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"Stacie!" Fat Amy yells as she walks across the hall. "I think we could be partners in crime." Stacie raises an eyebrow at that. "I have a plan." Fat Amy continues.
"Well, spill!" Stacie says, never the patient one.
"You have to agree first." Fat Amy says.
"Anything illegal?" Stacie trusts Fat Amy but she wouldn't put it past her.
"Unless you count embarrassing and/or annoying our favourite captain." Fat Amy says, a mischievous glint in her eye. Stacie perks up instantly.
"Embarrassing short stack?" Stacie asks, her favourite pass time.
"Mhmm." Fat Amy hums, already knowing she's in. "So, partners in crime?"
"Partners in crime." Stacie agrees, already smiling mischievously. "What's the plan?"
Beca PoV
"Beca!" Fat Amy yells as she follows me out of the practice hall. I turn to her with a smile, momentarily forgetting about my phone.
"Yeah?" I continue to walk. I was texting Chlo and we're meeting up for coffee after we had showers and got changed.
"Where you going?" She asks casually. I stop walking and turn to her, Fat Amy is anything but casual.
"What are you up to?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh!" Fat Amy says, holding her hand to her heart, feigning shock and hurt. "Why would you assume something like that?" Fat Amy says, staggering around like an idiot.
"Amy, I got places to be so.." I turn back around start walking again, telling Chloe Amy's acting weird.
"Places? Do these places happen to include Chloe?" Fat Amy asks in a way too innocent voice. I freeze for a split second at that.
"Uh, no?" I say and continue walking.
"I knew it! You're going to see Chloe! I bet you're texting her right now!" Fat Amy says as she runs to catch up. I grumble under my breath and stick my phone in my pocket. Why the hell is Fat Amy following me? She's still not going on about Bloe is she? Oh god, this is going to be painful.
"I'm going to shower." I grumble as I reach my car.
"And then you're going to see Chloe." Fat Amy says, wiggling her eyebrows. I open my back door with a huff and throw my bag in there, carefully putting the bag with my computer on the seat.
"No, I have a set to finish." I say as I walk around the car.
"Sure." Fat Amy replies. I hop in my car and start the engine. Fat Amy taps on my window. I stare at her. She taps again. I lower it with an eye roll.
"What? I really gotta go."
"On your date?" Fat Amy asks. I just roll my eyes again and drive off. What was her deal?
Chloe PoV
I watched Beca walk out before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find Stacie grinning down at me. Her long legs combined with her high heels made her extremely tall. She grabbed my arm and started dragging me outside. I stumbled a few times before I shrugged and went along with it. Stacie didn't usually do things like this. She continued around the corner once they were outside, I just followed with an amused smile. Once we were around the corner she pushes me against the wall.
"Do you like Beca?" She asks, seriously. That was unexpected. I give her a smile.
"Of course, I like Beca. She's my best friend!" I say with a wide grin.
"No, I mean like like." She says, still serious. I furrow my brows at that.
"Like love?" I ask, uncertain. Stacie just nods. I just shrug with a carefree smile. "I don't know. I never really thought about it, she is cute." I've never really been quiet about my feelings and Beca's no different. I'm proud and confident of myself and my feelings, just like I am with my body, no shame. Stacie smirks.
"Thought so. If she liked you back, what would you do?" She asks, still smirking. I purse my lips, thinking about it, not even minding that she was still pressed up against me.
"Ask her out?" I say with a shrug. "I mean, she's adorable but imagine how much more I could embarrass her." I say, smirking at the possibilities. I know, for a fact, that Stacie loves embarrassing Beca.
"Embarrass how?" She asks, a mischievous smile starting to appear.
"Hmm." I think about it. "Giving her the biggest hickey." I say with a chuckle, just imagining how Beca would react. Stacie steps back with a laugh. I frown in confusion as a question pops into my head. "Why?"
"No reason." She says with a smirk. I just shrug it off. Stacie's being Stacie. I check my watch. Damn! I'm gonna have to take a rushed shower to meet with Beca in time. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." I say and hurry off.
