Chapter 20

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I woke up and saw the symbol on the wall. I was back with Hydra again. I hated to admit it, but James had been right. It had been dangerous for two Hydra fugitives to be out alone.

I heard the door open. The same man from the castle came in.

"Welcome home Ragnarok. I don't believe that we've been officially introduced, my name is Gideon Malick" he crouched down in front of me "still a girl of few words I see".

"Why am I here".

"Well since we can't make you be our weapon, we're going to kill you and use your DNA to make a new weapon".

I tensed. Hydra was actually going to kill.

"Your DNA is special. Not even your brother has it. Your DNA contains the most destructive forces of nature".


"No what".

"You wouldn't kill me. You need me" I stated. To be honest, I was just trying to buy myself some time.

"But we still have your brother and we can make another one of you".

"What so you're going to plunge the world into another ice age and then wait another seventy-two years to burn the world again, because that didn't work out for you the first time" I spat "I know that my brother was more loyal, but people are more likely to survive and ice age".

"We are going to kill you" Malick grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the cell and down the hall. A few soldiers forced me to my knees. James was also brought in and forced to his knees.

"What are they going to do to us" he asked me.

"They're going to kill me and then they're going to use you to freeze the world".

"You two be quiet" a soldier said "say another word and we'll hurt you".

"Eh, you're going to kill me already so what's another moment of pain" I said. The soldier slapped me and punched James across the face.

I spat on the floor and looked over at James. Blood was coming from his nose.

The soldiers and Malick left.

"You okay" I whispered. Judging by the look on his face, that had been the first time he had seen his own blood.

"Yeah just fine" he winced "you".

"I'm fine. You look like you just saw a ghost" I stated "is this the first time that you've seen your own blood".

"You caught me. I've never seen my own blood before".

More blood dipped from his nose to the floor. "Why is so much coming out of me" he inquired.

"Because when you bleed a lot comes out. It kinda runs in the family".


"My phone, it's in my pocket. If it's still there grab it and call Cap. They'll come and get you out. If I don't make it" I said.

"They aren't actually going to kill you" he interrupted.

"If I don't make it, tell the others I love them" I finished.

I shifted so James could get my phone. He grabbed it and slid it in his pocket.

A soldier came back in. I knew what I was about to face and accepted it. "Will" James started. I have him a look that said shut up you idiot.

I was dragged down the hall and thrown into a clean white room with a metal table. The soldier strapped me down to the table.

I awaited death.

(James's P.O.V.)

I was dragged back to my cell. It was both a good and bad thing. I would be able to call for help, but Will was somewhere dying.

I fumbled in my pocket for Will's phone. I opened it and called Cap.

"Will where are you" Cap answered.

"It not Will" I said.

"Son, where is she".

"Hydra captured us".

"What did you get her into".

"I had nothing to do with this. Now can you trace this signal" I asked.

"Tony can, now tell me what happened to Will" Cap asked.

"Hydra's going to kill her. They're going to take her blood and bone marrow whiles she's alive and that will kill her" I explained.

"We have your coordinates. Just make sure that Will's not dead when we get there" Tony said.

(Steve's P.O.V.)

"Hydra's going to kill her" James said. I handed the phone to Tony and sank to the floor.

"Steve what's wrong" Nat asked.

"They're going to kill Will" I whispered.



"I have the coordinates, let's go get Will" Tony said giving me my phone back. I stood up and grabbed my gear and the headed to the jet.

"I just don't get it" Clint said.

"Get what" I asked.

"Why would Hydra go through all of the trouble to get Will back if they were just going to kill her".

"Because they want her bone marrow to make another weapon" Tony said.

"We should be there soon" Nat said from the cockpit.

(Will's P.O.V.)

It felt like hours before someone came back into that room. I wasn't sure if it was to stress me out more or if they just didn't care.

I wasn't sure if they would fill the room with gas to kill me and then extract my blood or if they were going to do it while I was still alive.

When someone finally came back, they came with tools. "Good, you're not passed out" the scientist said "I like my patients to be awake through this process".

I pulled against the restraints. "Don't worry, you'll probably pass out from the pain".

He cut away a section of my shirt and pulled my jeans down a little to expose my hip. "Your hip has the biggest pocket of bone marrow so that is where we will start drilling".

I was tense. I didn't want to die. I had a family and friends that needed me.

The scientist cut open my side and started drilling. All I felt was pain. Pain everywhere. It was blinding. I couldn't hold my screams back anymore.
I bet that you all probably hate me right now, but this is not where the story ends. This may be the last chapter in this book, but there will be a third one. Book three is titled The Final Hope and it should be up soon depending on how much time I have to write.

So don't worry I won't kill Will just yet.

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