Chapter 10

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I had been staying at Peter's house for two weeks. It had also been nine months since the Avengers first saved me. It was December and even though it was freezing cold in New York I sat on Peter's roof every night and looked at the skyline. In the middle of it all was the tower.

I thought it was stupid that I couldn't stay at the tower. It was different to live at Peter's. Since I was there, his team also wanted to be there. I had become their unofficial mentor.

Everyone was somehow busy with it being two weeks till Christmas. I had never celebrated Christmas. Hydra never gave me gifts or strung up lights or had trees. The only gifts they gave me were my powers, and right now they seemed more like a curse.

I couldn't be with my family because of my powers. I couldn't stay in one place for too long. I lost my memories because of my powers. I just wished to was normal so I could be free.

"Hey" Peter said sitting new to me on the roof. I had my knees tucked up to my chest. It was five degrees outside and I didn't have a coat on.

"When was the last time you slept" he asked.

"Two weeks ago" I mumbled.

"So you just sit up here every night and think" he sounded worried.

I nodded. "What do you think about".

"How this whole mess is because of my powers. How this is going to be my first Christmas. How if I stay the way I am now I could wind up getting everyone I love killed" I stated not looking at Peter.

"Will don't be so hard on yourself, wait did you say that this will be your first Christmas" he exclaimed "what did Hydra freeze you every Christmas".

"No, they just never let me celebrate. They never got me stuff; never decorated. Nothing. They also never let me celebrate New Years. They'd just tell me what year it was" I said staring out into the night.

"I'm so sorry".

"Don't be. It's Hydra's fault. Remember what I told you a while ago; never be sorry if it isn't your fault".

"I think you should go back to the tower. You clearly need to be around other Avengers".

"Hey Pete, do your think I'll ever find someone that knows exactly what I've gone through" I asked leaning on Peter.

"I'm not sure Will, you're the only person that I've met like you. I don't know if anyone has gone through what you have" he replied.

"Well for now I guess I'm stuck with you and your team" I smirked.

"Yeah I guess you are" he chuckled "can we go inside. It's freezing out here".

"Fine" I slid down the roof and landed in the backyard. Peter soon followed.

"There you two are. I've been looking for you everywhere" Aunt May said "Will, Tony called and said that they needed you back at the tower".

"Okay. I'll go get my bag" I went to the spare room.

Aunt May have me a ride back to the tower. Tony was waiting for me in the lobby. I noticed that everything had been decorated, most likely by Pepper.

"Why did you call me home" I asked.

"I just thought it would be safe for you now" Tony sounded just a little bit drunk. The elevator doors opened to reveal Steve.

"Hi dad" I said.

"How was Peter's" he asked.

"Good, but his team was there a lot" I replied "Why'd Tony call me home".

"He was working on a new combat suit for you" Steve replied.

"Yeah. I'll show you" Tony said heading towards the elevator. We followed him to the lab where a bunch of fabric was in a pile on one on the tables.

"Here" Tony tossed me a leather jacket "Leather shell and the inside is a fabric mesh. It should stand up to the average knife and is practically bullet proof".

Tony tossed me a pair of cargo pants. "Made of canvas and fabric mesh. Waterproof with plenty of pockets for weapon storage".

"And he got this as a joke" Steve said handing me a Captain America t-shirt.

"Hey it's a special shirt. It's fire proof. I made everything fireproof" Tony stated.

"Thanks Tony" I said. I headed up to my room to try my new suit on. It wasn't too tight like Nat's catsuit, but it also wasn't too loose like most of my other clothes.

"Now you look exactly like Cap" Clint joked from the doorway "you know with the short hair and the leather jacket. Now you just need the shield".

"Oh shut up" I turned around "how does it look".

"It looks like you are ready to kick some ass" he replied.

"Ha ha very funny" my phone buzzed.

"Hello" I answered.

"Will it's Skye" the person on the other end said.

"Why'd you call".

"We're going after Ward. Coulson wants you to come in" she stated.

"Why. I was just there two weeks ago".

"I said you could have the first shot at Ward didn't I".

"Yeah. So".

"Well we know where Ward is. Just come in Fitz and Simmons need someone to protect them in the field" Skye hung up.

"What was that about" Clint asked.

"Looks like I'm going to have to use the suit sooner than I thought" I said.

"What's that supposed to mean" he whined.

"Coulson's team called me in. They're going after Ward and promised me the first punch" I was walking to the landing pad "I need you to fly the jet".

"What do I tell the others".

"Tell them that the SHIELD team I was with found Ward. Simple as that".

"Fine. Strap in" he said.
Okay guys so I was looking through the files on my computer when I came across the very first draft of this series. After reading it I thought it was terrible, but if you guys want me to post it I will.

Said story is titled The Newest Avenger. It's a lot more lighthearted than this series.

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