Beca PoV
Even though I said I was working on the set to Fat Amy, I was actually going to grab some coffee with Chloe. It's not a date. We are both the captains and we wanted to throw around some ideas for the next set. That was all. I walked into the coffee shop to find Stacie, Chloe and Fat Amy all sitting in a booth. Oh goody. I walk over to them and slide in next to Amy.
"I thought you were working on your set." Fat Amy says with a smirk.
"I am, technically. We were going to throw some ideas around." I huff.
"Right," Fat Amy says and rolls her eyes. "while on a date with Chloe." My face instantly blushes.
"It's not a date!" I snap, earning a few curious glances. I pull out my phone. There are three texts from Chloe and one from my mum.
'Stacie's acting weird.' 'She won't go away..' 'I can't get rid of her..can she come?' Well, that explains that.
"Who are you texting?" Fat Amy asks as I start to answer mum. She was wondering if we could meet up for lunch this weekend.
"No one. I'm searching the web for how to get rid of an idiot." I grumble as I tell mum we have practice. Chloe chuckles and Stacie laughs. Fat Amy snorts and steals my phone. "Hey!" I protest. Her face falls when she sees who I'm talking to. I snatch it out of her hands. "Who exactly were you hoping for?" I asked before setting a time for an early lunch, more like brunch.
"Your girlfriend." Fat Amy replies.
"I don't have a girlfriend." I say as I turn off my phone. Fat Amy and Stacie share a look. I raise an eyebrow at Chloe, who just shrugs as she takes a sip of her drink. I realise my sudden need for caffeine. I get up.
"Where you going?" Fat Amy asks instantly. Stalker.
"Coffee, hence the reason I'm here." I say.
"Get me one?" She asks hopefully.
"Nope." I say before turning around.
"She's just angry because we crashed her date." I hear Fat Amy say in a lowered voice as I walk away. Stacie and Chloe stifle laughs. After I made my order and collected my coffee, I walk back over and sit down with a plunk. My good mood spoiled.
"Aw come on Beca! Don't be like that." Fat Amy whined.
"I'm just drinking my coffee." I grumble as I take a sip. Chloe pouts.
"Can we focus on the set?" She asks, giving me a pleading look. I sigh and put down my cup.
"Fine. What didn't you like about it?" I ask, leaning back into the seat, ignoring Fat Amy and Stacie.
"You've already sent it?" Fat Amy asks. I roll my eyes.
"Yes, we were going to fine tune it." I state.
"Can't we hear it?" She practically whines. I give her a cold glare.
"You aren't even meant to be here." I point out. "So, no, you can't."
"But how are we supposed to put our input in?" She asks, still using a whine like voice.
"You don't." I say before turning back to Chloe. Stacie has a thoughtful look on her face. I wonder what's hats about. "Anyway, Chlo, what did you think?" I ask.
"I think there should be longer pause pause before the 'I came in like a wrecking ball' part." Chloe says, taking on that far away look. I take a notepad and pen from my bag.
"Okay, anything else?" I ask as I quickly scribble it down.
"Hmm.." She hums thoughtfully, "I think so but I can't remember."
"Okay..well, I was thinking of putting something in behind the Timber part of the song." I say.
"That could work. What song?" She asks. My fave brightens with a smile.
"It a surprise." She rolls her eyes playfully.
"Gaaaaaay." Fat Amy says.
"Oh, shut up!" I say and lightly slap her arm.
"Well, if that's it I've got class." Chloe says and hurriedly stand up. My face falls a bit.
"Oh, okay." I say with a slight frown. "I'll see you later then." I say and stand up.
"You gonna kiss her goodbye?" Fat Amy asks.
"Shut up Amy." I grumble as I swing my bag over my shoulder and pick up my coffee.
"Walk me to class?" Chloe asks hopefully.
"Anything to get away from these turd burgers." I say.
"Turd burgers?" Chloe asks with a raised eyebrow as she walks out, me following. I groan and rub my face,
"I've been hanging out with Amy way too much." Chloe snorts.
"Sure have."
"Do you know what's up with them? They're acting weird." I ask. She just shrugs with a smile.
