Chapter 16

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"Hey Peter would it be okay if I came over for awhile" I asked.

"Will is something wrong; should I come to the tower" he replied "do you want me to bring the team".

"Come if you want. There's just a lot going on here right now and I'm afraid that if I'm left alone for too long then I'll do something that I may or may not regret" I stated.

"What's going on".

"Too much Peter, too much".

"I'm coming over and bring the team. See you in a few" Peter hung up. Sure enough ten minutes later Peter and the team were at the tower.

"So what's going on Will" Peter asked.

"I don't think you want to know".

"We want to know" Sam blurted.

"Fine then I'll show you, but I'm warning you now don't get too attached" I led them to the cell where Ouroboros was.

"He looks just like you and Cap" Sam commented.

"Who is this kid" Luke asked.

"He is another Hydra creation, their plan b in case I failed. He can control water and air. He was born on July fifth in 1943. He absolutely despises me and yes before you ask, he is my twin brother" I explained. Everyone stayed silent. Peter came up behind me and gave me a hug.

"Are you going to be okay" he asked.

"I can't be in the same room with him without wanting to kill him or at the very least hurt him" I answered. I hadn't noticed that Ouroboros had woken up.

"I had no clue that you thought that of me Ragnarok" he said.

"Guys get out of here now" I whispered.    

"Oh come on sis let me meet your friends and your boyfriend".

"No, and Peter is more of a brother to me than you are" I spat "guys let's go".

"Did she mention to you that I'm the one that is going to kill you all".

I ushered the team into the elevator. "Well he was" Danny started.

"Interesting" Ava finished.

"Yeah. Hydra treated him like a prince. He had a nice big cell with lights, a bed with blankets, nice clothing and he never got beat" I explained.

"I still don't get it. How can someone related to you be so loyal to Hydra" Luke said.

"I don't know. Maybe he isn't a full Rogers, maybe he has other DNA in him" I said.

"Maybe" Peter mumbled.

"Peter are you okay with this. I mean you've been like my brother for ten months" I stated.

"Yeah but that kid is awful, hey just know that if you ever need a real brother, then you always have me" he replied.

"Thanks, you guys wanna train. I need something to do and have anger to let out" I said.

"Sure" they said as the elevator doors opened to the gym. We trained for a few hours before Peter had to go.

"I heard your friends met your brother" Steve walked into my room.

"Oh yeah. I called Peter and he brought the team over because they were worried about me and they wanted to know what was going on" I sighed "they also hate that kid".

"What did he do now" Steve dat on the bed next to me.

"He said that he would be the one to destroy us all".

"One of these days he will realize that we saved him".

"I doubt that".

"We will get through to him".

"Well I can't accept him as family".

"Fine, I won't make you. I just hope that you can one day accept that we are related to our worst nightmare" Steve got up and left. I pondered what he said for a while. He was right. I was related to my worst nightmare. I eventually passed out.

I slept restlessly that night. I just couldn't shut my brain off. It was like something was nagging me.

I got up and headed downstairs to the cell of my brother. He was pacing the cell. "What do you want" I demanded.

"I didn't call for you" he said.

"Yes you did. I could hear it" I crossed my arms.

"I was think about you. I didn't know that you'd sense it" he was facing me now.

"Well could you stop, it's keeping me up".

"I thought about what you said earlier about my name" he started.

"Yeah and".

"Call me James" he said.

"You mean after Cap's best friend".

"You don't call him father, I thought you would".

"And yet you called our father evil".

"I called your father evil. I won't accept that evil man as my family" James said.

"Oh come on. Without Cap neither of us would be alive" I ranted.

"Fair point, but I still think that he's evil".

"Just stop thinking about how you plan to kill me" I turned and left. I headed up to the communal floor to sit and think. The elevator dinged open. Tony was sitting at the bar with a drink in hand. He turned at looked at me.

"What are you doing up. It's like two A.M." he said.

"Couldn't sleep" I slid into the seat next to him.

"Why'd you just come from the cells".

"He was keeping me up with his thought in how to murder me" I stated tapping my fingers on the glass tabletop.

"How'd you know".

"I could sense that he was thinking about me. Oh and by the way he wants to be called James, I'm not sure why, but he does".

"James like your dad's best friend James the Winter Soldier" Tony asked.


"You should get some sleep".

"So should you" I stated.

"I'm an adult, I can stay up as long as I want" Tony whined.

"Yeah, but I have insomnia".

"Touché, but you still need to get some rest".

"Fine" I headed back up to my room, but I didn't sleep. I couldn't shut my brain off. It was running through every possible scenario of having a brother.

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