Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to Jules130 cause I love her story<3

So, hi everyone! This is the first chapter, since no one's reading I don't have to apologize for updating so late:p but thank you! please comment and vote and whatnot:) thanks!

-xo, nicole.


Chapter 1 

Brittany Hollers & Nick Michaels. 

Leila got up, thunder still shaking the house. She changed from her gray, sleeping shirt to a red one, which was about three sizes too big on her. The sleeves were up until the elbows, they were white while the torso was red. She pulled on some  jeans which were ripped at the knees. She put on some white converse and opened the door to her small room. Leila walked down the stairs, smelling bacon and eggs. 

“Smells good.” She said, walking into the kitchen. Her oldest brother, Logan, turned to look at her. Logan was nineteen, with golden locks of hair that curled around his ears and fell over his crystal blue eyes. Logan was “the beauty” of the family, as everyone said. Every girl would’ve tried to befriend Leila just to get a chance to go to her house and slip a glance at Logan, except no girl wanted to befriend Leila, even if it was just on interest. Logan smiled at her. “Sure does. Now sit down, its not often I make breakfast.” He said. She smiled and sat down in the small, four person table. 

The door opened, and in came Carter. Carter was Leila’s other brother, he was the middle kid. He was seventeen and a half. Carter was the Jock, even more than Leila was. However, many girls would scream and kick to get a look at him. Truth was, both brothers were drop dead gorgeous. Carter had sleek, black hair which he flipped occasionally. His eyes were a lively gray, and he  was even more muscular than Logan, which was a lot. His hair was soaking wet, along with his blue T-Shirt. 

He closed the door and walked into the bathroom, walking out seconds later, drying himself of with a towel. “Ooh, look who’s cooking. What’s the occasion?” He asked Logan teasingly. Logan rolled his eyes and served bacon and eggs on three plates, which Leila passed to all of them. They sat down to eat. 

“No occasion, jackass. Just me wanting to be nice.” Logan said. Leila and Carter immediately turned to look at each other. Carter gave Leila a knowing nod. “What’s wrong this time, Logan?” Leila asked casually. 

Logan stopped eating. “Why does there have to be something wrong?” He asked, but even his lie didn’t convince him self. Carter shook his head. “Every time you’re extra nice, its because something’s wrong. Spill it, you can’t hide it forever.” He said. Leila turned to Logan waiting for him to explain. Logan swallowed, then sighed. He put down his fork and turned to look at them both. 

“Guys, there’s nothing wrong really.” He said, and got up to get himself more bacon. Leila shrugged, and Carter looked as if he believed him. Logan sat back down. “There’s something right though.” He muttered. Leila’s head popped up. “I kind of GOT THE SCHOLARSHIP!” Logan screamed the last part, and Carter and Leila were immediately on their feet, hugging Logan. 

Logan had applied for a football scholarship two months ago at Brown University, and they had given to him now. Leila squealed and threw her arms over Logan, Carter joining them. Logan laughed, and tears were forming in his eyes too. 

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