"No idea. Stacie did corner me after rehearsals though."
"Really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "What about?" Chloe suddenly spins around pins me against the wall. I gulp. Luckily, we were in a less popular part of the campus.
"You," She whispers. I shift uncomfortably as she presses against me. "and me."
"What about us?" I ask, it comes out more as a squeak the anything else.
"She asked if I like you." She states calmly. How can she be calm when she was pressed against me like this? Then again, she was calm when she barged into my shower too. I give off a nervous chuckle.
"Of course you do. We're best friends." She smirks.
"That's what I said but she meant like like." I gulp at that.
"And?" I ask, my voice squeaking again. She takes a step back, releasing me.
"I'm not sure. Never really thought about it." She says. I take deep breaths, trying to get my breathing under control. I hate it when she suddenly surprises me like that but...I love it too. She starts walking back to class. She always does this. Suddenly spring something like this on me, getting really close, and then pretending it never happened. I try to forget too but it's hard. As we reach her classroom door she gives me a quick hug before rushing inside. She's so confusing. I sigh and walk away. I run head first into Fat Amy.
"God, Amy what is your problem? I swear your stalking me." I grumble and continue to walk around her. Fat Amy follows me.
"So, why was Chloe pressing you against the wall earlier?" Fat Amy asks, faking innocence.
"So you are stalking me." I mutter.
"Only partly." She says casually.
"Oh, goody." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.
"What's got your nickers in a knot?" Fat Amy asks. Sometimes I forget she's Australian, even with the accent. I roll my eyes.
"Nothing." I mutter and check my watch. Twenty minuets until class, at least I can escape Fat Amy for a while. I unlock my car as we reach it but before I could actually open the door Fat Amy blocks my way.
"What's wrong?" She asks, slightly concerned. Fat Amy does annoy me but she knows when not to push it and she has yet to cross the line, she knows that and so do I, so what is wrong? I sag my tense shoulders. I sigh and rub my face.
"I'm not sure." I sigh and it all rushes out. "My head hurts, you're acting weird and I'm really, really confused." Stupid Amy making me open up, stupid me for opening up, stupid emotions for having something to open up about.
"What are you confused about?" Fat Amy asks, all humour gone. I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't know, everything I guess." She stares intently at me. "I can't figure out what to do for the new set?" I say, it comes out as more of a question. Fat Amy raises an eyebrow. I sigh. "Fine, get in. I need coffee."
"You have coffee." Fat Amy points out. I drain the last of it and throw it in a nearby bin. Amy's already in the passenger seat.
"Not anymore." I say and start the engine. Fat Amy shrugs but stares at me, waiting. I never knew she had this side to her when I met her, never would've thought it was there, but I'm sort of glad it is. I need to let some things out sometimes and I know if it's serious she won't tell anybody. "I'm just really confused, you know? My brain and emotions are acting weird."
"Weird how?" She asks cautiously, as if saying the wrong thing will scare me off. It probably will. I grit my teeth and stare straight ahead.
"I'm feeling..things." I manage to get out.
"What sort of things?" I almost snap at her, almost, instead I take a deep breath.
"New things..and old."
"Do they happen to have something to do with a certain redhead?" Amy asks, the teasing note back in her voice. I roll my eyes, relaxing a bit.
"They do not." I mumble.
"Really?" Fat Amy asks disbelievingly. "Are you sure?" I sigh.
"So they might have a little something to do with her." I confess. Fat Amy laughs.
"I knew it!"
"Knew what?" I ask defensively.
"You like her!" Fat Amy squeals.
"I wouldn't say like." I mumble. "More like I enjoy her company."
"And her body." Fat Amy says, giving me a suggestive look.
"Amy! No!" I groan.
"Beca has a crush. Beca has a crush." Fat Amy continues to repeat.
"Seriously Amy?" I say, giving her a fake disappointed look. "That's like primary school, dude."
"So, when are you gonna tell her?" Amy asks excitedly.
"What?" I half screech, fighting the urge to pull over.
"You are going to tell her, right?" Fat Amy asks, cautious once again.
