No punishing Beca? Forgiving Beca?" Beca says hopefully. Chloe shakes her head and smiles.
"Nope, you need to be taught a lesson." She says, smirking.
"It was a surprise!" Beca whines.
"Any ideas, Emily?" Chloe asks me, ignoring Beca. I shake my hands.
"Don't bring into this." I say. Chloe smiles and says,
"I know." She goes over to Beca who squishes against the wall. Chloe leans down and kisses her. I look away. I hate it when they do that in front of me! I mean, I know they're on love and I'm glad they are but I don't need to see that much passion. Chloe leans away.
"I don't mind this." Beca says with a smirk.
"No kisses for a week." Chloe says, taking the popcorn and sitting back down on the couch. Beca's mouth drops open.
"A week?"
"Two weeks." Chloe changes her mind.
"What!" Beca exclaims. I can't help but laugh. "Emily! Help!" I shake my head and continue to laugh. "Not like," she flicks her eyes to me, "anything?" Chloe shakes her head with a laugh.
"Sit." Chloe commands and I sit down next to her. Beca gets up and grumbles something. She sits on the floor, her back against the couch. Chloe pats the seat next to her insistently. Beca gets up and plops down next to her. Chloe opens her arms and Beca snuggles in. I smirk. Chloe always gets her way, Beca can't help herself. I hug my knees and wait for the movie to start. Thinking about what an awesome family I have.

Amazing what a sentence or two can turn into, right?

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