"No! She's also the captain and that really would not be a good idea." I say, my knuckles turning white. God knows I want to tell her.
"But you like her." Fat Amy whines.
"Yes, but I'm not going to put the team in danger because of a crush." I argue.
"But what if she likes you?" Fat Amy asks and I gulp.
"It doesn't matter." I say half-heartedly. I sigh in relief as we pull up to the coffee shop. I could really do with that caffeine right now. We walk up to the counter and I order coffee, a strong one.
"Do you love her?" Fat Amy asks suddenly as we sit down. I freeze for a split second.
"Well..I wouldn't say love but I guess I do have a crush on her..." I say, staring at my coffee. No way in hell is Amy going to keep that a secret for long.
"Chloe said she'd.." Fat Amy gets cut off by the wringing of my phone. Speak of the devil, it's Chloe.
"One sec Amy." I say as I click the answer button. "Hello?" I say as cheerfully as I could manage, the confusing emotions intensifying.
"Beca, hey. Is everything alright?" Chloe asks, concern laced through her voice. I gulp.
"Yeah, fine." I lie. "What's up?" I hear her grunt. She can always tell when I'm lying.
"Me and Stacie were having an interesting conversation and I was wondering whether or not I could talk to you?" She asks. I note the slight nervousness in her voice. Chloe is never nervous.
"Um..sure, I have class in like 10 minutes so..where are you?" I ask, I don't mind being a bit late for class. "Wait...aren't you meant to be in class?"
"Well..I may or may not have slipped out.." Chloe says guiltily.
"Chloe!" I scold. "You're going to fail literature if you continue to do that."
"Maybe I want to fail." I hear her mumble. I pretend I don't hear that, I'll deal with it later.
"Where are you? I'm at where we met earlier." I inform her.
"Again?" Chloe asks to the sound of an engine being turned on.
"Chloe Beale I swear if you are driving I will hang up right now." No way was I letting her get hurt.
"It's fine, Stacie's driving." Chloe reassures me.
"Has she been sticking to you like glue too?" I ask. "Fat Amy has yet to leave me alone."
"Huh, weird. So, why are you back at the coffee shop?" Chloe asks curiously.
"I needed caffeine." I state.
"Beca! That could kill you!" Chloe says and I hear Stacie asking what it is in the background.
"It was only my second, my most is more then double." I say.
"Beca." Chloe groans.
"Fine, fine. I won't do it again..maybe." I say, a smirk pulling at my lips.
"Okay fine, I'm here, meet me outside." Chloe says and hangs up. I frown at my phone. Then I point to Amy. "You stay here." I command before getting up and walking towards the door. As soon as I stepped outside the door I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and drag me into the alleyway beside the building. "Uh..hey?" I say, slightly stunned. Chloe pushed me against the wall, like earlier. A small gasp escapes my lips.
"So, remember how I told you Stacie asked if I liked liked you and I told you I told her that I never really thought about it?" She whispers into my ear. I nod my head slightly, withholding a moan. I wasn't sure if she was doing it on purpose or not but her leg was not in the right spot, or maybe the right spot. "Well, I thought about it and.." She gives my cheek a peck. "I've decided I like you Beca Mitchell." I gulp.
"I like you too." I blurt, breathlessly, before I know what's happening. My cheeks redden slightly. Chloe chuckles and pulls away, drawing me into a hug. I'm stiff at first but then I relax into it, Chloe feels really good. We hear clapping behind us and quickly turn around to find Stacie and Fat Amy high-fiving.
"Bloe is a go!" Fat Amy yells. I roll my eyes.
"So this is what you two were up to." I say. I squeak when I feel a hand squeeze my butt. My cheeks redden. Chloe leans down and whispers in my ear,
"Sorry, it was the only way I could get Stacie to drive." She says with a chuckle. She adds a little louder. "There's more of that to come." She gives me a mischievous wink before walking off. I send her a glare half heartedly before walking behind her, all thoughts of class forgotten. What an odd day..

I am so sorry! It's soo late but its loooooooong so I hope that makes up for it! Please enjoy and have a wonderful day! Thank you for the 500 reads!!!!

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